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Contractor killed by discharge of gas from pressurised bottle
Some Warehouse Service Contract Staff embarked on a routine clean up and re-arrangement exercise in Kidney Island Pipe yard, Port Harcourt in preparation for the Keep Shell Nigeria Clean Inspection. During this process, some cylinders with Chlorine under pressure fell-off the forklift (on a pallet) and rolled into a nearby gutter. In an attempt by the crew to manually pick-up these 157 kg heavy cylinders, one of the them slipped from their hands and hit another cylinder in the gutter. The resultant impact fractured the neck of the bottle leading to discharge of gas from it into the atmosphere. Some members of the crew inhaled the gas and were given medical attention at Kidney Island Clinic. The victims were later evacuated in an Ambulance to Shell Industrial area Hospital for further medical attention. One of the affected crewmembers died in the hospital at about 1430hrs the same day. Autopsy report confirmed the cause of death, as pulmonary Oedema.

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety