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2016 Second Alert - LTI#34 LTI Finger Injury
While running in the hole with 7” casing, joint #6 was picked up and moved to the floor using a sling.  The Floorman hooked up the casing elevator and installed the safety pin. Thereafter the Floorman signaled to the driller to lower the winch line. While waiting the Floorman put his left hand between the elevator and bail eye. As the winch was lowered his Left Hand index finger was crushed resulting in damage to his finger and nail bed. 
Ensure risk assessment is done, communicated to work force and followed at all times Ensure pinch points & safe handling points are clearly identified / painted Ensure communication of pinch points specific to the job TBT must cover job-specific hazards. Use the correct Lifting Method (tag line) Stay out of the Line of Fire Never block the view of the operator with your body Immediately STOP if you cannot see the load or the banksmen

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:General