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2024 First Alert LTI#02&3 Pickup and Crane MVI Collision
On 14.1.2024 at approximately 14:16hrs, a pickup vehicle operated by Sarooj Construction company LLC’s sub-contractor (Bin Al Sawahali Trading & Contracting company LLC ) was involved in a collision with a mobile crane operated by STS. The pickup was en-route from Saih Rawl towards Qarn Alam on a diversion road after delivering food to his crew members at site. At around 14:14Hrs nearly 2kms away from Qarn Alam roundabout, the pickup veered onto the oncoming lane, causing the front left corner of the pickup to collide with the front left corner of the crane approaching from Qarn Alam side. The pickup driver sustained a compound fracture to his left arm and simple fracture to his left leg and knee. The pickup passenger and crane operator were treated for minor injuries.
How do you ensure that drivers are aware of speed limits on new routes/roads? How do you know that drivers are well rested before commencing a journey? As a driver, what steps do you take to ensure your safety while driving? Comply with the speed limits and stay alert while driving.
The pickup was travelling at a speed of 101km/hr. The speed limit for the diversion road was 40km/hr. The pickup vehicle drove onto the oncoming lane with no signs of braking.

Category:Incident First AlertDocument Type:Safety