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Grinder Injury
Offshore in Indonesia (non-BP site), a worker was cutting aluminium roof using a granite grinder, the grinder¿s wheel broke apart and hit his face causing serious injury between his upper lips and nose. After first aid treatment he was sent to Samarinda Hospital for further treatment. The doctor at Samarinda Hospital recommended he be hospitalised for about two weeks. Based on manufacturer specification, Makita grinder model 9006B should use 6¿ grinding wheel, speed load 10,000 RPM. 9.5¿ grinding wheel was used instead of using 6¿ grinding wheel. This wheel was over sized and allowed only to be run at 3400 RPM. Grinding wheel was running at 10,000 RPM (over rated speed) causing the wheel fly apart and hit the mechanic¿s face.

What Went Wrong
-Utilised improper tool.
- No grinder safety guard.
- Not using face shield for PPE.
- Mechanic has been warned but he ignored it.

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety