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2021 2nd Alert HiPo56A water mixing pump exploded caused part of pump's housing parted and ejected away
On 30-Sep-2021, Cementing job was ongoing at RHNS 17, after completing displacement of cement and during pressure testing the casing 7“, cement supervisor and DSV heard abnormal noise, they found out centrifugal pump on the unit has been burst causing part of pump's housing been ejected approximately 6 meters away. No injuries. Why it happened/Finding : Part of Centrifugal pump sheared and ejected under pressure Cement Supervisor did not switch off the pump, he did not make walkthrough to the equipment before case testing. Suction Discharge butterfly valves were closed caused the pump to be overheated Risk of human error for misuse of centrifugal pump was not captured in the risk register
Potential failure of centrifugal pump can occur due when no fluid flow through the pump and discharge (outlet) and/or suction (inlet) are shut. Always consider to Include potential failure of Centrifugal pumps to HEMP Always ensure pump is running with flow and never run it with either discharge or suction valve shut. Communicate the learning to all employees Recommendation to modify the C-pump to shut off automatically, in case of operating the pump in dry mode (both inlet and outlet valves are closed).

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety