Fountain online Help: a searchable extensive online HELP facility
PDO Fountain Incident Tracking HELPDESK: our friendly operators will give you all the help you need!
Call them on: (968) 246-75599 or send them an E-mail (Service Saturday to Wednesday only)
PDO Gatekeeper: overall QA/QC of the PDO data input
Directorate Focalpoints: your first port of call for assistance on HSE incidents in your directorate
Call your Directorate HSE advisors: OSS, ONS, OSHH, GGS, XPS, UWZ/1 and UIC/1
A safe "play" environment (sandbox) which you can use to familiarise yourself with the system without entering "real data". This environment is wiped clean regularly.
the PDO procedure that must be followed for all HSE Incidents
Short description of the main categories of the new PDO RAM is included in PR-1418 revision 2.0.
Note that the formal Group RAM is described in the Shell Yellow Guide: RAM.
the basis for PR-1418
the basis for PR-1418 and EP-2005-0170.
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