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2021 2nd Alert HiPo#31 Vacuum tanker rolled down after chocks removal
V. Tanker was assigned to do draining (sucking) of oil inside station. After completing the oil sucking work, Permit Holder decided to remove the V. Tanker from the location to go to PDO Waste Management yard for draining (unloading) of the oil in this process, Permit Holder removed rear wheel chocks. Due to this V. Tanker suddenly started moving downwards on the slope of the ramp where it was parked and hit the fire hydrant line causing damage to the hydrant line and hose reel box.
Never parked any vehicle on a slope/elevated surface (ramp) Never remove any wheel chocks without discussing with the driver Helper shall ensure that the driver is inside vehicle and aware that he is going to remove the wheel chocks All activity shall be done in a proper sequence. Toolbox talk shall be conducted before starting any work Site specific hazards need to be identified & discuss during TBT

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety