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2017 Second Alert - LTI#17
After installing rat hole scabbard the Kelly was rested on the rotary. 9-5/8” The crane operator picked up the motor to rotary table. While the 2 Floor men were guiding and pushing motor at rig floor, the crane boom got entangled with Kelly spinner causing Kelly assembly to move and swing towards the motor. As a result the Acting Floorman’s (Floorman-1) right hand ring finger got pinched between the Kelly Bushing Guard & the motor assembly. Floorman-2 received back pain, when he was pushed by the Kelly.
Always identify the hazards & dynamic risks during TBT Make sure effective supervision is implemented during the task Always discuss/implement 4 H & F golden Question to perform the task Hands free. Maintain safe body position and stay away from line of fire, No Go zone requirements are strictly implemented. Ensure that there is no static / dynamic obstacles in the direction / area of the lift.

Category:LTI PacksDocument Type:Safety