ID | Title |
15856 | HSE Global Networks( 19/08/2001) |
15857 | Guidelines on completing the Well Engineering - 24 hr Incident Notification Form( 03/04/2002) |
15860 | Guidelines on using Waste Consignment Notes( 03/04/2002) |
15863 | Toilet Hygiene( 22/03/2003) |
15866 | Compliance is good attitude( 12/05/2003) |
15867 | Al Sulokeyat Al Salema and Accountability for Safety( 08/06/2003) |
15868 | Al Sulokeyat Al Salema - The Correct Bahaviours( 08/06/2003) |
15870 | Coaching for Safety( 08/06/2003) |
15871 | Dangers of Vehicle Remote Key Immobilisers( 25/08/2003) |
15872 | OSD Finger Tips( 11/04/2004) |
15873 | Use of Seatbelts in Sultanate of Oman( 20/09/2004) |
15874 | Employee Communication (subsea 7 incident during mobilisation of ROV system)( 06/04/2005) |
15877 | Task Risk Assessment (TRA: Tools for toolbox talks)( 23/05/2005) |
15879 | Haz-ID: Hazard Identification Training Package by Well Engineering (2004)( 20/06/2005) |
15880 | Al Fahal Newsletter August 2000( 04/04/2001) |
15881 | Al Fahal Newsletter September 2000( 04/04/2001) |
15882 | Al Fahal Newsletter October 2000( 04/04/2001) |
15883 | Al Fahal Newsletter March 2001( 04/04/2001) |
15884 | Driving: Fatigue the hidden KILLER( 26/06/2002) |
15886 | Road Safety: It is not child's play (a guide for parents with children under five)( 26/06/2002) |
15887 | A simple guide to Child Restraints (seatbelts for children)( 26/06/2002) |
15888 | Legionnaires disease( 28/10/2002) |
15889 | Health Compilation( 12/05/2003) |
15890 | Contractor Site Manager's Declaration of HSE Commitment & Accountability( 27/11/2001) |
15891 | Declaration of commitment to HSE( 27/11/2001) |
15892 | Chair (TL5102) Operating Instructions( 03/06/2003) |
15893 | How to Develop and Implement an Effective Proactive HSE Culture( 16/06/2003) |
15894 | Passive Smoker?? Better Quit!!( 17/11/2003) |
15895 | World Diabetes Day( 22/12/2003) |
15896 | Revised Validity Period for H2S and Escape Permit( 13/06/2004) |
15897 | Revised validity period for Chemical Hazard Awareness Course (LXE/A/H440)( 02/08/2004) |
15898 | Hearts and Mind, Leadership and Commitment( 08/11/2004) |
15899 | Lap belts, windshield adhesives help reduce highway deaths( 22/03/2005) |
15900 | FAQs on Dangerous Goods( 01/01/2005) |
15901 | Ergonomic Desktop Equipment( 01/01/2005) |
15902 | Assigning Hazard Ratings( 01/01/2005) |
15903 | Ramadhan Health Reminder( 01/01/2005) |
15904 | Health Risk Matrix( 01/01/2005) |
15905 | Exposure Rating and Control Chart( 01/01/2005) |
15906 | NORM designated area in PDO( 01/01/2005) |
15907 | Rift Valley Fever( 01/01/2005) |
15908 | Protective Measures for Prevention of SARS infection( 01/01/2005) |
15909 | VDU User Workstation Checklist( 04/05/2005) |
15913 | PDO Chemical Approval Process (SHOC)( 18/05/2005) |
15914 | Ergonomics - Exercises for office workers( 25/05/2005) |
15915 | Flaring in the Petroleum Industry( 28/05/2005) |
15916 | Global Warming Potential (GWP)( 28/05/2005) |
15917 | Global Warming( 28/05/2005) |
15918 | Possible major accidents in drilling operations( 08/06/2005) |
15920 | Poem: The Speedway to Death( 14/06/2005) |
15921 | Food Hygiene( 29/06/2005) |
15922 | Land Farming( 29/06/2005) |
15923 | Note to All Contract Holders and HSE Advisors - Lifting Operations( 29/06/2005) |
15924 | Private Vehicles in the Interior( 29/06/2005) |
15925 | Sustainable Development Awareness Session( 09/10/2005) |
15928 | Five Steps to Risk Assessment( 09/10/2005) |
15929 | Waste Management( 09/10/2005) |
15930 | Waste Management in PDO( 09/10/2005) |
15931 | Tires( 09/10/2005) |
15932 | Responses to the Ozone Depletion( 09/10/2005) |
15933 | Safety in Ramadan( 09/10/2005) |
15934 | Deadly Distractions( 09/10/2005) |
15935 | Excavation and Trench Protection( 12/10/2005) |
15936 | Trenches and Excavations( 15/10/2005) |
15938 | Introduction to First Aid( 26/10/2005) |
15939 | Crash Course: Simple Tips that could help save lives( 29/11/2005) |
15940 | Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)( 12/12/2005) |
15941 | Water is essential for Life( 12/12/2005) |
15942 | Safety Matters - Even in an Office( 12/12/2005) |
15944 | Horseplay Is No Joke( 12/12/2005) |
15946 | Hand Safety( 12/12/2005) |
15950 | Slips and Falls( 12/12/2005) |
15953 | Compressed Gas Cylinders( 30/04/2006) |
15954 | Static Electricity( 01/08/2006) |
15957 | Use of Mobile phones while driving( 28/05/2003) |
15960 | Remember your Bike-Helmet( 28/05/2003) |
15962 | Overtaking( 28/05/2003) |
15967 | Helmets( 02/06/2003) |
15970 | Driving School( 02/06/2003) |
15971 | Preventing Trips at Home (Toys)( 26/08/2003) |
15974 | Preventing Trips at Home (Ladder)( 26/08/2003) |
15979 | Static charge causing fire at filling station( 07/03/2004) |
15981 | Effective Supervision( 08/03/2004) |
15983 | Falling Asleep While Driving( 15/03/2004) |
15986 | Heaven can wait. Belt up( 23/03/2004) |
15988 | GSM causes multiple fatality in RTA( 23/03/2004) |
15989 | Sumail Gap Hazard( 12/05/2000) |
15992 | Lifting Dangers( 12/05/2000) |
15993 | Personal Jewellery( 12/05/2000) |
15994 | Working Near Overhead Power lines( 12/05/2000) |
15995 | Manoeuvring Heavy Equipment in Close Quarters( 12/05/2000) |
15999 | Welding Hazards( 12/05/2000) |
16000 | Seatbelts( 12/05/2000) |
16002 | Speeding( 06/07/2004) |
16004 | Back and Muscle Injury Prevention( 20/02/2005) |
16007 | Bad Pen( 04/04/2005) |
16008 | Paper Cut( 04/04/2005) |
16010 | Rubber Band( 04/04/2005) |
16011 | Environmental Pollution( 10/04/2005) |
16016 | Hands & Finger Injury Video( 14/06/2005) |
16022 | Hearts & Minds Video: Who is the Loser?( 22/06/2005) |
16023 | Safety?... My Responsibility( 18/09/2005) |
16024 | Castrol Drive Safely( 07/08/2006) |
16025 | Computer Safety Alert( 01/01/1993) |
16026 | Well pulling Hoist Vehicle Failure( 04/02/1993) |
16027 | Pedestrian Crossing Roads( 19/08/1993) |
16028 | Residential Camp Fire Incident( 12/07/1993) |
16029 | Dangers Of Unloading( 26/07/1993) |
16030 | Worksite Hazards( 10/08/1993) |
16031 | Working Near Overhead Power Lines( 06/11/1993) |
16032 | Manoeuvring Heavy Equipment in Close Quarters( 25/10/1993) |
16033 | Seat Belts( 01/01/1994) |
16034 | Materials Handling( 19/02/1994) |
16035 | Journey Management & Man Lost Procedure( 10/04/1994) |
16036 | Electrical Safety( 05/05/1994) |
16037 | Heavy Goods Vehicles( 26/05/1994) |
16038 | Sumail Gap Hazard( 12/07/1994) |
16039 | Welding Hazards( 15/08/1994) |
16040 | Plastic Drums( 15/09/1994) |
16041 | Fall Protection( 01/10/1994) |
16042 | Facial Coverings( 15/10/1994) |
16043 | Personal Jewellery( 05/11/1994) |
16045 | Lifting Dangers( 11/06/1995) |
16046 | Dangers of Hyddrofluoric Acid( 12/06/1995) |
16047 | Screwed Fittings( 12/10/1995) |
16048 | Loose objects in the vehicle cabin can kill( 02/12/1995) |
16050 | Toolbox Talks( 25/12/1995) |
16051 | Road Safety( 10/03/1996) |
16052 | Underground Installations( 10/03/1996) |
16053 | Journey Management( 11/03/1996) |
16054 | Dangers of High Winds( 20/10/1996) |
16055 | Dangers of High Winds( 20/10/1996) |
16056 | Dangers of Overhead Lines( 20/10/1996) |
16057 | In Case of Emergency( 22/01/1997) |
16058 | Driving During Eid & Ramadhan( 29/01/1997) |
16059 | Scaffolding Hazards( 17/06/1997) |
16060 | Flowing Wadis( 08/10/1997) |
16061 | Portable Electric Heaters( 01/01/1998) |
16062 | Pulsation Dampner Explosion( 05/01/1998) |
16063 | N2 Cylinder Explosion( 05/02/1998) |
16064 | Loose Grating( 15/02/1998) |
16065 | Fingers Caught in Doors( 02/03/1998) |
16066 | Desert Line Projects Fatal Incident( 18/05/1998) |
16067 | Use of private vehicles to get to work in the interior( 26/05/1998) |
16068 | Dangers of parking cars on a sloping road or driveway( 02/06/1998) |
16069 | Altering the fork spacing on Forklifts( 05/06/1998) |
16070 | Camels( 14/06/1998) |
16071 | Dangers of works underneath overhead power lines( 15/06/1998) |
16072 | Correct use of Anti-Fall devices( 04/07/1998) |
16073 | Well Cellar Collapse( 06/07/1998) |
16074 | Tank Cleaning( 03/10/1998) |
16075 | General Awareness of Handling & Disposing of Lithium Batteries( 05/10/1998) |
16076 | Hazards of protable electrically powered tools( 04/11/1998) |
16077 | Road Traffic Fatality( 10/11/1998) |
16078 | Nut tensioning Tool Faliure( 03/12/1998) |
16079 | Driving in the interior( 13/12/1998) |
16080 | Portacabin Fire( 18/12/1998) |
16081 | Flowing Wadi( 27/01/1999) |
16082 | Offloading pipe Hazards( 25/01/1999) |
16083 | Crane Lifting Hazards( 26/01/1999) |
16084 | Loose objects in vehicle cabins( 29/01/1999) |
16085 | Reaching high( 28/04/1999) |
16086 | Driving blind( 15/05/1999) |
16087 | Camels hidden in the DARK !!!!!( 21/06/1999) |
16088 | Working at heights !!!( 17/07/1999) |
16089 | GSM's . . . A source of ignition( 10/09/1999) |
16090 | Handle with care !!( 26/10/1999) |
16091 | Hands & Fingers( 26/09/1999) |
16092 | GSM's... A Driving Hazard !!!( 13/01/2000) |
16093 | Sports Injuries !!!( 17/01/2000) |
16094 | Is it Gas Free?( 24/01/2000) |
16095 | A High Potential Near Miss: Methanol Tanker( 09/05/2000) |
16097 | Changing a Tire: Hazardous??( 05/02/2000) |
16098 | Rollover It could happen to you!!!( 19/06/2000) |
16099 | 13 Amp electric plugs( 06/02/2001) |
16100 | Vacuum trucks( 24/02/2001) |
16101 | 2001/01/18: Driving Fatality in Dubai( 24/02/2001) |
16102 | Man-riding incident: hook released and man fell to death( 10/03/2001) |
16103 | Failed scaffolding clip from CAPE Offshore Services( 10/03/2001) |
16104 | Foot-and-Mouth Disease - No Danger for humans!( 11/03/2001) |
16105 | BP Drilling Rig Fatality: pipe joint caught under travelling block( 27/03/2001) |
16106 | Fingers caught in manual winch( 12/06/2001) |
16107 | Mobile Radio and Emergencies( 04/09/2001) |
16108 | Crane Out - Riggers( 04/09/2001) |
16109 | Dangerous Driving : Muscat - Salalah Highway( 04/09/2001) |
16110 | Helmet? Chin-strap Always!( 23/09/2001) |
16111 | Failure to Report an Incident! Leading to an LTI!!!( 23/09/2001) |
16112 | Beware..!! Convoy Movements( 23/09/2001) |
16113 | Bacteria In Lathe Cutting Fluid - A Hidden Occupational Health Hazard( 30/09/2001) |
16114 | 2WD in the Desert?( 12/10/2001) |
16115 | Banksman killed by shifting load in crane operation( 18/03/2002) |
16116 | Technician seriously injured during inspections to test for air pressure leaks inside a pressure test bay.( 13/04/2002) |
16117 | H2S( 29/05/2002) |
16118 | Cell Phone + Gasoline a Dangerous combo!( 17/06/2002) |
16119 | Helmet & Chinstrap - Clarification( 02/07/2002) |
16120 | Acute chemical exposure due to fault delivery of product( 19/08/2002) |
16121 | Electrical Safety Alert( 18/09/2002) |
16122 | Seatbelts also in taxi and bus( 21/09/2002) |
16123 | Fog is Dangerous( 14/12/2002) |
16124 | Crane Incident( 16/12/2002) |
16125 | Marmul Yard - Personal Injury - MTC( 07/01/2003) |
16126 | Crushed Between Stotler/Elevator( 12/01/2003) |
16127 | Carrier Pot Incident( 12/01/2003) |
16129 | Vehicle Battery Injury( 12/01/2003) |
16130 | Fatality While Inflating Logging Truck Tire( 18/01/2003) |
16131 | Glasses Safety Alert( 10/03/2003) |
16132 | Third-Party Triple Fatality RTA at Haima( 11/03/2003) |
16133 | Don't take rest inside pipes( 16/03/2003) |
16134 | GSM IS FIRE HAZARD - Protect yourself and others from it( 31/03/2003) |
16135 | Short cuts - Never have good endings!( 15/04/2003) |
16136 | Hazard in loosening of Rig Floor Plates on SLINGSHOT RIGS( 12/05/2003) |
16137 | Fatal Electrocution( 28/05/2003) |
16138 | Severe injury with Hand Amputation and Skull Fracture( 07/06/2003) |
16139 | Rig Fatality( 07/06/2003) |
16140 | Work under Overhead Power Lines( 07/06/2003) |
16141 | Unrestrained Load( 08/06/2003) |
16142 | Trapped Fingers( 19/06/2003) |
16143 | Tyres( 19/06/2003) |
16149 | Heat( 19/06/2003) |
16150 | Rope Caught in Agitator Nearly Severes Fingers( 30/06/2003) |
16151 | The Potential Dangers of Remote Car Keys/Immobilisers( 08/07/2003) |
16152 | Fall Protection( 12/07/2003) |
16153 | The Hazards of Pressure Testing( 28/07/2003) |
16154 | Electrical Safety Alert( 19/08/2003) |
16155 | Beware: Aerosol Cans in the Sun!( 20/09/2003) |
16156 | Family Safety Alert (Electrical Equipment)( 26/10/2003) |
16157 | Use of Forklifts near overhead powerlines( 26/10/2003) |
16158 | Dangers in Living Accommodation( 26/10/2003) |
16159 | A Van Explodes( 12/11/2003) |
16160 | Traffic Accident are the biggest killers( 16/11/2003) |
16161 | Rope for fall protection catches in rotating equipment( 01/12/2003) |
16162 | Failure to Engage the Kenworth's Bonnet Locking Mechanism Causes Injury( 09/12/2003) |
16163 | Incorrect Descent from the Truck's Cabin( 09/12/2003) |
16164 | BP Incident Investigation update MIA - Operator Fatal Fall( 06/02/2004) |
16165 | Fatal Fall from Scaffold( 14/02/2004) |
16166 | Driving in Reduced Visibility( 21/02/2004) |
16167 | Refinery Explosion( 21/02/2004) |
16168 | BP Deckplate Incident( 13/03/2004) |
16169 | Road Traffic Accident Involving LPG Tanker and a Stationary Heavy Goods Vehicle in Portugal( 08/05/2004) |
16170 | Summer Invaders - Snakes and Scorpions( 24/05/2004) |
16171 | Take the Heat Seriously( 15/06/2004) |
16172 | Safety Alert: Static Electricity in Petrol Stations( 26/06/2004) |
16173 | Safety Alert: Machinery Guarding( 20/07/2004) |
16174 | Marmul HSE Alert: Third party driver found dead after vehicle breakdown( 21/07/2004) |
16175 | Falls( 18/08/2004) |
16176 | Hand and Finger Injuries( 18/08/2004) |
16179 | HHI Shipyard - Flange Fatality( 21/08/2004) |
16180 | HHI Shipyard Multiple Fatality - Falling from height( 21/08/2004) |
16181 | Fatality due to dropped sliding door( 14/09/2004) |
16182 | Natgas contractor employee killed during RTA( 19/09/2004) |
16183 | Grinder Injury( 27/09/2004) |
16184 | Contractor killed by discharge of gas from pressurised bottle( 27/09/2004) |
16185 | Review of Third Party Sub-Contractor Catastrophic Incident at Kattamia OFS Base On 24/12/03( 27/09/2004) |
16186 | Safety in Ramadan( 16/10/2004) |
16187 | Process Safety Beacon( 20/10/2004) |
16188 | Copies of Crosby Shackles( 24/11/2004) |
16189 | Don't Let Poor Safety Habits Start a Fire( 13/02/2005) |
16190 | Fire Stops with You!( 13/02/2005) |
16191 | Dropped Object - Retaining Ring( 02/04/2005) |
16192 | Dropped inspection plate from hammer( 02/04/2005) |
16193 | Collision with Skid Deck Bunding results in Dropped Object (Southern Upper Staircase)( 02/04/2005) |
16194 | Brent Bravo offshore platform incident (Fatality)( 12/04/2005) |
16195 | BP Safety Communication (Fatality: Truck Driver crushed between fork truck load and truck trailer)( 11/05/2005) |
16196 | Snakes found around drilling rigs( 23/05/2005) |
16197 | Electrical Safety Alert - Safety Message for Manufacturing Personnel( 01/06/2005) |
16198 | Fatality on CGBS site (on May 29, 2005)( 05/06/2005) |
16199 | Stay Safe during the hot Summer( 06/06/2005) |
16200 | Radiator Burns( 15/06/2005) |
16201 | Onshore Pipelines, Spread 1C( 30/07/2005) |
16202 | Protecting Your Eyes( 01/08/2005) |
16203 | Domestic Lighter Explodes in Sunlight( 14/08/2005) |
16204 | Falling( 21/09/2005) |
16205 | CPSC Guide to Safe Work on Slips, Trips and Falls( 28/09/2005) |
16206 | Seat Belts( 09/10/2005) |
16207 | Loose Lifting Equipment( 15/10/2005) |
16208 | Grinder Safety( 26/11/2005) |
16209 | Fire Alarms: Safety Reminder( 29/11/2005) |
16210 | Child falls into a swimming pool during company outing( 26/02/2006) |
16212 | Employees eyes saved by Safety Glasses!( 16/04/2006) |
16213 | Tyre Safety (based on PDO RTA Fatality on 2/May/2006)( 27/05/2006) |
16214 | Paper Shredder Safety( 27/05/2006) |
16218 | Grinder Safety( 18/07/2006) |
16220 | Making STOP Work( 06/06/2000) |
16222 | Time to STOP for Safety( 03/07/2000) |
16228 | HSE Alerts( 01/04/2016) |
16230 | Rollover: It can happen to you( 01/06/2000) |
16231 | Drive to Survive( 13/02/2001) |
16232 | Fatality Review September 2000( 03/04/2001) |
16233 | Fatality Review November 2000( 03/04/2001) |
16235 | Follow Safety Rules, a safety Blitz of June 1998( 03/04/2001) |
16236 | Driving in Oman is Different, Presentation to new arrivals of September 1999( 03/04/2001) |
16237 | Corporate Safety Conference, 29th January 2001, MD's Corporate Message( 04/04/2001) |
16241 | Beat the Heat( 28/04/2001) |
16242 | Don't use GSM or other communication tools while driving( 16/05/2001) |
16243 | Beat the Heat( 16/06/2001) |
16245 | Defensive Driving & Oman Traffic Law on Reckless Driving( 07/10/2001) |
16248 | BP Kamose Fatality: failed winch( 13/10/2001) |
16250 | Time to STOP for Safety - Again!!( 16/11/2001) |
16251 | Rollovers Again( 30/11/2001) |
16253 | Road Transport Safety: PDO Managers, CH & Supervisors know and follow the rules and specifications( 12/12/2001) |
16254 | ROP Road Safety Statistics: Facts and Figures 1999-2001 (Power Point version)( 09/03/2002) |
16255 | PDO & Contractors, know and follow the Road Safety Rules( 19/02/2002) |
16257 | Tyre Safety Presentation No: 1( 25/03/2002) |
16258 | Work Stoppage May 2002( 12/05/2002) |
16259 | Are you Dehydrated?( 14/05/2002) |
16260 | Restricting the Use of Private Vehicles in the Interior - Briefing( 15/05/2002) |
16261 | 2002: 16 LTIs in 4 months, What are WE going to learn?, What will WE do different?( 15/05/2002) |
16262 | Enhanced Site Supervision (ESS) Refresher 2002( 29/05/2002) |
16263 | Road Safety( 19/06/2002) |
16264 | Who should do what to STOP the killing on our roads??( 12/06/2002) |
16265 | Half Year Review - 26 LTIs!!!( 30/06/2002) |
16266 | A Load Restraint Guide for Drivers and their Supervisors( 30/06/2002) |
16269 | Working Safely( 24/07/2002) |
16270 | Impact Safety Performance Management System( 21/08/2002) |
16271 | Dangers of Nitrogen( 27/08/2002) |
16272 | Flogging - An Alternative( 10/09/2002) |
16275 | Hand Tools( 10/09/2002) |
16277 | Hand and Finger Injuries( 10/09/2002) |
16278 | Need for Defensive Driving Programme( 10/09/2002) |
16280 | Safely Secure Loads( 22/10/2002) |
16281 | Worksite HSE Tools & Behaviour( 12/11/2002) |
16284 | Worksite HSE Tools & Behaviour( 12/11/2002) |
16285 | Well Engineering Zero Club( 12/11/2002) |
16286 | Hand Health and Safety Campaign - You Need Hands( 17/11/2002) |
16288 | Safe Journey Management Workshop( 17/12/2002) |
16289 | Bullbars on Light Vehicles( 17/02/2003) |
16291 | Enhanced Site Supervision (ESS) Refresher 2003( 20/01/2003) |
16292 | How does PDO Manage Road Safety( 16/03/2003) |
16293 | Endless Suffering: People are dying on our roads. Why?( 23/03/2003) |
16294 | ROP Road Safety Statistics: Facts and Figures 2002 (Power Point version)( 26/03/2003) |
16295 | Hand and Finger Injuries( 08/04/2003) |
16299 | Working at Height( 08/04/2003) |
16300 | How does PDO Manage the Road Safety (SQU Presentation)( 11/05/2003) |
16301 | Not everyone that hits by a drunken driver dies( 20/05/2003) |
16303 | Tyre Safety Presentation No: 2( 16/07/2003) |
16304 | Vehicle Towing( 23/07/2003) |
16305 | Tyre Safety Presentation No: 3( 23/07/2003) |
16306 | Mirror Safety - The correct use of Mirrors( 30/07/2003) |
16307 | HSE Statistics RTA Trends - 2003 Road Safety Performance( 30/09/2003) |
16308 | Corporate Responsibility & HSE Management System: PDO Case Study( 23/12/2003) |
16309 | What should we Do to STOP the killing on our roads?( 11/01/2004) |
16313 | Achieving World-Class Safety Performance in a Multi-Cultural Environment( 11/01/2004) |
16315 | Enhanced Site Supervision (ESS) Refresher 2004( 11/01/2004) |
16317 | Know & follow the "Dust Code"( 24/01/2004) |
16318 | Narcotic Effect of Hydrocarbon Vapour( 20/03/2004) |
16319 | ROP Road Safety Statistics: Facts and Figures 2003 (Power Point version)( 23/03/2004) |
16320 | Driving in my car and suddenly.!!! What do I do???( 31/03/2004) |
16321 | Private Car or Bus?( 21/04/2004) |
16322 | 2004 TWM Hands and Fingers Package( 25/07/2004) |
16323 | August 2004 Defensive Driving Training( 25/08/2004) |
16327 | Speed Kills( 28/08/2004) |
16328 | Lubricants Employee - Fatal Road Accident( 29/08/2004) |
16329 | Combined Stress( 12/10/2004) |
16330 | 2 Yearly Medical Examination & Importance of Medical Examination( 12/10/2004) |
16332 | Food Poisoning( 12/10/2004) |
16335 | Ramadan( 16/10/2004) |
16336 | Cholesterol in PDO( 26/10/2004) |
16338 | HSE-MS Audit Action for Contract Holders( 26/01/2005) |
16342 | No GSM while driving( 14/02/2005) |
16343 | Health Risk Assessment - Controlling Health Risks at Work (Shell)( 01/01/2005) |
16347 | Health Risk Assessment - Controlling Health Risks at Work (PDO)( 01/01/2005) |
16352 | Chemical Handling/Hazards( 01/01/2005) |
16353 | High Cholesterol( 01/01/2005) |
16354 | Non-accidental death( 01/01/2005) |
16356 | Diabetes mellitus( 01/01/2005) |
16357 | Smoking and Health( 01/01/2005) |
16358 | Working/Living Conditions( 01/01/2005) |
16359 | MHMS - Human Factors Engineering in New Projects( 01/01/2005) |
16361 | LSA/NORM Training /Awareness Package I( 01/01/2005) |
16363 | NORM Training /Awareness Package II( 01/01/2005) |
16364 | Occupational Illness( 01/01/2005) |
16365 | ROP Road Safety Statistics: Facts and Figures 2004 (PowerPoint version)( 05/04/2005) |
16366 | ROP Road Safety Statistics: Comparison of Facts and Figures (Excel version)( 05/04/2005) |
16371 | Hands and Fingers Campaign 2005 Package( 14/06/2005) |
16372 | Summer Campaign 2005( 14/06/2005) |
16377 | Plug Muff Fitting( 20/06/2005) |
16380 | Office Ergonomics( 26/07/2005) |
16383 | Noise and Manual lifting package( 19/09/2005) |
16386 | Dad, Come back safely - we are waiting for you( 01/01/2000) |
16387 | That Extra Speed made the Difference( 01/01/2002) |
16388 | Kill Your Speed Not a Child( 01/01/2002) |
16389 | Seat Belts Save Lives( 01/01/2002) |
16390 | Keep the Distance...Save your Life( 01/01/2002) |
16391 | Drinking + Driving = Fatal( 01/01/2002) |
16394 | Driving Checklist( 01/01/2000) |
16396 | Sing While you Drive( 01/01/2001) |
16397 | Avoid Driving in the Dark( 01/01/2000) |
16398 | Is your child safely strapped in?( 01/01/2000) |
16399 | Dust? Do not overtake( 01/01/2000) |
16400 | Alive - Wearing Seatbelt. Dead - Not Wearing Seatbelt( 01/01/2000) |
16401 | Overtaking in Dust is like driving blindfolded( 01/01/2000) |
16402 | Dust Pullover( 01/01/2000) |
16403 | Your Family Loves You. Stay Alive - Wear Seatbelts( 01/01/2000) |
16404 | Dust Kills - Follow the Dust Code( 01/01/2000) |
16405 | Ramadan Karim - Tired? Stop & Rest( 01/01/2000) |
16406 | Battery( 01/01/2000) |
16407 | Speed leads to rollover( 01/01/2000) |
16408 | Do you remember this? Do not Cross a Flowing Wadi( 01/01/2000) |
16409 | The 2 second Rule( 01/01/2000) |
16410 | Observe Safety( 01/01/2000) |
16411 | Child Seat Belt( 01/01/2000) |
16412 | Seat Belt - Your Family( 01/01/2000) |
16413 | Rain Danger( 01/01/2000) |
16414 | Ramadan Karim - Drive Safely - Stop and Have Rest if you feel tired( 01/01/2000) |
16415 | The Last Call( 01/01/2000) |
16416 | Speed takes your life( 01/01/2000) |
16417 | Tyre Change( 01/01/2003) |
16418 | Rollover - Don't let this happen to you( 01/01/2000) |
16419 | STOP( 01/01/2000) |
16420 | Stop accidents before they stop you( 01/01/2000) |
16421 | Good Job( 01/01/2000) |
16422 | RTA Free Club( 01/01/2000) |
16424 | PDO Driving Rules( 01/01/2000) |
16426 | Guidelines for the PC Workstation( 01/01/2000) |
16429 | Because I Care( 01/01/2000) |
16430 | Speed Kills( 01/01/2000) |
16431 | The Last Call( 01/01/2000) |
16432 | GSM( 01/01/2000) |
16433 | Ramadhan: Follow Driving Rules (Portrait)( 01/01/2002) |
16435 | Ramadhan: Follow Driving Rules - Drive to Survive (Landscape)( 01/01/2003) |
16437 | Ramadhan: Journey Managers and Drivers( 01/01/2003) |
16441 | PDO HSE Policy 2006 (old)( 14/04/2013) |
16442 | Cooking in the Room can cause - No multiple sockets( 01/01/2000) |
16443 | STOP - Driving is one of the most dangerous things you do today. Don't let it be your last( 01/01/2000) |
16444 | Do not walk under hanging loads( 01/01/2000) |
16445 | Prevent accidents: report all near misses( 01/01/2000) |
16446 | Ramadhan Karim: Drive Safely - Your commitment to the family( 01/01/2000) |
16447 | Safety Observation( 01/01/2000) |
16448 | Coastal Road Safety Road Show( 01/01/2000) |
16449 | It is your responsibility to work safely( 01/01/2000) |
16450 | Watch Your Fingers( 01/01/2000) |
16451 | Get it right - Fasten up tight( 01/01/2000) |
16452 | The Ride Safe Four( 01/01/2000) |
16453 | It could save your life( 01/01/2000) |
16454 | 13 June 2000 - LTI No. 27 - Finger Crushed( 01/01/2000) |
16455 | Lift Safely( 01/01/2000) |
16456 | Wellness - It's Your choice( 01/01/2000) |
16457 | ISO 14001- Continuous improvement( 01/01/2000) |
16458 | Target Zero( 01/01/2000) |
16459 | Ramadhan Reminder( 01/01/2000) |
16460 | The PDO way of working( 01/01/2000) |
16461 | No GSM!!!( 01/01/2000) |
16462 | To jump-start your vehicle safely( 01/01/2000) |
16463 | Health Safety and Environmental Protection( 01/01/2000) |
16464 | Come Home Healthy - Travellers Health Guide( 01/01/2000) |
16465 | Defensive Driving( 01/01/2000) |
16466 | Coastal Road Safety Road Show( 01/01/2000) |
16468 | Safety Rules( 01/01/2000) |
16469 | Keep Distance - I did not.( 01/01/2002) |
16471 | Seat Belt - I did not( 01/01/2002) |
16472 | Extra Speed - Ruined my Life!( 01/01/2002) |
16473 | Toolbox Prompt Talk( 01/01/2002) |
16474 | Join Traffic Friends Club - Drive Defensively( 01/01/2002) |
16475 | Maintain the Safe Distance Gap (2 Seconds Rule)( 01/01/2003) |
16476 | Do not use GSM while Driving!( 01/01/2003) |
16477 | Do not Overtake from Right( 01/01/2003) |
16478 | Speed Kills( 01/01/2003) |
16479 | Road Safety Tips( 01/01/2003) |
16481 | Minimum Requirements for First Aid Box( 01/01/2003) |
16482 | STOP( 01/01/2003) |
16483 | 13 June 2000 LTI No. 27 Finger crushed( 01/01/2001) |
16484 | For your children's safety, always supervise them( 01/01/2000) |
16485 | Carelessness in the kitchen can cause a fire( 01/01/2000) |
16486 | Safety Observation( 01/01/2000) |
16489 | Target Zero( 01/01/2000) |
16491 | Answer Yourself( 01/01/2000) |
16493 | GSM Hazard( 01/01/2000) |
16496 | Empowerment to STOP Work( 01/01/2000) |
16498 | Lift Safely( 01/01/2000) |
16501 | Environmental Knowledge( 01/01/2002) |
16502 | Slow Down! Take care! Belt up! Be aware! It could save your life( 01/01/2000) |
16503 | The Ride Safe Four( 01/01/2000) |
16504 | To jump start your vehicle safely( 01/01/2000) |
16505 | Get it right - fasten it tight!( 01/01/2000) |
16507 | ISO14001( 01/01/2002) |
16512 | Watch your fingers( 01/01/2000) |
16513 | Do not drink during work( 01/01/2000) |
16516 | Any kind of drug has this influence in your body( 01/01/2000) |
16517 | Kid Safety( 01/01/2000) |
16519 | Respect the Traffic Rules( 01/01/2002) |
16521 | Drive to Survive Booklet( 01/01/2001) |
16523 | Health Check( 01/01/2003) |
16524 | Lifting Operations - Prevent Incidents( 01/01/2003) |
16525 | Basic Steps Safe Rigging( 01/01/2003) |
16531 | Lifting Gear Colour Code Biannual Cycle( 01/01/2003) |
16532 | HIABS( 01/01/2003) |
16536 | Hand Signs( 01/01/2003) |
16538 | The Do's and Dont's of Forklift Operation( 01/01/2003) |
16540 | Crane Operators Be Safe( 01/01/2003) |
16543 | Rig Floor Safety - Manual Tongs( 01/01/2003) |
16544 | Resusicard( 01/01/2003) |
16550 | Driver's Daily Checklist( 01/01/2003) |
16552 | Safe Journey Manager's Prompt Card( 01/01/2003) |
16555 | STOP for Supervision( 01/01/2003) |
16559 | STOP for Employees( 01/01/2003) |
16562 | STOP for Supervision (Apply STOP to prevent Injuries)( 01/01/2003) |
16563 | Turning Left( 01/01/2003) |
16564 | STOP Observation Checklist( 01/01/2003) |
16565 | 122 Water is Life... Save Water( 01/01/2003) |
16566 | 122 Water is Life... Save Water( 01/01/2003) |
16567 | 122 Water is Life... Save Water( 01/01/2003) |
16568 | 122 Water is Life... Save Water( 01/01/2003) |
16569 | 122 Water is Life... Save Water( 01/01/2003) |
16572 | You are Wrongly Parked( 01/01/2004) |
16573 | Be Safe - Be Smart( 01/01/2004) |
16575 | Dust Code Know it! - Obey It!!( 01/01/2004) |
16576 | Road Safety is No Accident( 01/01/2004) |
16577 | Check your Tyres Regularly( 01/01/2004) |
16578 | Check your Tyres Regularly( 01/01/2004) |
16579 | Check your Tyres Regularly( 01/01/2004) |
16580 | Sustainable Development Statement( 01/01/2004) |
16582 | Speed Kills( 01/01/2004) |
16585 | No GSM! (Cartoons)( 01/01/2004) |
16586 | Secure your child( 01/01/2004) |
16587 | Keep Safe Distance( 01/01/2004) |
16589 | Drive Safely( 01/01/2004) |
16590 | No GSM While Driving( 01/01/2004) |
16591 | Do Not Overspeed( 01/01/2004) |
16592 | Stop and Rest( 01/01/2004) |
16594 | Wear Your Seatbelt( 01/01/2004) |
16595 | Oman is beautiful... Protect the Environment( 01/01/2005) |
16596 | Oman is beautiful... Protect the Wild Life( 01/01/2005) |
16597 | Paper Shredder Safety( 01/01/2005) |
16598 | Are your children strapped in( 01/01/2005) |
16599 | Speed Leads to Dead End( 01/01/2005) |
16600 | Your Driving reflects your behaviour( 01/01/2005) |
16601 | No GSM While Driving( 01/01/2005) |
16604 | Drive Safely...Your Family is waiting for you( 01/01/2005) |
16608 | STOP Card (English&Arabic, English&Hindi)( 01/01/2003) |
16609 | Drinking Too Much Alcohol! Get Counseling( 01/01/2000) |
16612 | Road Safety News Clip (GSM)( 01/01/2005) |
16614 | Road Safety News Clip (Speed)( 01/01/2005) |
16615 | Seatbelts Save Lives (for rear Passengers also)( 01/01/2005) |
16617 | Using GSM while driving causes road accidents( 01/01/2005) |
16619 | Not Everyone DIES in workplace incidents( 01/01/2005) |
16621 | Tips to Manage Stress( 01/01/2005) |
16626 | These Tools Come with No Spare Parts( 01/01/2005) |
16628 | We are Looking for Oil and Gas ...not Blood( 01/01/2005) |
16630 | Summer Campaign 2005 (Personal Plan to Safe Summer Card)( 01/01/2005) |
16632 | Summer Campaign 2005 - Don't Let this happen this summer!!( 01/01/2005) |
16634 | Public Health Tips( 01/01/2005) |
16636 | Public Health Tips (Food Hygiene)( 01/01/2005) |
16638 | Dangerous Pests (Snakes, Flies, Ants)( 01/01/2005) |
16641 | Dangerous Pests (Rats/Mice, Cockroaches, Mosquitoes, Scorpions)( 01/01/2005) |
16642 | Public Health Tips (Refrigerator)( 01/01/2005) |
16646 | Public Health Tips (Rats/Mice are Dangerous)( 01/01/2005) |
16649 | Public Health Tips (Food Hygiene)( 01/01/2005) |
16650 | Correct Mask( 01/01/2005) |
16651 | Spiny-Tailed Lizard( 01/01/2005) |
16654 | Recognise Fatigue( 01/01/2005) |
16655 | Fatigued...?( 01/01/2005) |
16658 | Are They Dangerous?...Sand Viper( 01/01/2005) |
16661 | Popular Trees of Oman( 01/01/2005) |
16664 | Casualty Handling of Victims with Back (spinal) Injuries( 01/01/2006) |
16665 | 2000/3/24: LTI in mechanical workshop whilst drilling( 24/03/2000) |
16666 | 2000/3/28: Roll-over on Ibri/Fahud road( 28/03/2000) |
16667 | 2000/4/14: Waiter slipped and hit his elbow through glass panel( 14/04/2000) |
16669 | 2000/4/23: Changing a tyre at the PDO Farm( 23/04/2000) |
16670 | 2000/4/24: Burned with petrol( 24/04/2000) |
16671 | 2000/4/27: Finger sqeezed by hose( 27/04/2000) |
16672 | 2000/5/01: Rollover at Fahud( 01/05/2000) |
16673 | 2000/5/23: Oxygen cylinder hits man in the back( 23/05/2000) |
16674 | 2000/5/31: Man handling pipe( 31/05/2000) |
16676 | 2000/5/6: Time To Stop for Safety (LTI's 22-26, 4 Fatalities)( 05/06/2000) |
16677 | 2000/6/13: Finger crushed( 13/06/2000) |
16678 | 2000/6/25: Finger crushed( 25/06/2000) |
16679 | 2000/8/18: Cook cuts off finger( 18/08/2000) |
16681 | 2000/9/01: Pipe hits foot( 01/09/2000) |
16682 | 2000/9/02: Spool crushes finger( 02/09/2000) |
16683 | 2000/9/06: Spinner crushes finger( 06/09/2000) |
16684 | 2000/9/14: Tightening bolt on AC( 14/09/2000) |
16685 | 2000/10/27: Head on collision( 27/10/2000) |
16686 | 2000/11/06: Crane tipped over( 06/11/2000) |
16687 | 2000/11/12: Technician hit by mud-cell( 12/11/2000) |
16688 | 2000/11/28: Tanker rollover( 28/11/2000) |
16689 | 2000/12/17: RTA at MAF( 17/12/2000) |
16690 | 2001/01/01: First rollover of 2001( 01/01/2001) |
16691 | 2001/01/29: Twisted ankle( 29/01/2001) |
16692 | 2001/02/16: Learn from a fatal error. Man falling off a canter truck.( 20/02/2001) |
16693 | 2001/03/14: RTA double fatality, pick-up hit by oilfield truck( 27/03/2001) |
16695 | 2001/03/05: RTA double fatality, rollover during unauthorised journey( 27/03/2001) |
16696 | 2001/04/4: Crushed Finger, Birds Nest( 06/05/2001) |
16697 | 2001/04/14: Crushed Finger, Rig Power Tongs( 06/05/2001) |
16699 | 2001/02/12: Joint Rolled off catwalk( 07/05/2001) |
16700 | 2001/04/24: 3rd Party. Fire Truck( 26/05/2001) |
16701 | 2001/May/13: Crushed Finger by Skip Handle( 03/07/2001) |
16702 | 2001/May/19: Crushed Hand at Koomey Unit( 03/07/2001) |
16703 | 2001/May/24: RTA MiniVan RollOver( 03/07/2001) |
16704 | Hubara Safety Reminder( 03/07/2001) |
16705 | Time to STOP for Safety - Again: 2 Fatalities & 6 LTI( 16/11/2001) |
16706 | Rollovers Again: 1 Fatality & 4 LTI's( 30/11/2001) |
16708 | LTI while off-loading the cylinders( 06/10/2001) |
16709 | Crushed Fingers( 13/01/2002) |
16710 | 2002: 16 LTIs in 4 months, What are WE going to learn?, What will WE do different?( 15/05/2002) |
16711 | Half Year Review - 26 LTIs!!!( 30/06/2002) |
16712 | LTI No. 40( 19/01/2003) |
16713 | Rollover (27/Jan/2003 at Mukhaizna)( 22/06/2003) |
16714 | LTI 5: Finger Injury( 12/07/2003) |
16716 | Fatal Electrocution 23/MAY/2003( 13/07/2003) |
16718 | Electrical Flash Over 9/August/2003( 13/09/2003) |
16719 | Review of Third Party Sub-Contractor Catastrophic Incident at Kattamia OFS Base( 26/01/2004) |
16720 | 2004: LTI #4 - Crushed Finger( 03/03/2004) |
16723 | Shell accident in Thailand: Crushed by a car at a service station( 29/03/2004) |
16724 | Multiple Fatality : 19th June 04( 20/07/2004) |
16726 | Contractor killed inside pipe spool piece that toppled( 25/08/2004) |
16728 | Fatality while reversing Truck (31 October 2004)( 17/01/2005) |
16731 | Camel Hit Incident( 14/05/2005) |
16736 | Fatality: Fall Through Grating( 27/08/2005) |
16740 | Pipeline Pigging Incident( 09/11/2005) |
16746 | Funny Pictures Collection 1( 22/08/2004) |
16750 | An Aircraft Incident( 22/08/2004) |
16755 | Working Funny (Unsafe)( 22/08/2004) |
16759 | Funny Pictures Collection 2( 22/08/2004) |
16763 | Overloaded Vehicles (Unsafe)( 22/08/2004) |
16765 | Truck Incidents( 22/08/2004) |
16770 | Funny Pictures Collection 3( 22/08/2004) |
16773 | Winners of Safety Competetion (Unsafe Acts)( 20/04/2005) |
16776 | Running Machine.........( 28/06/2005) |
16781 | Make safety your Priority...Else(Unsafe)( 28/06/2005) |
16786 | Where is my Bull Dozer?( 20/07/2005) |
16787 | Concurrent operations( 03/04/2000) |
16788 | Stabbing Board Incident( 13/08/2000) |
16789 | Forklift with Elevated Load( 01/09/2000) |
16794 | Drill Pipe Spinner LTI( 06/09/2000) |
16798 | Spinner pinched Finger( 03/10/2000) |
16799 | Lifting of MWD short monel by using crane( 01/11/2000) |
16801 | FAC (Falling Object)( 03/11/2000) |
16802 | Crane cabin struck by load( 02/12/2000) |
16803 | Fell from work platform( 03/12/2000) |
16804 | Overextending Arm - Dislocated Shoulder( 04/12/2000) |
16805 | Pressure relief valves - pumping units( 01/02/2001) |
16806 | Near Miss - falling object( 02/02/2001) |
16807 | Hydraulic Equipment - Trapped Hand( 03/02/2001) |
16808 | Handling Carrier Ramp Jack Supports( 04/02/2001) |
16809 | 2 7/8" PACDS Drill pipe Near Miss( 05/02/2001) |
16810 | FAC - Rig floor safety awareness V door( 06/02/2001) |
16811 | 4" Drill Pipe Slips Dies Cause Stuck Pipe( 01/03/2001) |
16812 | Road Traffic Near Miss( 02/03/2001) |
16814 | Near Miss - Falling Object( 03/03/2001) |
16816 | Failure of 4" Hammer Union Under Pressure( 01/04/2001) |
16819 | CTU - equipment damage( 01/05/2001) |
16820 | Violation of Road Safety Rules by Rig Supervisor( 02/05/2001) |
16822 | Rig Tongs - Finger Injury( 03/05/2001) |
16823 | Injury while Nippling Up Koomey Bottle( 01/06/2001) |
16824 | Foot Injury( 02/06/2001) |
16825 | Dropped 5" DP Stand( 03/06/2001) |
16826 | Brake Bands( 01/07/2001) |
16827 | Truck RTA( 02/07/2001) |
16828 | Rollover( 03/07/2001) |
16829 | Rig floor safety awareness( 04/07/2001) |
16830 | Pulling Tubing - falling object( 05/07/2001) |
16831 | Night Driving - Truck tip over, double LTI( 01/03/2002) |
16832 | Road Fatality: truck roll-over( 01/04/2002) |
16834 | Mobile crane falls into excavation( 24/04/2002) |
16835 | Staff working on a drill machine breaks arm( 18/05/2002) |
16836 | Ladder Incident( 18/05/2002) |
16838 | Finger Injury( 18/05/2002) |
16840 | Getting out of a truck: the wrong way and the correct way( 26/06/2002) |
16841 | High Potential Road Traffic Accident( 17/07/2002) |
16842 | Lost balance and fell - Hip bone fracture( 21/07/2002) |
16843 | Lost Time Injury: Man lift incident (Bucket Truck)( 04/11/2002) |
16844 | High Potential RTA - Rollover( 04/11/2002) |
16845 | Cooking in the room: FIRE - 2 dead (Shell-OU)( 20/11/2002) |
16846 | King Pin Failure( 13/01/2003) |
16847 | Contractor Man Lost Incident( 19/01/2003) |
16848 | Seismic Cables( 08/02/2003) |
16849 | Pinch Points( 08/02/2003) |
16850 | Third-Party Triple Fatality RTA at Haima( 01/03/2003) |
16851 | Opening Manhole Covers on Clean Crude Tanks( 24/03/2003) |
16852 | Scaffolding - Fatality as a result of fall from suspended work platform( 21/05/2003) |
16853 | Dangers in the Home( 02/08/2003) |
16854 | Peace River Fatality Learning Package( 04/10/2003) |
16855 | Crane Incident - Crushed Chest( 20/10/2003) |
16856 | Crane Incident - Crushed Chest( 20/10/2003) |
16857 | Third Party Fatality RTA at Mukhaizna( 17/11/2003) |
16858 | Equipment Damage( 23/12/2003) |
16859 | Two charged with manslaughter in death on drilling rig( 23/12/2003) |
16861 | Welder Fatality( 03/03/2004) |
16862 | Trencher cut off the 33 KV power live cable( 18/08/2004) |
16863 | Near Miss Side boom lifted of the ground during lowering operation( 18/08/2004) |
16864 | Sledge Hammer LTI( 02/10/2004) |
16865 | Telephone Charger Explodes( 05/03/2005) |
16866 | UWD HSE Lateral Learning 05/01/05( 05/04/2005) |
16867 | UWD HSE Lateral Learning 11/03/05( 05/04/2005) |
16868 | UWD HSE Lateral Learning 12/01/05( 05/04/2005) |
16869 | UWD HSE Lateral Learnings( 20/04/2005) |
16870 | Learning from Shell Significant Incident( 27/04/2005) |
16871 | Near Miss - Painter hit by dropped object( 17/05/2005) |
16872 | Near Miss - Painter hit by dropped object( 17/05/2005) |
16873 | Haz-ID: Hazard Identification Training Package by Well Engineering (2004)( 20/06/2005) |
16874 | Incident at a shipyard in Malaysia( 06/07/2005) |
16875 | Bleeder Plug Release Under Pressure w/ Injury( 20/07/2005) |
16876 | SHI Cable Installer Fall from Scaffolding (28-Sep-05)( 22/10/2005) |
16877 | Fatality from a fall from the platform access ladder (04-Oct-05)( 22/10/2005) |
16878 | Fatality at HHI Fabrication Yard, Korea( 06/06/2006) |
16879 | Knee Injury (LTI 23 of 2006)( 25/06/2006) |
16880 | Exploration Lateral Learning - Fall( 17/07/2006) |
16881 | Exploration Lateral Learning - Geologist died in UAE desert( 30/07/2006) |
16882 | Defensive Driving Course (DDC3): Graded Roads( 17/05/2005) |
16883 | Defensive Driving Course (DDC4): Bulk Tanker Driver( 17/05/2005) |
16884 | Defensive Driving Course (DDC5): Bus Driver( 17/05/2005) |
16885 | Defensive Driving Course (DDC6): Annual Assessment( 17/05/2005) |
16886 | Defensive Driving Course (DDC7): One Day Light Vehicle Defensive Driving Course( 17/05/2005) |
16887 | Safe Journey Management( 17/06/2005) |
16888 | H S E The Attitude Focus and Success( 05/06/2000) |
16889 | Journey Management( 05/06/2000) |
16892 | Safe Distance Rule( 05/06/2000) |
16894 | PDO Safety Films - Seatbelts( 08/07/2000) |
16898 | Safe Working Practices( 08/07/2000) |
16899 | The Empowerment to Stop Unsafe Work( 08/07/2000) |
16902 | Safety Demo - "No Limits to Safety"( 08/07/2000) |
16906 | Slips and Falls( 08/07/2000) |
16907 | The Desert Agricultural Project( 08/07/2000) |
16911 | The Safety Case Handbook( 08/07/2000) |
16913 | PDO Screen Saver( 09/09/2000) |
16916 | Using a HIAB( 09/09/2000) |
16922 | The Invisible Killer H2S( 09/09/2000) |
16925 | Journey Management and Dust Code( 09/09/2000) |
16927 | Don't Take Chances with Your Life( 09/09/2000) |
16930 | Finger Injuries( 29/09/2000) |
16933 | Your Unsafe Act can Cost a Life( 29/09/2000) |
16937 | Proper Supervision Right Tools( 29/09/2000) |
16939 | ISUZU Trooper Challenge( 29/09/2000) |
16943 | The Saif Story - PDO Safety Case - Handbook( 29/09/2000) |
16944 | Information Security( 29/09/2000) |
16945 | Safety Incentive Awards for Drivers and Operators on 2nd November 91( 29/09/2000) |
16948 | High Voltage Electrical Safety "Permits are more than just paper"( 29/09/2000) |
16950 | Expect the Unexpected( 29/09/2000) |
16951 | Because it's not a Perfect World( 29/09/2000) |
16952 | Suckers A Film about Cigarettes( 29/09/2000) |
16954 | The Limited - No Limits to Safety( 29/09/2000) |
16955 | The New Shell( 29/09/2000) |
16958 | Driving Safety - Royal Oman Police( 29/09/2000) |
16959 | CSM CMFI-Fishbowl( 29/09/2000) |
16960 | Shell Business Framework( 29/09/2000) |
16962 | Driving in Dust( 29/09/2000) |
16964 | AHCON - The Wheel Service Equipment( 29/09/2000) |
16965 | Safety Conference 1999( 29/09/2000) |
16966 | PDO Introductions( 29/09/2000) |
16967 | Health Education Series: Noise Induced Hearing Loss( 29/09/2000) |
16971 | Accident / No Accident( 29/09/2000) |
16974 | Hygiene and Safety( 01/01/2000) |
16979 | Rehabilitation of GG Pipelines (Excavation, Grit Blasting, Coating/Painting and Back Filling)( 01/09/2000) |
16980 | Workshop: Safe and Unsafe Acts( 01/08/2000) |
16983 | Guide to Safe Driving( 01/08/2000) |
16989 | Machine Shop Safety( 01/12/2000) |
16993 | Crane Safety( 01/01/2000) |
16997 | Driving Safety( 01/01/2000) |
17003 | Permit to Work( 01/01/2000) |
17005 | Prevent those Incidents( 01/07/2000) |
17008 | Pressure - Invisible Danger( 01/12/2000) |
17011 | Food Safety - The Basics( 01/06/2000) |
17012 | Storage - Where and How( 01/06/2000) |
17013 | Now Wash Your Hands( 01/06/2000) |
17016 | Fingers and Hands - Hazards and Risks( 01/04/2000) |
17019 | Camp Safety( 01/01/2000) |
17021 | Wireline Operations( 01/08/2000) |
17023 | Pre-journey Vehicle Checks( 01/01/2000) |
17024 | Visual Communications( 21/12/2000) |
17025 | LTIs 2000( 01/12/2000) |
17031 | Derrick Safety( 01/01/2000) |
17032 | Safe Operations of a Vacuum Tanker( 01/11/2000) |
17034 | Your Future is in Your Hands( 01/01/2001) |
17037 | Drive Slow & Reach Safe( 16/10/2001) |
17038 | There is Safety in Safety Belt !( 18/09/2001) |
17040 | ENDLESS SUFFERING( 15/06/2002) |
17041 | Blindfolded In Dust( 19/06/2004) |
17043 | Avoid Shortcuts( ) |
17044 | Back in Business( ) |
17045 | Blind Eyes( ) |
17047 | Cellphone when walking - pay attention( ) |
17048 | Country People Die on Country Roads( ) |
17050 | Defensive Driving In Oman Blacktop( ) |
17054 | Detecting LSA Scale( ) |
17056 | Family Safety( ) |
17057 | Flying Baby( ) |
17059 | Girl on Tricycle Hit by Speeding Car( ) |
17061 | Hand Injuries In Drilling( ) |
17064 | Hands and Fingers( ) |
17065 | Dhofar Khawrs Reserves( ) |
17070 | Kitchen Safety( ) |
17076 | Learning from Incident Piper Alpha( ) |
17079 | Man Hit At Zebra Crossing( ) |
17081 | Man with Pizaa Hit By Car( ) |
17082 | MB Safe Driving Practices( ) |
17083 | Natural Reserves( ) |
17084 | One Day for Safety( ) |
17086 | One Step Forward( ) |
17088 | Rollover( ) |
17089 | Rollover It Could Happen To You( ) |
17093 | Safety Is Teamwork( ) |
17096 | Scotty Killed By Speeding Vehicle( ) |
17097 | Seat Belt Save Lives-SEIC( ) |
17099 | Slowdown Car Hitting Boy 35-50 mph( ) |
17102 | Swimming Pool Safety( ) |
17104 | Whose Turn Next( ) |
17105 | Without Strain( ) |
17110 | Come Home Safely( ) |
17112 | Safety Rating Systems( ) |
17113 | Doesn"t Your Child Deserve Safe Ride?( 25/01/2006) |
17115 | Competency Vs Complacency( 30/04/2006) |
17118 | Road Accident in Croatia( ) |
17120 | One-to-One Discussion on Shadow of a Doubt Intervention video( 31/12/2006) |
17121 | I Chose to Look the Other Way -Poem( 22/01/2007) |
17127 | PDO House Rules( 22/01/2007) |
17136 | Office HSE Checklist( 21/02/2007) |
17139 | Gas Bottle Explosion( 09/09/2006) |
17140 | A tale of three pigs (pigging incidents)( 16/10/2006) |
17141 | Utility Hose Rupture Fatal Injury( 16/10/2006) |
17146 | HSE Learning from Fatal Coating Plant Accident( 25/11/2006) |
17147 | Electrical Fatality( 23/12/2006) |
17148 | Pressure Testing Incident( 24/02/2007) |
17149 | Tired? Stop and Take Rest( ) |
17151 | Speed Kills( ) |
17156 | Don't Drink & Drive( ) |
17160 | HSE Expectations of a Manager on a Worksite visit( ) |
17161 | Keep Safe Distance( ) |
17162 | Kill your speed... Not a child( ) |
17163 | No Overtaking from Wrong Side( ) |
17166 | Traffic Rules... Know and Follow Them( ) |
17167 | Front Seat... No Infants( ) |
17170 | Speed Kills( ) |
17173 | Rear Passengers also wear seatbelt (A collision could kill you...)( ) |
17175 | Phone Drive & Die( ) |
17177 | Secure your child - Seatbelt saves lives( ) |
17178 | 9247 Road Accidents in 2005 - 689 Fatalities...Don't be part of these statistics... Drive Safely!( ) |
17181 | Share the Road with others( ) |
17183 | Working Safely from Seeing to Doing( ) |
17184 | Enhance Site Supervision (ESS)... Improving Supervision( ) |
17185 | Driving for Excellence( ) |
17186 | Avoidance of danger from overhead electric power lines( 26/11/2006) |
17187 | Cable insulation damage due to welding slack( 26/11/2006) |
17188 | QATARGAS II Project Fatality - Dropped Blast Door Transom Panel( 26/11/2006) |
17189 | Safety Alert based on Fatality on 17th October( 06/12/2006) |
17190 | Stopped along the Road( 24/02/2007) |
17191 | Changing a flat tyre( 24/02/2007) |
17194 | Doesn"t Your Child Deserve Safe Ride?( 25/01/2006) |
17196 | Competency Vs Complacency( 30/04/2006) |
17202 | Drive Safely( 07/05/2006) |
17206 | Golden Rules & House Rules( 10/12/2006) |
17210 | I Chose to Look the Other Way( 10/12/2006) |
17214 | Shadow of a Doubt( 10/12/2006) |
17216 | Together We can Overcome the Looming Crisis( ) |
17220 | Do you know your fire extinguishers?( ) |
17221 | Failure of chair back( ) |
17222 | Seatbelts in buses( ) |
17223 | Fall Injury ¿ Arm fracture, work on sloped wet surface( ) |
17225 | Ten Rules to Save Your Ten Fingers( ) |
17226 | Waste Water Treatment( ) |
17227 | STPs operated with bypassed incoming flow meters( ) |
17231 | Cholestrol( ) |
17232 | Safety Alert: Falling Icicles( ) |
17233 | Brisk Walk( ) |
17234 | Brisk Walk( ) |
17235 | Legislation & Voluntary Activity in OH Practice( ) |
17236 | Developing OH Culture and Practice - PDO"s Experience( ) |
17237 | Occupational Health in the Eastern Mediterranean Region Challenges & Opportunities( ) |
17238 | The Role of Occupational Hygiene in OH Management( ) |
17239 | The role of culture in the perception and expression of stress and distress: Experience from Oman( ) |
17241 | Shift Work( ) |
17242 | Management of Sickness Absence & Return to Work( ) |
17243 | Compensation, Rehabilitation & Redeployment following Work Related Illness and Injury( ) |
17245 | The Changing World of Work( ) |
17246 | Occupational Health Practices in Developing Countries( ) |
17247 | Pre-employment Examinations & Fitness Standards( ) |
17249 | Pre-employment Examinations & Fitness Standards( ) |
17251 | Emerging Infections and Health Care Workers( ) |
17253 | Improving poor OSH by a Safety Management System( ) |
17259 | Occupational Health Risk Assessment( ) |
17260 | Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)( ) |
17263 | Work related Heat Stress( ) |
17267 | Radiological Protection from Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials( ) |
17270 | Introduction to Occupational Hygiene( ) |
17271 | Heart Disease( ) |
17272 | Shell EPE HS&E Learning Bulletin( ) |
17277 | Drive to Survive - Overtaking( ) |
17281 | Dangerous overtaking in a highway( ) |
17283 | Brief History of NORM in the Oil/Gas Industry( ) |
17284 | E&P NORM Characteristics( ) |
17289 | Future Directions for Guidance on NORM Waste Management: An IAEA Perspective( ) |
17290 | NORM Regulatory Scene( ) |
17291 | Oman & PDO NORM Regulation and Specifications( ) |
17292 | Overview & Management of NORM in Saudi Aramco( ) |
17293 | Al Furat Petroleum Co. Norm Management System( ) |
17294 | NORM Management System( ) |
17295 | PDO NORM Management System( ) |
17297 | NORM in Scrap Metal...( ) |
17298 | Handling NORM : Examples of work from uranium mining and other operations( ) |
17299 | Risk Based Approach to NORM( ) |
17300 | Risk Based Approach to NORM( ) |
17302 | NORM: Radiation Surveys( ) |
17303 | Streamlined Approaches to Characterizing NORM-Contaminated Sites Can Translate into Significant Cost Savings( ) |
17304 | NORM: Measurement & Analysis( ) |
17305 | Critical Pathway Analysis For Radiological Impact Control And Assessment ( ) |
17306 | Controlling Exposures( ) |
17309 | NORM Training: Increasing Awareness, Reducing Exposure( ) |
17310 | Transport of NORM Contaminated Materials( ) |
17312 | PDO NORM Storage Facilities( ) |
17313 | AFPC Norm Decontamination Facility Plant (NDF)( ) |
17316 | NORM Workshop Presentation (PDO - Oman)( ) |
17317 | Treatment of NORM-Contaminated Sludge & Soil
from the Petroleum Industry( ) |
17318 | Managing NORM - Oman and Regional Issues( ) |
17319 | The Design, Construction and Operation of NORM Descaling Plants( ) |
17320 | Options for Disposal of Active Material( ) |
17321 | Bapetco NORM Control Case Study( ) |
17322 | Risk-Based Regulation of Oil and Gas NORM Waste Management Alternatives( ) |
17323 | NORM Final Disposal Options( ) |
17324 | AFPC NORM Policy( ) |
17326 | Proposed Disposal Routes for NORM Contaminated Soil and Sludges( ) |
17328 | Costs of Managing NORM( ) |
17332 | Hazards of Low Pressure and Vacuum Systems( ) |
17338 | Repetitive Strain Injuries( ) |
17339 | Avoidance of danger from overhead electric power lines( ) |
17340 | Falling object injury ¿ Newspaper report( ) |
17341 | Accident in substation on 13th Feb 2007 at OPP( ) |
17342 | Crane Toppling Fatality( ) |
17343 | Crane Toppling Fatality( ) |
17344 | Crane Toppling Fatality( ) |
17345 | Crane Toppling Fatality( ) |
17346 | A Safety Alert From A Tosco Facility( ) |
17349 | Overspeeding & Overtaking in the Wrong Lane( ) |
17354 | Kitchen Oil Fire( ) |
17358 | The meaning of Safety( ) |
17361 | Night Driving and un-authorized journey can kill( ) |
17363 | Hydrogen Sulphide( ) |
17364 | How will you be making your next trip home?( ) |
17370 | Fire Extinguisher Explosion ( ) |
17373 | Martin¿s Story( ) |
17379 | Seatbelt video( ) |
17383 | Chain lever hoist failed during BOP maintenance( ) |
17389 | How fragile we are?( ) |
17395 | Swiss Cheese Poster( 29/05/2007) |
17401 | PDO Safety Days 2007( 29/05/2007) |
17407 | Safe & Hazard( ) |
17412 | Save a Life Drive Safely( 10/06/2007) |
17417 | Keeping the Dream Alive( 06/08/2007) |
17423 | Belt up or suffer the Pain( 07/08/2007) |
17428 | 2006 Rollovers( 08/08/2007) |
17434 | Unloading Skid Leads To A Fall And Lost Time Incident( 03/09/2007) |
17440 | Hazards of Temporary Confined Spaces( 17/09/2007) |
17445 | Awareness alert - Flexible Hose Failure( 19/09/2007) |
17451 | Pressure test - Tank Liftoff( 01/10/2007) |
17456 | Video presented at CEO HSE Conference July 2007( 06/08/2007) |
17460 | Snake Bite( 24/06/2007) |
17466 | Truck Rollover with dummies Vol-2 (inside)( 11/02/2008) |
17469 | Rollover due to Overspeeding( 11/02/2008) |
17475 | Fatal Driving( 11/02/2008) |
17478 | Seatbelts - Crash Test Dummies( 11/02/2008) |
17483 | No Seatbelts No Excuse( 11/02/2008) |
17489 | Seatbelts - Killed by rear passenger( 11/02/2008) |
17494 | Rollovers and Seatbelts( 11/02/2008) |
17497 | Goal Zero Poster( 24/02/2008) |
17500 | LTI Learning Pack 2007 - Fall( 02/03/2008) |
17503 | LTI Learning Pack 2007 - Handling Tools & Equipment( 02/03/2008) |
17506 | LTI Learning Pack 2007 - Machine Guarding( 02/03/2008) |
17509 | LTI Learning Pack 2007 - Manual Material Handling( 02/03/2008) |
17513 | LTI Learning Pack 2007 - RTAs( 02/03/2008) |
17518 | LTI Learning Pack 2007 - Slips( 02/03/2008) |
17523 | Road Safety Video - Good Drivers Just Drive( 05/03/2008) |
17528 | Wear Your Seatbelt( 05/03/2008) |
17531 | Road Worthiness - Assurance Scheme( 05/03/2008) |
17536 | Road Safety - Speed Kills( 05/03/2008) |
17541 | Road Consequence Matrix( 05/03/2008) |
17545 | Avoid Falling and Tripping( 05/03/2008) |
17548 | Tyre Safety Campaign( 10/03/2008) |
17554 | Safety Alert - Separation of top from filter Incident( 12/03/2008) |
17560 | Safety Video - Essa"s Story( 25/03/2008) |
17566 | Temporary Pipe work - Hanging by a thread( 25/03/2008) |
17572 | Safety Poster - Unsafe Acts and Unsafe Conditions( 15/04/2008) |
17578 | Safety Poster - Employer, Supervisor and Worker Responsibilities( 15/04/2008) |
17583 | Birba H2S incident( 06/05/2008) |
17589 | Galfar RTA Multiple Fatalities Incident( 10/05/2008) |
17595 | Safety Alert - Pedestrian safety at night( 14/05/2008) |
17601 | Awareness alert on tanker blind spots( 17/05/2008) |
17604 | Worksafe Cards - "Its a Work Safe day TODAY"( 04/06/2008) |
17606 | SEIC - Office Hazards( 04/06/2008) |
17609 | SEIC - Ban Chinese Trucks( 04/06/2008) |
17614 | EPE - Pedestrian knocked over by fork lift truck( 04/06/2008) |
17619 | SPDC - Fire Incident in Condensate Export Pump at Cawthorne Channel Gas Plant( 04/06/2008) |
17622 | Insalah Gas (BP, StatoilHydro) - Chassis failures Toyota Land Cruisers( 04/06/2008) |
17628 | DO NOT MIX OXYGEN AND OIL( 18/06/2008) |
17634 | SNAKEBITE: Prevention and First Aid( 18/06/2008) |
17646 | Heat Stress - Protect Yourself( 18/06/2008) |
17648 | Whiplash Injury Safety Moment( 18/06/2008) |
17653 | 4 MINUTES OFFICE EXERCISE( 28/06/2008) |
17664 | Tire Safety - The 60 second Driver( 05/07/2008) |
17670 | What is Process Safety?( 30/08/2008) |
17673 | ROP Law Reminder - Traffic violations( 01/11/2008) |
17679 | Dropped Object Consequence Calculator( 16/11/2008) |
17685 | Insight Browser - Launched today( 24/11/2008) |
17690 | Electrical - Tube Light Safety Alert( 06/12/2008) |
17694 | Battery Safety( 22/12/2008) |
17696 | Revised Environmental Specifications and Guidelines( 04/02/2009) |
17698 | Posters for Driving Forums 2009( 14/02/2009) |
17704 | Do not Drink and drive, or face Consequences( 14/02/2009) |
17709 | Always wear your Seatbelts( 14/02/2009) |
17714 | Raising Awareness: In-Car Safety, Always use your Seatbelts( 01/03/2009) |
17720 | The 60 seconds driver - Seatbelts( 01/03/2009) |
17724 | Brisk Walking( 08/03/2009) |
17729 | Tires - Blow outs( 18/03/2009) |
17734 | New Defensive Driving Courses effective 3rd April 2009( 28/03/2009) |
17738 | Revised Procedure - PR-1418-Incident Notification, Analysis, Reporting and Follow-Up( 06/04/2009) |
17743 | Back to basics at junctions( 05/05/2009) |
17749 | BACK TO BASIC - SIGNS( 05/05/2009) |
17755 | Revised HSE policy 2009 (old)( 14/04/2013) |
17761 | New Arrangements - Issuing PDO HSE Passports( 11/05/2009) |
17767 | LSR launch video( 11/05/2009) |
17773 | Launch of Life-Saving Rules Cascade( 11/05/2009) |
17779 | Advisory Note : Road Safety Enforcement( 19/05/2009) |
17782 | PR-1418 Update to include LSR Notification( 22/07/2009) |
17788 | Ramadhan Presentation( 10/08/2009) |
17792 | Certified Defensive Driving Training Institutes( 16/08/2009) |
17795 | New Initiative - Driving Forum for MAF employees ( 16/08/2009) |
17796 | Defensive Driving Training and Ramadan( 16/08/2009) |
17798 | Safety Alert - Loose Items in Vehicle Passenger Compartments( 18/08/2009) |
17801 | New SP2000 Road Safety Standard launched( 22/08/2009) |
17803 | Amended HSE Documents( 26/08/2009) |
17804 | Safety Alert - Client update fatality on Rig 151: 24 August 2009( 31/08/2009) |
17807 | HSE Challenges for H2S Projects( 07/09/2009) |
17813 | EID - Road Safety Alert( 12/09/2009) |
17815 | Major Changes To Mandated HSE Training( 05/10/2009) |
17821 | Presentation with beamer led to serious eye damage( 12/10/2009) |
17825 | SP 1157 version 7.0 HSE Training Specification now on Live-link( 21/10/2009) |
17831 | H2S can kill so treat it with extreme CAUTION( 21/10/2009) |
17834 | Defensive Driving Training - Pre-Course Eyesight Testing( 24/10/2009) |
17835 | Pipe Fatality( 24/10/2009) |
17837 | STS Drive to Survive Campaign 2009( 27/10/2009) |
17840 | Validity of PDO Driving Permits( 27/10/2009) |
17844 | D&I Road Safety Presentation( 28/10/2009) |
17850 | PDO Wellness Walk - 24th November 2009( 28/10/2009) |
17851 | PDO Updates IVMS Web Page for PDO and Contractors( 14/11/2009) |
17852 | Qurum-Darsait Highway Junction( 15/11/2009) |
17854 | PDO Investigation Guidance for Life-Saving Rule violation( 16/11/2009) |
17860 | Driving in Fog( 16/11/2009) |
17866 | EID - Road Safety Alert( 17/11/2009) |
17872 | Tea Water Boiler Incident( 17/11/2009) |
17876 | Defensive Driving Training in automatic cars( 18/11/2009) |
17878 | Worker Struck by Dropped Object( 21/11/2009) |
17881 | Hazards of working with Rotating Equipment( 21/11/2009) |
17882 | Operating Cranes near Overhead Power Cables( 21/11/2009) |
17885 | Heavy Lift Crane Foundation faliure( 24/11/2009) |
17887 | Scaffolding Injury( 24/11/2009) |
17888 | Fall Of Material During Lifting( 24/11/2009) |
17889 | Vehicle Theft from Al Sarooj Car Wash Facility near BG Oman Office( 24/11/2009) |
17894 | Loose Items in Vehicle Passenger Compartments( 24/11/2009) |
17899 | Driving in Fog( 08/12/2009) |
17905 | Dangers of Wadis( 15/12/2009) |
17911 | A New Year Road Safety message( 15/12/2009) |
17915 | Controlling health risks at work ( 06/01/2010) |
17917 | HSE Must-Wins Video - Corporate HSE Manager( 11/01/2010) |
17919 | HM speech on Road Traffic Accidents 2009( 11/01/2010) |
17922 | HSE Must-Wins Video - Contractor Management( 12/01/2010) |
17926 | HSE Must-Wins Video - Process Safety( 13/01/2010) |
17930 | HSE Must-Wins Video - NORM and Oily Waste( 16/01/2010) |
17936 | HSE Must-Wins Video - Worksite Hazards( 17/01/2010) |
17941 | HSE Must-Wins Video - Road Safety( 18/01/2010) |
17944 | Occupational Health Road Show( 26/01/2010) |
17946 | Save with DDC06 Recertification( 01/02/2010) |
17947 | Important Notice - Road Closure Muttrah area( 13/02/2010) |
17953 | Wear Your Seat Belt( 16/02/2010) |
17960 | DD04 Tanker Courses - TATI( 21/02/2010) |
17963 | HRA training in Bahja( 21/02/2010) |
17967 | Fire Incident at Marmul PDO Camp( 09/03/2010) |
17971 | Road Safety Forum MAF- 22nd March 2010( 13/03/2010) |
17975 | FIM Online Training Notification( 27/03/2010) |
17979 | Confined Space Fatality( 27/04/2010) |
17985 | Be Safe - Do not use GSM or texting while driving( 28/04/2010) |
17988 | Ingestion of Hazardous Material( 28/04/2010) |
17994 | Pedestrian Safety at Night( 03/05/2010) |
18000 | Hazards when working near Heavy Machinery( 03/05/2010) |
18004 | Revised SP 1259 (Safety Training Observation Programme (STOP)) version 3 ( 09/05/2010) |
18010 | Unprotected Wood Saw( 24/05/2010) |
18014 | Hands and Fingers Safety( 30/05/2010) |
18017 | Hazard Awareness Workshops (HAWs) Framework( 30/05/2010) |
18023 | Toolbox Risk Identification Card (TRIC)( 31/05/2010) |
18027 | Toolbox Risk Identification Card (TRIC) Poster( 31/05/2010) |
18032 | Safety Day 2010 - Do the right thing in Managing Fatigue( 06/06/2010) |
18036 | Safety Day 2010 Article - What is Fatigue ?( 12/06/2010) |
18040 | Safety Day 2010 Article - What is Heat Stress ?( 12/06/2010) |
18043 | Safety Day 2010 Article - Body Clock Factors Causing Fatigue( 13/06/2010) |
18046 | Safety Day 2010 Article - Work Factors Causing Fatigue( 14/06/2010) |
18050 | Safety Day 2010 Article - Ramadhan and Fatigue Management( 15/06/2010) |
18056 | Ramadhan Driving - Why be Concerned?( 27/06/2010) |
18062 | Electrical Hazard( 29/06/2010) |
18068 | Use of Wheel Chokes on Parked Heavy Plant ( 29/06/2010) |
18074 | Maintain Safe distance from moving machinery( 06/07/2010) |
18078 | Ramadhan Road Safety Controls( 03/08/2010) |
18080 | SP2000 Road Safety Verification Audit 2010( 03/08/2010) |
18083 | Tips on a Healthy Life Style during Ramadhan( 09/08/2010) |
18086 | Defensive Driving Circular - Driving Training and "Private Light" Driving Licenses( 23/08/2010) |
18090 | Driving home for Eid Celebration( 24/08/2010) |
18095 | BOP/Valve Safety( 25/08/2010) |
18100 | Use Outriggers when lifting load using a Crane( 25/08/2010) |
18104 | Check vehicle is in neutral gear and clear of obstructions and people before starting( 25/08/2010) |
18108 | Clearance between Fall Arrestor and Drill Line( 25/08/2010) |
18112 | Dont work on open gratings and pits without barricading( 25/08/2010) |
18118 | Proper implementation of Management of Change Procedure( 25/08/2010) |
18124 | Ensure proper footing while acending or descending a vehicle ( 25/08/2010) |
18127 | License extensions for "Private Light" Driving Licenses( 28/08/2010) |
18131 | Private commuting for Eid Celebrations( 04/09/2010) |
18135 | Meter Insulating Gasket Failure ( 05/09/2010) |
18138 | Adhere to Electrical Safety Rules when working on overhead lines.( 05/09/2010) |
18142 | Awareness of pressure build due to thermal expansion( 05/09/2010) |
18149 | Fatigue Management Pamphlet( 07/09/2010) |
18154 | EID - Road Safety( 08/09/2010) |
18159 | In Vehicle Monitoring Systems (IVMS) Info Road Show( 08/09/2010) |
18160 | Private Light license announcement in Arabic( 08/09/2010) |
18165 | Defensive Driving Circular - Private Light Driving Licenses Evidence( 04/10/2010) |
18168 | Road Safety Performance to be congratulated( 06/10/2010) |
18172 | In-Vehicle Monitoring Systems (IVMS) Contract( 06/10/2010) |
18173 | ROAD SAFETY FORUM MAF( 16/10/2010) |
18176 | Info for IVMS contract from FMSi to PDO contractors( 20/10/2010) |
18180 | New Monthly Road Safety Learning material( 26/10/2010) |
18181 | IVMS : Last chance to get your IVMS key( 26/10/2010) |
18187 | EID - Road Safety Alert (Arabic & English)( 10/11/2010) |
18192 | New Road Safety 3D animation to use in teaching about driving whilst fatigued( 13/11/2010) |
18193 | United Nations focuses on Road Safety at the highest level( 20/11/2010) |
18194 | Isolate batteries before attempting to handle( 24/11/2010) |
18198 | Important Road Safety Notice - Traffic Restrictions in Muscat( 24/11/2010) |
18199 | IVMS Circular -"What date do you need to provide your vehicle?"( 24/11/2010) |
18200 | Never place hands inside operating machinery, always use an Inspection Kit( 28/11/2010) |
18202 | Always cover floor openings or barricade to prevent falls( 29/11/2010) |
18207 | PDO Annual Wellness Walk - 21st December 2010( 01/12/2010) |
18213 | 40th National Holiday - Road Safety Alert( 05/12/2010) |
18215 | PDO Annual Wellness Walk - Date changed to 20th December ( 05/12/2010) |
18220 | Slow down and steer smoothly to avoid a roll over!( 06/12/2010) |
18221 | Never Drop any object from height, drift them on pipe racks( 15/12/2010) |
18222 | Isolate & Discharge the energy source on powered tools prior to repairs( 15/12/2010) |
18225 | Always wear your seatbelt( 15/12/2010) |
18226 | Always Secure Seat and Fire Extinguisher Locking Pin in Place( 15/12/2010) |
18230 | PDO Annual Wellness Walk on 20th December 2010 ( 19/12/2010) |
18233 | H2S Training and Insight Browser( 04/01/2011) |
18234 | IVMS training for management( 04/01/2011) |
18238 | Keep away from potential pinch point.( 08/01/2011) |
18243 | Be aware of the Safe work method for the activity( 08/01/2011) |
18248 | Avoid manual shifting of heavy materials( 08/01/2011) |
18254 | Fatigued? Take rest if feeling tired while driving( 08/01/2011) |
18256 | Use appropriate PPE as per the work area hazards( 12/01/2011) |
18259 | Always apply Safe Handling and Stepping Techniques ( 12/01/2011) |
18262 | Know your workplace hazards( 12/01/2011) |
18266 | PDO to improve (NOC) management process( 12/01/2011) |
18267 | Volvo FM Series Truck Fires Due To Loose Engine Insulation( 18/01/2011) |
18270 | Always follow speed limit( 19/01/2011) |
18274 | Do not cross pipelines and always use proper walkways( 19/01/2011) |
18275 | Do not walk on pipes and always follow Life Saving Rules( 19/01/2011) |
18278 | Ensure strict adherence to procedures when working around live pipelines ( 19/01/2011) |
18280 | Worker Fatally crushed between parts of Trailer( 25/01/2011) |
18282 | IVMS installation success( 25/01/2011) |
18285 | Keep work place tidy, avoid working on slippery surfaces( 25/01/2011) |
18286 | Use Winches instead of Hands and Fingers( 25/01/2011) |
18289 | Never insert finger through the key hole of the protector( 25/01/2011) |
18292 | Always use correct tools for the job( 01/02/2011) |
18295 | Resting underneath Vehicles and Articulated Plants( 01/02/2011) |
18297 | IVMS Circular- Distribution of final IVMS green keys( 07/02/2011) |
18303 | Rollover Jan 2011( 07/02/2011) |
18304 | FIM System inaccessible( 09/02/2011) |
18307 | Look for the green tag before accessing a scaffold( 09/02/2011) |
18308 | Ensure all grooves / ditches are covered or filled( 09/02/2011) |
18311 | Always watch out for the pinch points( 09/02/2011) |
18312 | Dealing with Hazards and Risks( 13/02/2011) |
18314 | How To Conduct Hazard Hunt in Worksite( 13/02/2011) |
18318 | Change to interior DD course times( 13/02/2011) |
18323 | Road Safety and You Calendar Poster( 15/02/2011) |
18324 | Introducing and Developing Facilitation Techniques( 15/02/2011) |
18325 | Driver Fatality/Rollover/Spill( 21/02/2011) |
18329 | IVMS Supervisor and Focal Point training( 06/03/2011) |
18333 | Adhere to the signposted speed limits( 07/03/2011) |
18337 | Never Drive into a Dust Cloud!( 08/03/2011) |
18342 | Avoid driving in poor visibility and always wear Seat Belts( 08/03/2011) |
18347 | PDO driving permits( 09/03/2011) |
18352 | Pedestrians to avoid short-cuts, Drivers to always be on the look out for pedestrians( 19/03/2011) |
18355 | Only use the appropriate ladder or steps to reach a height( 22/03/2011) |
18360 | Keep your hands away from pinch points( 22/03/2011) |
18366 | Be alert of speeding vehicles and keep safe distance from the road( 29/03/2011) |
18368 | Occupation Health Road Show 2011( 13/04/2011) |
18374 | Always wear seatbelts, dont overspeed( 20/04/2011) |
18378 | Use PDO approved transportation( 04/05/2011) |
18382 | Always pay attention to footing, while working at height( 04/05/2011) |
18386 | Hazard identification using TRIC is a must for all activities( 04/05/2011) |
18389 | Use portable ladders only when they are physically secured( 04/05/2011) |
18393 | Use handrails on stairs and ascend/descend one step at a time( 04/05/2011) |
18397 | Acquire manager approval before deviating from standard procedure( 04/05/2011) |
18401 | Engage the parking brake fully when parking a vehicle( 04/05/2011) |
18404 | Always be alert for trip hazards around the work-place( 07/05/2011) |
18410 | Keep hands away from door frames and always use the door handle( 07/05/2011) |
18412 | Anchor points to be correctly positioned and guy lines tensioned as per OEM recommendations( 08/05/2011) |
18416 | Always follow recommended time frame to inspect equipment( 08/05/2011) |
18420 | Ensure resources are in place and job to be done in safe manner( 28/06/2011) |
18422 | Dont overspeed and Always follow Journey Management( 28/06/2011) |
18424 | Always use provided Shade to rest( 28/06/2011) |
18430 | Safety Day 2011 - Do the right thing. Reinforce Life Saving Rules( 03/07/2011) |
18433 | Establish assurance mechanism for compliance to HACCP (Codex) and Hygiene standards( 10/07/2011) |
18439 | Fatigue during Ramadhan /Summer 2011( 12/07/2011) |
18441 | Revised Defensive Driving Training Schedule for Ramadan( 02/08/2011) |
18447 | Revised HSE Policy 2011 (new)( 14/04/2013) |
18452 | Always use Intrinsically safe hammer( 13/08/2011) |
18456 | Pyrophoric Sludge Contamination( 13/08/2011) |
18462 | Dont Let this happen to You!!( 16/08/2011) |
18468 | Fatal Public Bus Incident( 11/10/2011) |
18474 | PDO Driving Advice - Ambulance RTA( 12/10/2011) |
18478 | Ensure safeguards for avoiding blockage and early detection of vibration( 29/10/2011) |
18483 | IVMS Questions & Answers( 30/10/2011) |
18488 | Driving Blind - Fog is a blind killer( 12/11/2011) |
18493 | Incident Prevention Through Learning from Incidents( 12/11/2011) |
18498 | Revised Lifting Standards PR-1708, PR-1709, SP-1251 and removal of CP-189( 22/11/2011) |
18504 | DD Training for Automatic Permit Holders( 05/12/2011) |
18505 | Supervisors should be role model for crew for HSE at work( 09/02/2011) |
18506 | Make effective use of Toolbox Risk Identification Card(TRIC)( 20/12/2011) |
18507 | Comply to defensive driving techniques( 20/12/2011) |
18510 | Commute by bus, its safer( 20/12/2011) |
18513 | Safe Journey Management Refresher Courses( 21/12/2011) |
18518 | Revised HSE Management System (CP-122)( 24/12/2011) |
18521 | Always slow down before roundabouts( 14/01/2012) |
18524 | Use the right tool for the job( 14/01/2012) |
18529 | Check if your wheel bearings are safe( 14/01/2012) |
18534 | Removal of IVMS Approved Supplier( 18/01/2012) |
18540 | New HSE Training Documents Published( 24/01/2012) |
18545 | First aid training specifications change / New DD courses( 24/01/2012) |
18548 | Contractor HSE Managers workshop( 31/01/2012) |
18554 | Follow company instructions , never use private vehicles to commute to interior( 24/03/2012) |
18557 | HSE Training Changes - Clarification Workshops( 04/04/2012) |
18562 | Reinstated - BSmart IVMS supplier( 08/04/2012) |
18567 | PR-1171 Part 1 Version 5 (Managing HSE in Contracts)( 08/04/2012) |
18572 | GU-140 (C-09 HSE Requirements in Contracts) ( 08/04/2012) |
18577 | Fatal Incident Learning: Driving in Sand Storm( 01/05/2012) |
18582 | Fatal Incident Learning: Reversing Vehicle( 30/04/2012) |
18587 | Revised - In-Vehicle Monitoring Systems (IVMS) Approval Process( 05/06/2012) |
18592 | Safety Day 2012 - 6th June( 05/06/2012) |
18596 | Safety Day 2012 - Well Engg team, Focus on High Potentials ( 10/06/2012) |
18601 | UWD Golden Saif and Salim Awards 2012( 18/06/2012) |
18603 | Prevent Fatigue and Drowsiness while Driving( 27/06/2012) |
18604 | Ramadan Fatigue - Tired? Take a Break( 11/07/2012) |
18607 | No Texting While Driving( 11/07/2012) |
18610 | Check your Vehicle Regularly( 11/07/2012) |
18611 | Lifiting operations are hazardous, always follow the lifting protocols( 29/07/2012) |
18613 | Use portable ladders correctly secured( 29/07/2012) |
18615 | Avoid night driving where possible( 29/07/2012) |
18617 | Do not get involved in any job, if not part of the Toolbox Talk( 29/07/2012) |
18620 | Always watch out for Pinch Points( 29/07/2012) |
18624 | Report any difficulties in completing task due to poor design( 29/07/2012) |
18628 | Dont drink and drive and always wear your seat belt( 29/07/2012) |
18630 | Always ensure hand rails are in place before using steps( 31/07/2012) |
18634 | Properly secure high pressure lines and stay clear of them( 31/07/2012) |
18638 | Never operate plant without the presence signal of Banksman( 31/07/2012) |
18643 | Struggling to do a job? STOP!! THINK & work a safe solution( 31/07/2012) |
18649 | Only hold the Tongs by the designated handle( 31/07/2012) |
18652 | Use your DD techniques, double check both directions before you cross( 14/08/2012) |
18655 | EID - Road Safety Alert( 14/08/2012) |
18659 | Beware Of Slippery Work Area ( 26/03/2013) |
18664 | Hazards are everywhere! Stay focused when on Site ( 26/03/2013) |
18668 | Check for Chronic disease and apply Control measures( 29/09/2012) |
18673 | Treat Third party drivers with extreme caution( 26/03/2013) |
18678 | Lateral Learning: Fatal Crane Incident at Amin (Nimr) Steam ( 02/10/2012) |
18682 | New HSE Training Provider, Knowledge Grid replacing NTI( 03/10/2012) |
18687 | PDO Contractor Crane Health check( 06/10/2012) |
18690 | Important and Urgent Action Required - Mobile Crane Operations( 08/10/2012) |
18693 | PDO shines at the Traffic Safety Expo 2012( 23/10/2012) |
18699 | Updated PDO HSE document PR1418 & GU612( 19/12/2012) |
18703 | Training and Certification for Lifting and Hoisting operations personnel( 01/01/2013) |
18704 | Load Restrain Campaign( 05/02/2013) |
18706 | Cementing Unit Incident( 24/06/2007) |
18711 | Incident during rigging up mud tank( 24/06/2007) |
18712 | Equipment audit check lists( 11/03/2013) |
18713 | Lifting updates - New Letters( 11/03/2013) |
18714 | Audit check list for lifting equipment and – operations( 11/03/2013) |
18715 | Ensure proper housekeeping( 26/08/2013) |
18716 | Always use handrails while working on heights.( 26/08/2013) |
18717 | Intervene when safety rules are broken( 26/08/2013) |
18718 | Hands off, watch out for pinch points( 26/08/2013) |
18719 | Immediately Cover any hole after usage before proceeding to another task( 26/08/2013) |
18720 | Incident Investigations Tripod Beta Training Course arranged- book now( 02/04/2013) |
18721 | Second UN Global Road Safety Week – 6-12 May ( 24/04/2013) |
18722 | Defensive Driving Booklet( 01/05/2013) |
18723 | Corporate HSE Q1 Newsletter( 02/05/2013) |
18724 | Safety Day – 19 June 2013( 06/05/2013) |
18725 | Lightning kills – follow the advice and stay alive( 17/05/2013) |
18726 | RTA - hit high voltage pole - HSE Learning No. 18/2013( 08/07/2013) |
18727 | Fatal - Struck by lightning- HSE Learning No. 16/2013( 26/08/2013) |
18728 | Ramadhan and Driving 2013( 10/07/2013) |
18730 | Falling Jib Fatality - 22.05.13( 26/08/2013) |
18731 | Corporate HSE Q2 Update( 30/10/2013) |
18732 | Food Hygiene - Food Poisoning Qarn Alam( 26/08/2013) |
18733 | Foot injury LTI # 10( 26/08/2013) |
18734 | Fractured foot LTI # 11( 26/08/2013) |
18735 | Back Injury - LTI # 15( 26/08/2013) |
18736 | Fractured Finger - LTI # 13( 27/08/2013) |
18737 | Fractured Finger - LTI # 18( 27/08/2013) |
18738 | Driver dies from heart attack whilst driving - NAD #02( 26/08/2013) |
18739 | Commuting Fatality NWR - LL # 10( 26/08/2013) |
18740 | Commuting Fatality NWR - LL # 11( 26/08/2013) |
18741 | Commuting Fatality NWR - LL # 12( 09/09/2013) |
18742 | Fractured Elbow - LTI # 12( 29/08/2013) |
18743 | Fall from unsecured ladder LTI # 23( 05/09/2013) |
18744 | Portacabin Fire due to electrical short circuit. LL # 21( 10/09/2013) |
18745 | Tipper truck loses power on jebal, overturns and crushes flowlines. LL # 22( 11/09/2013) |
18746 | Q2 2013 LTI Incident Analysis( 10/09/2013) |
18747 | HSE Learning No 104 UnAuthorised Driving( 25/10/2013) |
18748 | Corporate HSE Q3 Update( 30/10/2013) |
18749 | Q3 2013 LTI Incident Analysis( 30/10/2013) |
18750 | PDO Incident Management will be in production on 10th December.( 27/11/2013) |
18751 | 2014 Corporate HSE Plan ( 15/01/2014) |
18752 | PDO Golden Rules( 23/01/2014) |
18753 | Best Ever Safety Performance( 10/02/2014) |
18754 | 2014 Safety Work Stoppage ( 12/02/2014) |
18755 | Shelters at worksites( 13/02/2014) |
18756 | Q4 2013 LTI Incident Analysis( 20/02/2014) |
18757 | Workplace Safety - Working at Heights( 05/03/2014) |
18758 | 2014 Safety Day( 19/03/2014) |
18759 | NAD - Statistics & Causes( 20/03/2014) |
18760 | 2014 Q1 Corporate HSE Update( 01/05/2014) |
18761 | Q1 2014 LTI Incident Analysis( 09/05/2014) |
18762 | Electronic HSE Newsletter No. 1( 12/05/2014) |
18763 | LL01-LTI#1- Fractured Hand( 20/05/2014) |
18764 | LL02-LTI#2- Deep laceration leg( 20/05/2014) |
18765 | LL03-LTI#3 - Lacerated hand( 20/05/2014) |
18766 | LL04-LTI#4 - MVI Fatality( 20/05/2014) |
18767 | LL05-LTI#5 - Dislocated shoulder( 20/05/2014) |
18768 | LL06 PDO staff Commuting incident ( 04/06/2014) |
18769 | LL07-LTI#6 - Rib Fracture( 05/06/2014) |
18770 | LL08 - LTI#08 - Fractured foot( 05/06/2014) |
18771 | LL09 - LTI#10 - Fractured foot( 05/06/2014) |
18772 | LL10 - LTI#11- Fractured finger( 05/06/2014) |
18773 | Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 2( 08/06/2014) |
18774 | Tell A Friend Campaign on Road Safety Launches its New Films( 09/06/2014) |
18775 | Stay Safe in Summer( 12/06/2014) |
18776 | FLOWERS (Fuel, License, Oil, water, Electrics , Rubber, Safety Equipments)( 15/06/2014) |
18777 | Driving while fatigued ( 15/06/2014) |
18778 | Regular Vehicle Maintenance( 15/06/2014) |
18779 | Road Safety in Summer( 15/06/2014) |
18781 | Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 3( 19/06/2014) |
18782 | Deepdive video - AIPS( 25/06/2014) |
18783 | Ramadan Mubarak 2014( 29/06/2014) |
18784 | Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 4( 07/07/2014) |
18786 | LL11 - NAD # 6 - sideboom( 15/07/2014) |
18787 | LL12 - NAD#8 - Lung problem( 15/07/2014) |
18788 | LL13 - LTI#17- fractured wrist( 15/07/2014) |
18789 | LL14 - LTI#18 fractured wrist( 15/07/2014) |
18790 | LL15 - LTI#09 - multiple fracture( 15/07/2014) |
18791 | LL16 - MVI Fatality 3rd Party( 15/07/2014) |
18792 | LL17 - LTI#12 - Fractured forearm( 15/07/2014) |
18793 | LL18 - LTI#13 - MVI collision poor visibility ( 15/07/2014) |
18794 | LL19 - LTI#15 - MVI collision (dust cloud)( 15/07/2014) |
18795 | LL20 - LTI#19 - Fractured ankle (slips)( 15/07/2014) |
18796 | Safety Alert - Lifting and off loading( 17/07/2014) |
18797 | Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 5( 17/07/2014) |
18798 | Road Safety during Eid Holidays - 2014( 22/07/2014) |
18799 | Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 6( 05/08/2014) |
18800 | 2014 Q2 Corporate HSE Plan Update( 12/08/2014) |
18801 | Q2 2014 LTI Incident Analysis( 12/08/2014) |
18802 | Road Safety Consequence Matrix( 20/08/2014) |
18803 | Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 7( 21/08/2014) |
18804 | Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 8( 04/09/2014) |
18805 | Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 9( 18/09/2014) |
18806 | Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 10( 30/09/2014) |
18807 | Eid package( 02/10/2014) |
18808 | Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 11( 22/10/2014) |
18809 | Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 12( 03/11/2014) |
18810 | Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 13( 18/11/2014) |
18811 | 2014 Q3 Corporate HSE Plan Update( 20/11/2014) |
18812 | Q3 2014 LTI Incident Analysis( 20/11/2014) |
18813 | Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 14( 02/12/2014) |
18814 | Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 15( 16/12/2014) |
18815 | Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 16( 05/01/2015) |
18816 | Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 17( 18/01/2015) |
18817 | 2015 Corporate HSE Plan( 22/01/2015) |
18818 | 2014 Q4 Corporate HSE Plan Update( 02/02/2015) |
18819 | Q4 2014 LTI Incident Analysis( 02/02/2015) |
18820 | First Alert-01( 12/02/2015) |
18821 | First Alert-02( 10/02/2015) |
18822 | Meet Mr Musleh( 03/02/2015) |
18823 | Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 18( 04/02/2015) |
18824 | First Alert-03( 10/02/2015) |
18825 | First Alert-04( 10/02/2015) |
18826 | First Alert-05( 09/02/2015) |
18829 | Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 19( 16/02/2015) |
18830 | First Alert 06( 24/02/2015) |
18831 | Safe Driving Road Show Calendar( 25/02/2015) |
18832 | First Alert 07( 03/03/2015) |
18833 | Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 20( 05/03/2015) |
18834 | First Alert 08( 24/03/2015) |
18835 | Escape Hood( 15/03/2015) |
18836 | First Alert 09( 12/03/2015) |
18837 | Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 21( 17/03/2015) |
18838 | First Alert 10( 19/03/2015) |
18839 | LL43-LTI#32-Toe fracture( 26/03/2015) |
18840 | LL44-LTI#33-burns( 26/03/2015) |
18841 | LL45-LTI#34-wrist fracture( 26/03/2015) |
18842 | LL46-LTI#35-finger fracture( 26/03/2015) |
18843 | LL48-LTI#37-Leg fracture( 26/03/2015) |
18844 | LL49-LTI#43-Thumb amputation( 26/03/2015) |
18845 | LL50-LTI#47-fingers fracture( 26/03/2015) |
18846 | LL52-LTI#45-finger fracture( 26/03/2015) |
18847 | LL53-LTI#49-elbow fracture( 26/03/2015) |
18848 | LL54-LTI#50-leg fracture( 26/03/2015) |
18849 | LL55-LTI#51-wrist fracture( 26/03/2015) |
18850 | LL56-LTI#52-leg fracture( 26/03/2015) |
18851 | LL57-LTI#53-leg fracture( 26/03/2015) |
18852 | LL58-LTI#54-wrist & shoulder fracture( 26/03/2015) |
18853 | LL59-LTI#56-finger fracture( 26/03/2015) |
18854 | LL60-LTI#55-finger cut( 26/03/2015) |
18855 | LL61-LTI#57-Thumb cut( 26/03/2015) |
18856 | LL62-LTI#58-Finger fracture( 26/03/2015) |
18857 | LL21-LTI#16-Leg fracture( 26/03/2015) |
18858 | LL22-NAD#04( 26/03/2015) |
18859 | LL23-LTI#22-Fingers amputation( 26/03/2015) |
18860 | LL24-LTI#20-rib fracture( 26/03/2015) |
18861 | LL25-NAD#05( 26/03/2015) |
18862 | LL36-LTI#24-elbow fracture( 26/03/2015) |
18863 | LL37-LTI#23-wrist&arm fracture( 26/03/2015) |
18864 | LL26-NAD#03( 26/03/2015) |
18865 | LL27-LTI#07-foot fracture( 26/03/2015) |
18866 | LL28-AI PS <I#14-Eyes burns( 26/03/2015) |
18867 | LL29-LTI#38-littel finger fracture( 26/03/2015) |
18868 | LL30-LTI#26--Deep cut( 26/03/2015) |
18869 | LL31-LTI#16-Leg fracture( 26/03/2015) |
18870 | LL32-LTI#21-broken left leg( 26/03/2015) |
18871 | LL33-AI PS Gas Leak-L-755 Well Test #8( 26/03/2015) |
18872 | LL38-LTI#-Intaj-Equipment Damage( 26/03/2015) |
18873 | LL39-LTI#40-Fracture toe( 26/03/2015) |
18874 | LL40-LTI#41-Finger amputation( 26/03/2015) |
18875 | LL41-LTI#28-Wrist fracture( 26/03/2015) |
18876 | LL42-LTI#27-finger fracture( 26/03/2015) |
18877 | LL34-NAD#01( 26/03/2015) |
18878 | LL35-NAD#02( 26/03/2015) |
18879 | Work Stoppage April 2015( 31/03/2015) |
18880 | Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 22( 02/04/2015) |
18881 | First Alert 11( 05/04/2015) |
18982 | 2015 - LL01 - LTI#01-knee fracture( 27/09/2015) |
18983 | 2015 LL02 - NAD#01( 27/09/2015) |
18984 | 2015 LL03-AI-PSM#01Tier1-PDO-MAF tank( 27/09/2015) |
18985 | 2015 - LL04-LTI#02-Finger fracture( 27/09/2015) |
18986 | 2015 - LL05-LTI#04-wrist fracture( 27/09/2015) |
18987 | First Alert 13( 20/04/2015) |
18988 | First Alert 14( 15/04/2015) |
18989 | First Alert 15( 15/04/2015) |
18990 | First Alert 12( 16/04/2015) |
18991 | HSE Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 23( 16/04/2015) |
18992 | First Alert 16( 20/04/2015) |
18993 | First Alert 17( 23/04/2015) |
18994 | First Alert 18( 23/04/2015) |
18995 | 2015 - LL06-LTI#05-foot fracture( 27/09/2015) |
18996 | 2015 - LL07-LTI#06-finger fracture( 27/09/2015) |
18997 | 2015 - LL08-LTI#03-Fall from height-fracture wrist( 27/09/2015) |
18998 | 2015 - LL09-LTI#07-fractured finger( 27/09/2015) |
18999 | Mr. Musleh’s News 01( 04/05/2015) |
19000 | HSE Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 24( 04/05/2015) |
19001 | First Alert 19( 12/05/2015) |
19002 | Q1 2015 LTI Incident Analysis( 13/05/2015) |
19003 | Q1 2015 Corporate HSE Plan Update( 13/05/2015) |
19004 | HSE Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 25( 20/05/2015) |
19005 | First Alert 20( 01/06/2015) |
