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2018 Second Alert - SA021_LTI21
Able Seaman was working on the Tug Boat during an un-berthing of a tanker at Mina Al Fahal Port. He had assisted in securing the eye of the Port side mooring rope to a bollard and had placed 15 meters of 26 mm diameter tail rope on the forward deck. During the Tug’s maneuvers the eye of the mooring rope came off the bollard and as this rope was under tension it started to pull the tail rope into the water at high speed. The end of the tail rope struck his lower right leg and wrapped itself around his leg causing a fracture of the bones in this leg.
Always maintain clear communications between supervisor and able seamen. Always keep clear of any rope under tension. Always follow safe system of work. Always place tail ropes behind barriers.

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Safety