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Worker Struck by Dropped Object

On April 6, 2009, at a contract-drilling rig in South Texas, two crewmembers were in the process of retrieving drill collar slips from a storage box with a forklift. They had previously completed a JSA and performed a pre-use inspection on the forklift. The forklift operator retrieved the forklift attachment. Neither crewmember attached the tie back cable. The forklift operator and injured party (IP) installed a lifting sling. They retrieved two sets of drill collar slips and were in the process of attaching a third. At some point, the operator tilted the forks down. The IP connected the third set of drill collar slips and signalled the forklift operator to lift the slips. The forklift operator raised the boom to lift the load. The lifting device slid off the forks and fell, striking the IP. He was standing inside the of the 15ft buffer zone. The IP was immediately transferred via ambulance to a local hospital for medical attention. Several days later, the IP passed away.

Key Findings:

1. Key Lifting and Hoisting / Safety requirements were not followed:

  • Neither crewmember visually confirmed tie back cable was installed.
  • The lifting device tie back cable was not secured.
  • The IP did not stay 15 feet away from the load as per JSA (to ensure he was safeguarded from entering the path of the load).
  • JSA was not fully executed.
  • There was a previous incident of inadvertent tilting of forks, which was not reported.

2. Crewmembers inconsistently executed and supervisors inconsistently validated safety procedures and practices mentioned above.

3. The model of forklift being used at the time of the incident was similar to but not exactly the same as the one regularly used. The controls were different. The familiarity of the operator with the replacement forklift was not verified.

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety