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2024 Firs Alert LTI#5 Electrician suffered multiple fractured fingers druing function test of power catwalk.
At around 08:20 hrs, function test of powered catwalk was in progress. The hoist electrician who was supporting the function test activities accidently placed his right hand in between rotating pulley and skate sling which resulted in multiple fractures to his right-hand fingers.
How do you ensure all hazards are identified and communicated before starting and during the task? How do you ensure all the rotating equipment have adequate safety guards? How do you ensure that employees are away from (LOF) line of fire? How do you ensure the work is effectively supervised? Never place your hands in the rotating equipment (LOF)
There was no guard in place for the skate sling pulley during the function test. The process of preventing people from line of fire hazards was not adhered to. The hazards of unguarded rotating parts were not identified.

Category:Incident First AlertDocument Type:Safety