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STOP, change is coming FAQ
In 2015, the PDO STOP training license, with Dupont, expired. A decision was made not to renew the licence. However, the license to use STOP materials remains. No new training can take place and it has been removed from the training modules. PDO has taken a decision to develop its own behavioural safety technology and one that follows the same fundamentals of any behaviour based system, but is customized to our work, our environment and our people. Over the past 6 months extensive research, studies and engagements have taken place to design a blue print of the in-house system, which has now been endorsed by ???. Work is underway to develop the tools & materials. A pilot is expected to run to determine the success of the program in 2016 prior to launching it across the organization in 2017. We understand as with any change that there may be some reservations and concerns.

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