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2022 2nd Alert LTI15 rigger was unbolting the stiffened bolt to release the pipe flange, the pipe hit his leg causing fracture.
On 01st May 2022, two pipe sections were bolted together for PE pulling activity. The bolting was done to arrest the anticipated movements on host pipe during PE pulling. When PE pulling was completed, both lines were in tension to one another. In order to arrest lateral movement of the host pipe, rigger attached the host pipe to a 07 ton HIAB by using web slings. After this, the rigger approached the other pipe section to remove the bolt. Rigger observed that tension is still there on the pipeline and the bolt was not coming manually. He decided to remove the bolt by hammering it. For removing the bolt, he positioned himself parallelly with the line and hammered it. As soon as the bolt detached from pipeline, the line made an abrupt movement towards the rigger. Seeing this movement, rigger tried to move back, but his right leg made contact with the pipeline, injuring him. The rigger then shifted to Tawoos PAC Clinic and subsequently to SQH Salalah for further medical management.
Always use earth moving equipment for anchoring during PE pulling activity. Always identify the tension in pipeline and stay away from line of fire. Always discuss all the potential line of fire and pinch points in your activities. Always follow safe work procedure Always conduct thorough housekeeping before commencing activities
Rigger removed the stiffened pin from a tensed pipe by standing in line of fire. Housekeeping of the workplace was inadequate to avoid slip, trip & fall. Site specific hazards not identified by crew before job commencement. Procedure for anchoring of pipeline was not followed.

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety