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2019 Safety Alert LTI#19 Mast collapse
On the 5th December 2019 at @16:30hrs while pulling out of hole after reverse circulation excess cement, the Driller commenced pulling out of hole with variable pipe rams of the Blow out Preventer in the closed position. When the tool joint hit the pipe ram the entire mast, including pipe stands collapsed towards the catwalk area. The Derrickman was killed and 3 other crewmen were injured.
How do you know the structure is able to withstand multiple shock impacts? How do you ensure the tension of the supporting guy lines are measured as per Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) recommendations?  How do you know that the Blow out Preventer status is checked prior to commencing pulling out of hole? Do you know the weakest point on the hoisting system/structure design and the operating envelope? How do you know that procedures are clear, available, current, and workable? How do you ensure that people are out of the line of fire during such operations?

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Safety