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2021 2nd Alert LTI35 Helper hand got trapped between hook and chassis while winching the wire rope into winch drum
A helper was assisting prime mover driver to hook up the wire rope onto the chassis, whilst doing so his 2 fingers on his right hand were trapped between the hook and the chassis as the driver was winching the wire rope into the winch drum. The Helper was transferred to Haima Hospital (approx. 50km away from the incident location) with assistant rig move Supervisor in Truckoman pickup. The Helper was later referred to Muscat for advanced treatment where he received surgery approx. 12 hours following the incident Why it happened/Finding : The winch rope was hooked onto the chassis instead of built-in D-ring (shortcut) The helper placed his finger on the line of fire The driver did not wait for signal to spool the rope (communication) No intervention has been made by the third person No Supervision was provided to the task
Always ensure to place your body parts away from line of fire Always ensure you can see and be seen Always communicate properly before performing any task with other colleague Always ensure proper Supervision in place Always do Intervention on seeing any unsafe act or unsafe condition

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety