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2019 Second Alert HiPo#40 MVI between Land cruser and 3rd Party truck
Driver of the Land Cruiser Prado was waiting for an employee from Muscat by bus. He stopped next to the passenger rest shed off road near the T junction. The employee, after alighting from the bus, waived to the driver who responded with an impulsive action of crossing the carriageway from his position. On seeing the Prado entering the carriageway, the third party trailer Driver tried to maneuver the vehicle to his right. However he could not avoid the collision. The accident resulted in extensive damage to the Prado and minor damage to the trailer. The Prado Driver got minor abrasion injuries on his right hand whereas the Trailer driver escaped unhurt.
Always use designated road meant for safe travel; avoid shortcut. Always follow road markings and traffic signs. Always check that the traffic on both sides is clear while entering / crossing the road. Always pause and think before responding to a situation. Report unsafe condition to your Supervisor. DO NOT PUT YOUR LIFE IN THE LINE OF FIRE

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Safety