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2020 2nd Alert HiPo#60 (DROPs)Travelling rig block fall on floor
On 27th of August 2020 at 08:37 am the rig was waiting for rigging up casing gears. The travelling block was parked at a height of approximately 4.7 mtrs. from the rig floor. Suddenly the block descended and rested on the rig floor. During this event, the fast line got removed from the fast line clamp and travelled through the fast line sheave and dropped to the rig floor. The fast line clamp was found lying close to the draw works on the rig trailer bed.
Always ensure that slip and cut job is carried out based on SOP and with consideration of OEM requirement. Always Ensure that Slip and Cut operation is supervised by Site Supervisor. Always Ensure that Draw work, brake system and other drill lines are daily checked with accordance to field checklist. Always perform critical task under PTW system. Always ensure TBT is conducted before job.

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety