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Ramadhan Road Safety Controls

In light of the fatal road accidents which have historically occurred within PDO during Ramadhan, PDO in 2009 upgraded its SP2000 controls requiring the introduction of specific Ramadhan Management Systems to formally control the potential risk to Muslims driving in the Holy Month whilst fasting.

Attached is a guidance note for all PDO and contractors who manage an operation involving driving to check against the controls they have planned to ensure all risks have been addressed.

Please review your management controls against the guidance note and action any which you might have over-looked which are appropriate to you.

Remember, to manage your operations safely on the road during Ramadhan using your management system and keep everyone alive and safe on the roads.

Contract Holders are requested to review the controls to ensure that have been devised and implemented by the contractors.

Guidance note: Download here

Chris Evans

Category:General ItemsDocument Type:Road Safety
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