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2021 2nd Alert LTI33 Jackhammer operator hit by a stone which got dislodged from the sidewall of the trench during manual excavation resulting in fractured leg
Manual excavation was carried out inside the trench using a jackhammer. During this time, a stone embedded from the sidewall of the trench got dislodged, rolled down the access slope, and hit the left side of left leg of the Jackhammer operator resulting in a fracture of the Tibia bone. Why it happened/Finding : Inadequate risk assessment Inadequate identification of hazards present in workplace.
Learning points for them from the investigation Always ensure risk & controls are effectively verified before the commencement of the activity Always ensure you conduct effective toolbox talk . Always ensure that trenches are inspected prior to personnel entry. Always ensure that proper slopes, step cuttings, and shoring are provided as required Ensure trenches are safe before personnel entry

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety