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Fatality: Fall Through Grating
  • Nature of the incident Ugurlu Gasanov (40 yrs old, Azeri, married with 2 children) fell through grating that he was working on and into the sea at 01:30hrs. Despite good weather at the time, rescue attempts were unsuccessful and he has not been found.

  • Work being undertaken: Safety improvement work to remove grating, install a beam to improve mechanical support, and reinstall the grating on the bow deck extension of the MCCI (McDermott) Pipelay Barge (PLB).

  • What went wrong: Inadequate work control processes (job planning, permits, task risk assessments, toolbox talks) by the barge management, supervision and the work crew allowed the job to be undertaken, without a full understanding of the hazards and without proper safety precautions.

  • Key forward actions: Improve the work control processes and accountabilities, and implement an audit process to ensure that work is controlled as planned.

Category:LTI PacksDocument Type:Safety