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2022 2nd Alert LTI#14 Catering staff was descending from the freezer truck, he lost balance, slipped and fell on ground landing on hand and causing fracture.
Catering store attendant while descending from the freezer van his heel slipped on the step, lost balance and fell down on concrete floor. He landed on the ground placing his right hand on concrete floor resulting in injury to his right wrist. The catering attendant was shifted to PAC Tawoos clinic and doctor after initial treatment and referred to Salalah for further medical management at Badar al Samaa hospital.
Always ensure proper access arrangements on all vehicles. Always descend and ascend steps by facing towards vehicle. Always ensure 3-point contact while climbing up and down
Design of the vehicle not appropriate with no proper access/egress. The catering attendant failed to pay enough attention while placing his leg. No process identified for loading / unloading of domestic goods in camp. The footing step provided at the side door was not easily accessible/visible while descending.

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety