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2019 Second Alert HiPo#51 Rig mast entangled OHL during rig move
Whilst on route to the new location during a Rig convoy move, at approximately 2000hrs the Rig mast was passing underneath an OHPL 150m from the new location when the Rig mast became entangled with the OHPL causing it to snap 3 x lines and 3 x OHPL Poles. The driver stopped the vehicle on being alerted of the incident. The RMS then made the decision for the driver to remain in the vehicle until the area was barricaded and that no electrical power existed before the driver was instructed to exit from the vehicle. No injuries were sustained
Ensure you record ALL hazards on route on the route survey Ensure you brief all other participating ARMS, RMS and drivers on the route survey Ensure all ARMS, RMS and Drivers have a coloured copy of the route survey Ensure you plan ahead to avoid driving in the dark Ensure you report any discrepancies or changes with the route survey Ensure you have a colored copy of the route survey Ensure you have been briefed on the route survey Ensure you use your empowerment to STOP where required Avoid driving in the dark Use your empowerment to stop unsafe acts

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Safety