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Hearts & Minds Video: Who is the Loser?
This video was made with the intension of more effectively disseminating the Hearts and Minds message amongst the Arabic speaking workforce, working in and supporting well engineering activities in PDO.

It is made in two languages, Arabic and English. The Arabic version is the principle presentation. It is not intended that the English presentation is shown, but it is to be used as a reference for English speakers. A reference that non Arabic supervisors should watch before presenting to their Arabic Crews.

One message is carried throughout both presentations. If you have an accident, it is you that suffers the most in all aspects of your life. Health/Family/Financially/Career. Its up to you as an individual to look after yourself and your work colleagues.

This video was made with the encouragement of the Well Engineering DOIRC members, and the support of Dalma Energy and MB Petroleum.

The presenter featured in this video is Khalfan Al Esry. Khalfan is the Head of Corporate HSE in PDO. The material used in these presentations was put together and presented by him. The 2005 Well Engineering DOIRC Members wish to thank Khalfan for his time and effort freely given to produce this video.

Note: The file is 250 MB+. So it may take soem time to download.

Category:VideosDocument Type:Safety
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