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2023 2nd Alert Hipo#06 The BOP disconnect of 2”3/8 NU coupling from TBG and fall down.
On 12th February 2023 at 22:30 hours, operation was shifting completion barriers by Hadco slick line. While preparing for fifth slick line run and while attempting to connect the lubricator to slick line BOP stack, suddenly the complete slick line BOP tilted toward V-door side. This has resulted in disconnection of 2”3/8 NU coupling and causing the complete slickline BOP to drop from rig floor and to rest on V-door frame from a height of 3m. At the same time, the slickline wire got parted resulting in the fall of slickline tool which penetrated through driller cabin top roof window. No injury was reported and minor equipment damage.
Always use the correct size/capacity of equipment. Always stay away from the line of fire. Always follow SOP and maintain focus on the job at hand. Always execute SWA for any unsafe act or unsafe condition. Always stay away from the line of fire and stay focused on the job at hand.
TBT,PTW and generic JSA in place but without task-based risk assessment for the lubricator lift SL BOP was pulled sideways with 1,000lbs unintended tension on the slickline during the lubricator lifting because SL Operator did not follow SOP to slack the wire before the lift BOP assembly subsequently got disconnected from the threaded 2 3/8” tubing end due to the sideways wire tension BOP fell to the V-door and the slickline tool dropped from the lubricator, landing on the roof of the driller cabin SL Operator was not focused on his job, taking a meal break inside cabin while lifting was in progress Slickline assistant who was on the BOP work platform at the time of incident was saved by the safety harness from falling from height No further harm due to well managed No-Go zone with rigid barriers Driller & AD were in driller’s cabin at the time of incident

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety