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2020 2nd alert HiPo#34 (Released Energy) FM installing tong counter weight when struck
Rig crew (AD, Floormen (3), Crane Operator) were working on the installation of the counterweight assembly on the mast. After having attached the bottom part of the assembly with the bolts, a Floorman moved to the right and positioned himself under the center of the counterweight assembly while it still was suspended. While attempting to adjust the assembly to fixing points, the assembly unexpectedly shifted towards the Floorman striking him.
Always exercise STOP Work Authority when safety is concerned. Always use approved safe work practices & follow work instructions. Always ensure adequate supervision of non-routine lifts. Always perform risk assessment even for routine and simple tasks. Always address 10 questions for a safe lift. Always have an approved lift plan in place prior to a lift. Always verify safety precautions prior to authorizing PTW. Always ensure competency of task participants prior to performing the job.

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety