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2023 First alert LTI#13 assistant Driller Hand & finger
While Assistant Driller was tightening up the pull-down lines on the floating crown, he gave the hand signal to the Floorman to convey to the driller (also by hand signal) to hoist up the top drive. At this time he lost his balance and accidently placed his right hand on the line while the driller was raising the Top Drive System (TDS). His index finger got caught between the sheave wheel and the pull-down line resulting in partial amputation of his right-hand index finger.
How do you ensure the TDS must never be operated when the person is in close proximity to the sheaves? How do you ensure Personnel move to the platform first before giving any signal to hoist the TDS? How do you ensure better communication methods are used, such as two Way Radios, thereby reducing reliance on hand signals between three people?

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Safety