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2022 2nd Alert Hipo#22 During loading the drilling spool on lowbed trailer, the vehicle struck by the drilling spool and dropped on ground.
On 10th March 2022, at 13:50 hours, a crane was lifting a drill spool load intending to place it onto a lowbed trailer. The load was suspended approx. 1.5m from the ground. A Rig Move Supervisor was assisting the lowbed in a reversing motion to be placed under the load (normal practice). The “gooseneck” of the manoeuvring vehicle then came into contact with the suspended drilling spool causing it to unbalance the load. As the slings had been incorrectly placed the force of this unbalance caused the load to drop to the ground. The spool rested on one of the outriggers of the crane.
Always follow the Lift plan whenever applicable and use correct slinging method as advised on it Always attach the sling through the sling eyes. Never pass the sling through the hook Always carryout dynamic risk assessment Always be position in correct manner where you see/control the hazards, seek assistance if requires any Always use your empowerment to STOP if you feel anything unsafe. Ensure you follow the Lift Plan / Use correct rigging method.
The Crew failed to refer the Lift plan for this particular lift Incorrect rigging method used Improper Work Planning: The lowbed was not parked appropriately at initial stage (prior lifting) The RMS was positioned inappropriately when signaling the lowbed

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety