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Prickly Heat - Also referred to as heat rash, appears on the skin as tiny red vesicles (bumps) in areas continuously wet with un-evaporated sweat. Treated by replacing wet clothing. Recognizing Symptoms of Heat Illness Heat Cramps- Muscle spasms caused by salt loss and dilution of tissue fluid. Cramps usually occur during or shortly after work that involves profuse sweating. Treatment involves movement into cool environment and drinking fluids. Heat Exhaustion- Generally a mild form of heat disorder resulting from dehydration. Symptoms may include clammy skin, pale complexion, fatigue, nausea, and headache. Treatment involves movement into a cool environment and drinking fluids. Heat Stroke- Considered a medical emergency. It is the result of the failure of the body’s cooling mechanism and can result in death if not immediately treated. Symptoms include hot, dry skin, confusion, loss of consciousness and convulsions. Treatment involves the rapid cooling of the body and immediate medical attention ( Call 24675555)

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