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2024 Second Alert LTI#05 Finger Injury
At around 08:20 hrs, function test powered catwalk was in progress. Rig electrician who was standing in proximity of catwalk accidently placed his right hand in between rotating pulley and skate sling causing injury on his fingers. Immediately first aid was given and taken to Marmul clinic and later transferred to Salalah for further evaluation.
RM should always ensure to assign the authorized person to control the automatic catwalk operating panel. RM should always ensure all the rotating equipment have adequate safety guards. Driller/AD should always ensure effective zone management in place and employees are adhere to it. Driller/AD should always ensure crew members are not standing near to rotating equipment (LOF). All Employee should Always ensure to Stop and intervene for any unsafe acts/conditions. Driller/AD should always ensure to prepare & Discuss PTW and supporting document prior to start operation. RM should always ensure to raise MOC for any change in equipment. RM should always ensure that CCTV is always working. Always ensure to follow Musta’ed 7 steps.
1. Planning was in adequate as roles and responsibilities was not defined, unwanted employee was involved in operation and roustabout was assigned to operate catwalk during function test. 2. Rotating pulley and Skate sling guard was not installed during function test. 3. Zone management as hard barrier was in place but not followed. 4. Electrician was not involved on TBT & PTW prior to start operation. 5. Supervisor failed to ensure all rotating equipments were secured with guard and additional employees were standing around. 6. Crew failed to intervene the electrician who was standing near to Catwalk during function test.

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety