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First aid training specifications change / New DD courses

  1. AHA Heartsaver 1st Aid, CPR & AED course (AHAF) will be implemented for PDO staff with immediate effect, as will the refresher for this course (AHAR). All BLS certificate holders will need to attend AHAF when the present BLS certificate is due for recertification. Specification for these courses is within SP 1157 revision 1.0 The current provider of the AHAF and AHAR courses for PDO staff is Medical Training Centre. Details will be found on the HSE Training web page.
  2. AHA Heartsaver 1st Aid, CPR & AED course (AHAF) and (AHAR) will be implemented for contractor staff with effect 1st March 2012. The PDO BLSF and BLSR courses will not be available after that date. Details will be found on the HSE Training web pages. Specifications comment as in A) above.
  3. DD08 Ambulance Driver course, & DD09 Fire Emergency vehicle driver course are introduced with immediate effect for PDO and Contractor staff, and delivered exclusively by TATI. Details for bookings are on the Defensive Driving web page. Specifications comment as in A) above.

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