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2022 2nd Alert HiPo#03 Wheel loader hit 33kv OHL stay wire.
A wheel loader while being reversed to level a 300 mm trench, came in contact with stay wore rope of a 33KV OHL. The contact with stay wire cause impact on conductors attached to OHL. 02 out of the 03 conductors parted from OHL pole and fell down.
Always ensure availability of banksman while working with heavy equipment in congested area Always operate equipment after ensuring banksman is in proper position Always ensure site specific hazards are identified, risks managed and controls discussed with crews Always ensure proper communication between peers Always ensure that all incidents are immediately reported to PDO Emergency Number Always encourage intervention of unsafe behavior within the peers Do not reverse equipment without banksman.
Equipment mentioned in PTW was not deployed to site Improper equipment was used in congested area Reversing of wheel loader was not guided by the banksman Operator did not consider proximity of stay wire while reversing OHL pole and adjacent hazardous areas were not barricaded. TBT was ineffective for the hazards in the area.

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety