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Incident Prevention Through Learning from Incidents

A little girl was crossing a bridge over a river with her father. The father was afraid that his small daughter could fall in the river, he asked her to hold firmly his hand. She said: No Dad, you hold firmly my hand. The father immediately questioned her: what is the difference? She replied: there is a big difference Dad. If I hold your hand and for some reason I could not any more withstand keeping it, I would simply leave your hand and fall down in the river. However, if you hold my hand I am sure whatever happens you will not let me fall down in the river.

Our relationship at work should be like this. Manager looking after his team, Supervisors taking care of their subordinates. We all need to be enjoying work together in a safe manner and avoid any harm to members of the workforce family.

We have to learn from each incident to ensure the same oversight does not happen again. If we do not learn then any one of us could be the next victim. The incident investigations have revealed that the root causes are deficiencies in work planning, ineffective supervision and leadership, failure to implement procedures and improper behavior.

Category:PresentationsDocument Type:Safety