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2021 2nd Alert LTI24 Pipe fitter suffered fractured finger while hammering a spanner
On 27/10/2021 at about 11:45am a Pipe Fitter engaged in seal clamp bolting activity inside the Amal station suffered injury on his left thumb as he inadvertently hammered his thumb while hammering the Ring Ended Hammering Spanner resulting in non-displaced fracture on left thumb. Why it happened/Finding : Pipe Fitter placed his thumb in line of fire. Use of suitable tool (spanner with a finger saver tool) was not ensured for the activity Crew used a spanner instead of wrench due to space constraints. There was no intervention against the use of spanner for such jobs.
Always use right tool for the job Always keep your hand and fingers away from points of potential injury Always focus on your job and be cautious while using hammer Intervene on unsafe acts and practices.

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety