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Safety Day 2010 Article - Ramadhan and Fatigue Management

As part of Safety Day: Do the Right Thing in Managing Fatigue, we are presenting a series of short articles to raise your awareness of fatigue and fatigue-related risks as well to give you some ideas and tips as to avoid these hazards and keep you and your family safe.

Ramadhan & Fatigue Management

Ramadan (the ninth month of the lunar calendar) represents the period when fasting is observed by more than a billion Muslims around the world. Fasting involves abstinent from eating and drinking from sunrise to sunset. The lunar calendar does not correspond to the Gregorian calendar; and thus Ramadan¿s occurrence varies each year and may in some years occur during very hot summer months.

In totality, the changes of our daily routines are markedly altered during Ramadhan. The commitment to eat and drink only during the night leads to a definite change in the rhythm of life; sleep -- sleep duration becomes shorter--, eating schedule, and the alternation of rest and activity are especially affected.

Category:General ItemsDocument Type:General