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2018 Second Alert - SA020_LTI20
On the 20/07/2018 at approximately 17:45 hours, a crew helper was placing the prime movers wheel chocks back into the storage bracket, located on the passenger side of the prime mover in front of and in close proximity to, the passenger side rear wheels, as the helper entered in to the gap between the 1st rear axle and the fuel tank the driver started moving his prime mover forward, resulting in the vehicle rear wheels striking the helper, causing him to fall to the ground and the vehicle wheels drove over the helpers legs.
Always ensure you keep yourself out of the line of fire. Always ensure good lines of communications are maintained Always ensure you’re the right person to undertake the activity Always ensure you inform (verbally) the driver of the activity you are about to undertake Always follow the procedures Always ensure you wear hi visibility vest, to make sure everyone can see you Ensure you see the driver and the driver see’s you before approaching the vehicle

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Safety