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Safe Journey Management Refresher Courses

To All PDO CONTRACTORS & SUB-CONTRACORS via Contract Holders & CSRs,

Reference to Table 3 (Summary of Planning Information from Course Specifications) in the PDO HSE Training Specification SP1157 Revision 7.0 dated 19th October 2009; the current approved & certified Safe Journey Managers certificate validity will expire by the end of this month December 2011 and therefore a renewal training must be applied for via TATI.

Please ensure that all your current SJ Managers working for PDO, Contractors and Sub-Contractors are booked to attend the Refresher course. All new recruited SJ Managers MUST comply with the below mentioned pre-requisites; for both batches employed post 31st August 2009 and pre 1st September 2009.

Table 3 Summary of Planning Information from Course Specifications

Course Title

Course Code

Target Population



Recertification Interval

Pre-Requisites for attendance

Safe Journey Management

LXA970, LXE970, LXH970

PDO & Contractor first line supervisor and/or managers responsible for the operational management of driving activities, and Contractor HSE Advisors


8 hours

SJM Reassessment at 3 years intervals

Employed post - 31/8/2009

  • Core HSE learning Ladder
  • DD Permit Holder

Employed pre- 1/9/2009

  • HSE Induction
  • HSE Tools & Skills
  • Safety Leadership Course appropriate to the role held
  • DD Permit Holder

All CH & CSRs are requested to insure their contractors comply to the above and no SJ Manager will be authorised to issue or manage any SJM plan(s) by the end of March 2012, without being recertified after completing the new SJ Management Course and passing the set exam.

The three months grace period is given to ensure everyone has sufficient time to nominate and re-train their SJ Manager.

The RSST teams will be tasked to audit all the SJM teams and offices to ensure compliance starting mid February 2012.

Hamed Al-Esry
Senior Corporate Road Safety Advisor (MSE/13)

Category:General ItemsDocument Type:Road Safety
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