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2016 Second Alert LTI#35 Finger injury
The task was to prepare nipple down BOP. After unscrewing all the BOP nuts and studs, the Floorman-1 was coming out from the cellar, holding the pad eye of the substructure lower beam. At the same time, the Floor man-2 unintentionally operated off Driller’s side (ODS) BOP hoisting winch which resulted in the tilting of BOP from one end. Consequently the Floorman-1’s right hand thumb finger got trapped in between the pad eye and BOP shear ram bonnet.
Ensure you follow the procedures/instructions of your immediate Supervisor. Identify all the hazards, assess the risks and controls prior to all tasks. Intervene if the task is performed unsafely or if the instructions are not being followed. Isolate equipment/ winch controls after use & keep the equipment winch control in its designated safe place. Ensure the BOP winch operation controls are carried out only by the crew after receiving adequate training and assessment, to perform the task in a safe manner. Trained/Competent person should only operate winch Isolate BOP winch controls after its use

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Safety