19006 | HSE Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter Issue-26( 01/06/2015) |
19007 | First Alert 21( 03/06/2015) |
19008 | 2015 - LL11-LTI#08-Fractured pelvis( 07/06/2015) |
19009 | 2015 - LL12-LTI#09-Head injury - Fatal( 07/06/2015) |
19010 | 2015 - LL13-LTI#10-Fractured toes( 07/06/2015) |
19011 | 2015 - LL14-LTI#11-Fractured wrist( 07/06/2015) |
19012 | 2015 - LL16-AIPS#2-Tier1 - Musalam Leak( 07/06/2015) |
19013 | Mr. Musleh’s News 02( 09/06/2015) |
19014 | First Alert 22( 14/06/2015) |
19015 | First Alert 23( 16/06/2015) |
19016 | Ramadan Poster 2015( 17/06/2015) |
19017 | HSE Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter Issue-27( 17/06/2015) |
19018 | Be Safe and Healthy in Ramadan( 17/06/2015) |
19019 | First Alert 24( 18/06/2015) |
19020 | Safety Alert - Loose Clothing hazard( 21/06/2015) |
19021 | First Alert 25( 22/06/2015) |
19022 | First Alert 26( 23/06/2015) |
19023 | First Alert 27( 25/06/2015) |
19024 | First Alert 28( 25/06/2015) |
19025 | MSEM's Ramadan Video Message( 30/06/2015) |
19026 | 2015 - Lateral Learning #17-HIPO#1 Manbasket incident( 30/06/2015) |
19027 | 2015 - Lateral Learning #18 - LTI#13- slips( 30/06/2015) |
19028 | 2015 - Lateral Learning #19 - LTI#16 - chain binder eye injury( 30/06/2015) |
19029 | 2015 - Lateral Learning #20 - LTI#18 - drilling elevator finger injury( 30/06/2015) |
19030 | 2015 - Lateral Learning #21 - LTI#15 - barrier post finger injury( 30/06/2015) |
19031 | 2015 - Lateral Learning #22 - LTI#14 - kerb stone shin injury( 30/06/2015) |
19032 | First Alert 29( 01/07/2015) |
19034 | 2015 - Lateral Learning #15 - LTI#12 - Fractured finger injury( 01/07/2015) |
19035 | Mr. Musleh’s News 03( 02/07/2015) |
19036 | HSE Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter Issue-28( 05/07/2015) |
19037 | EID - Road Safety Package (Arabic & English)( 14/07/2015) |
19038 | Prohibiting Future HSE Course Discounting( 15/07/2015) |
19039 | 2015 - Lateral Learning #24 - LTI#19 - fractured finger( 03/08/2015) |
19040 | 2015 - Lateral Learning #26 - LTI#20 - fractured hand( 03/08/2015) |
19041 | 2015 - Lateral Learning #27 - LTI#21 - injured knee( 03/08/2015) |
19042 | HSE Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter Issue-29( 03/08/2015) |
19043 | Mr. Musleh’s News 04( 03/08/2015) |
19044 | Don’t be the Next – Rig85 incident( 05/08/2015) |
19046 | Q2 2015 LTI Incident Analysis( 06/08/2015) |
19047 | First Alert 30( 17/08/2015) |
19048 | First Alert 31( 13/08/2015) |
19049 | First Alert 32( 13/08/2015) |
19050 | First Alert 33( 17/08/2015) |
19052 | HSE Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter Issue-30( 23/08/2015) |
19066 | First Alert 34( 26/08/2015) |
19067 | Road Safety Alert( 27/08/2015) |
19068 | First Alert 35( 31/08/2015) |
19069 | First Alert 36( 01/09/2015) |
19070 | HSE Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter Issue-31( 02/09/2015) |
19071 | 2015 - Lateral Learning #25 - LTI#25 - fractured finger( 10/09/2015) |
19072 | 2015 - Lateral Learning #29 - LTI#27 - fractured foot( 10/09/2015) |
19073 | Driving During Eid Celebrations( 14/09/2015) |
19074 | Commuting Fatality#04( 16/09/2015) |
19075 | Recyclable medicine bag ( 16/09/2015) |
19076 | HSE Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter Issue-32( 16/09/2015) |
19077 | First Alert 37( 20/09/2015) |
19078 | First Alert 38( 21/09/2015) |
19079 | 2015 - Lateral Learning LL32 - LTI#28- Amputated fingers( 29/09/2015) |
19080 | 2015 - Lateral Learning LL33 - LTI#30 - Amputated finger( 29/09/2015) |
19081 | 2015 - Lateral Learning LL34 - LTI#22 - Broken arm( 29/09/2015) |
19082 | 2015 - Lateral Learning LL35 - LTI#23 - Fractured arm( 29/09/2015) |
19083 | 2015 - Lateral Learning LL37 - LTI#29 - crushed finger( 30/09/2015) |
19084 | 2015 - Lateral Learning LL38 - LTI#24 - Electrical burns( 30/09/2015) |
19085 | 2015 - Lateral Learning LL36 - LTI#26 - multiple injureis( 30/09/2015) |
19086 | First Alert 39( 06/10/2015) |
19087 | Mr. Musleh’s News 05( 06/10/2015) |
19089 | HSE Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter Issue-33( 11/10/2015) |
19090 | First Alert 40( 18/10/2015) |
49254 | HSE Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter Issue-34( 20/10/2015) |
49255 | Q3 2015 LTI Incident Analysis( 22/10/2015) |
49256 | Q3 2015 Corporate HSE Plan Update( 22/10/2015) |
49257 | First Alert 41( 22/10/2015) |
91584 | First Alert 42( 26/10/2015) |
91585 | First Alert 43( 29/10/2015) |
91586 | HSE Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter Issue-35( 04/11/2015) |
91587 | First Alert 44( 05/11/2015) |
91588 | Fatality Resulted As A Consequence Of Reversing Vehicle( 09/11/2015) |
91589 | First Alert 45( 15/11/2015) |
91590 | First Alert 46( 17/11/2015) |
91591 | HSE Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter Issue-36( 19/10/2016) |
91592 | The new Supervisory Leadership Programme has launched( 07/12/2015) |
91593 | First Alert 47( 10/12/2015) |
91594 | New Penalties For Not Reporting HSE Incidents( 09/12/2015) |
91595 | Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 37 Protecting the Environment( 10/01/2017) |
91596 | Launch of Near Miss Reporting( 10/12/2015) |
91597 | First Alert 48( 10/12/2015) |
91598 | 2015 - Lateral Learning LL39 - LTI#31 - Crushed Fingers( 13/12/2015) |
91599 | 2015 - Lateral Learning LL46 - LTI#32 - Amputated Fingers( 13/12/2015) |
91600 | 2015 - Lateral Learning LL45 - LTI#38 - Chemical Burns( 13/12/2015) |
91601 | 2015 - Lateral Learning LL40 - LTI#33 - Fractured Finger( 13/12/2015) |
91602 | 2015 - Lateral Learning LL41 - LTI#34 - Fractured Finger( 13/12/2015) |
91603 | 2015 - Lateral Learning LL42 - LTI#35 - Fractured Finger( 13/12/2015) |
91604 | 2015 - Lateral Learning LL43 - LTI#36 - Fractured Finger( 13/12/2015) |
91605 | 2015 - Lateral Learning LL44 - LTI#37 - Chemical Burns( 13/12/2015) |
91606 | Q1 2016 HSE Training schedule( 20/12/2015) |
91607 | Commuting Fatality#05( 22/12/2015) |
91608 | First Alert 49( 22/12/2015) |
91609 | Know to Read Your Tyre Pocket Guide( 28/12/2015) |
91610 | HSE Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter Issue-38( 28/12/2015) |
91614 | Mr. Musleh’s News 06( 05/01/2016) |
91615 | First Alert 50( 04/01/2016) |
91616 | First Alert 51( 05/01/2016) |
91617 | 2016 First Alert 01( 29/02/2016) |
91618 | Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter Issue-39( 19/02/2018) |
91620 | ADCO - Learning From Incident( 11/01/2016) |
91621 | Q4 2015 LTI Incident Analysis( 18/01/2016) |
91622 | 2016 CORPORATE HSE BUSINESS PLAN( 18/01/2016) |
91623 | Q4 2015 Corporate HSE Plan Update( 27/01/2016) |
91624 | Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter Issue-40( 23/02/2018) |
91625 | 2015 - Lateral Learning LL51 - LTI#42 - Fractured Thumb( 28/01/2016) |
91626 | 2015 - Lateral Learning LL52 - LTI#43 - Finger Injury( 28/01/2016) |
91627 | 2015 - Lateral Learning LL54 - LTI#45 - Amputated Thumb( 28/01/2016) |
91628 | 2015 - Lateral Learning LL55 - LTI#46 - Multiple Fractures( 28/01/2016) |
91629 | Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter Issue-41( 23/02/2018) |
91630 | Shaleem Bus Incident Learning ( 15/02/2016) |
91631 | 2016 First Alert 02( 14/03/2016) |
91632 | PDO MD Message - 2016 Safety Day 'Respect'( 01/04/2016) |
91634 | 2016 First Alert 03( 14/03/2016) |
91635 | Avoiding repairs work stoppage( 06/03/2016) |
91637 | Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter Issue-42( 23/02/2018) |
91638 | 2016 First Alert 04( 14/03/2016) |
91639 | 2016 First Alert 05( 14/03/2016) |
91640 | 2016 First Alert 06( 21/03/2016) |
91641 | Approved Training Provider List 2016( 03/04/2016) |
91642 | 2016 - Lateral Learning LL47_NAD#12( 03/04/2016) |
91643 | 2016 - Lateral Learning LL48_LTI#39-MVI( 24/03/2016) |
91644 | 2016 - Lateral Learning LL49_LTI#40-fracturedfinger( 24/03/2016) |
91645 | 2016 - Lateral Learning LL50_LTI#41-legtwist( 24/03/2016) |
91646 | 2016 - Lateral Learning LL53_LTI#44-fracturedfinger( 24/03/2016) |
91647 | 2016 - Lateral Learning LL56_LTI#47-fatalcrush( 24/03/2016) |
91648 | 2016 - Lateral Learning LL57_LTI#48-fracturedfinger( 24/03/2016) |
91649 | 2016 - Lateral Learning LL58_LTI#49-fracturedfinger( 24/03/2016) |
91650 | 2016 - Lateral Learning LL59_LTI#50_fracturedforearm( 03/04/2016) |
91651 | 2016 - Lateral Learning LL60_LTI#51_MVI( 24/03/2016) |
91652 | PDO Contract HSE Managers Forum March 2016( 03/04/2016) |
91703 | Mr. Musleh’s News 07( 03/04/2016) |
91704 | HSE Monthly Newsletter - Issue-43( 06/04/2016) |
91705 | 2016 First Alert 07( 10/04/2016) |
91706 | 2016 First Alert 08( 10/04/2016) |
91707 | Q1 2016 LTI Incident Analysis( 21/04/2016) |
91708 | Q1 2016 Corporate HSE Plan Update( 21/04/2016) |
91709 | 2016 First Alert 09( 27/04/2016) |
91710 | CARBON MONOXIDE Poisoning - Videos( 04/05/2016) |
91712 | CARBON MONOXIDE Presentation( 04/05/2016) |
91713 | 2016 First Alert 10( 04/05/2016) |
91714 | STOP, change is coming FAQ( 08/05/2016) |
91715 | HSE Newsletter - Issue 44 - Fever in children( 29/05/2016) |
91716 | PDO First Alert 11( 08/05/2016) |
91717 | PDO First Alert 13( 11/05/2016) |
91718 | PDO First Alert 14( 10/05/2016) |
91719 | Heat Stress - Understanding & Prevention( 23/05/2016) |
91720 | Ramadan 1437 Advice( 25/05/2016) |
91721 | HSE Newsletter - Issue 45 - 500 million KM without work related fatality( 09/06/2016) |
91722 | PDO First Alert 15( 14/06/2016) |
91723 | FATIGUE Management( 23/06/2016) |
91724 | FATIGUE Management - Circular( 23/06/2016) |
91725 | PDO First Alert 16( 23/06/2016) |
91726 | PDO First Alert 17( 26/06/2016) |
91727 | HSE Newsletter Issue 46 - Ergonomics( 27/06/2016) |
91728 | 2016 Second Alert - LTI#01 LTI Bahja( 30/06/2016) |
91729 | 2016 Second Alert - LTI#02 LTI Rig 60( 30/06/2016) |
91730 | 2016 Second Alert - LTI#03 LTI Rig 82( 30/06/2016) |
91731 | 2016 Second Alert - LTI#04 LTI Saih Rawl( 30/06/2016) |
91732 | 2016 Second Alert - LTI#05 LTI Fahud( 30/06/2016) |
91733 | 2016 Second Alert - LTI#06 LTI Rig 87( 30/06/2016) |
91734 | The Eid Al Fitr Package( 30/06/2016) |
91735 | Mr. Musleh’s News 08( 04/07/2016) |
91736 | PDO First Alert 18( 11/07/2016) |
91738 | PDO First Alert 20( 26/07/2016) |
91740 | PDO First Alert 22( 03/08/2016) |
91741 | HSE Newsletter Issue 47 - Working At Height( 04/09/2016) |
91742 | PDO First Alert 21a( 09/08/2016) |
91743 | PDO First Alert 23( 23/08/2016) |
91744 | PDO First Alert 22a( 22/08/2016) |
91745 | PDO First Alert 24( 29/08/2016) |
91746 | HSE Newsletter Issue 48 - Epilepsy( 19/10/2016) |
91747 | PDO First Alert 26( 04/10/2016) |
91749 | PDO First Alert 28( 04/10/2016) |
91750 | PDO First Alert 27( 04/10/2016) |
91751 | PDO First Alert 29( 20/09/2016) |
91752 | PDO First Alert 31( 26/09/2016) |
91753 | PDO First Alert 30( 26/09/2016) |
91754 | PDO Contractor HSE Managers Forum September 2016( 28/09/2016) |
91756 | PDO First Alert 32( 02/10/2016) |
91757 | PDO First Alert 33( 02/10/2016) |
91758 | HSE Newsletter Issue 49 - HSE Lean( 19/10/2016) |
91759 | PDO First Alert 34( 04/10/2016) |
91760 | PDO First Alert 35( 05/10/2016) |
91761 | 2016 Second Alert - LTI Rig 87( 09/10/2016) |
91762 | 2016 Second Alert- Bandar Al Khairan( 09/10/2016) |
91763 | 2016 Second Alert - LTI Rig 97( 09/10/2016) |
91764 | 2016 Second Alert - LTI Fahud( 09/10/2016) |
91765 | 2016 Second Alert - LTI Nimr( 09/10/2016) |
91766 | 2016 Second Alert - MVI Fatality( 09/10/2016) |
91767 | 2016 Second Alert - LTI Qarn Alam( 09/10/2016) |
91768 | 2016 Second Alert - LTI Harweel( 09/10/2016) |
91769 | 2016 Second Alert - LTI Amal( 09/10/2016) |
91770 | 2016 Second Alert - LTI Qarn Alam( 09/10/2016) |
91771 | 2016 Second Alert - MVI Fatality( 09/10/2016) |
91772 | Mr. Musleh’s News 09( 11/10/2016) |
91774 | PDO First Alert 36( 21/12/2016) |
91775 | MSE Staff Quarterly Meeting Presentations Oct 2016( 19/10/2016) |
91776 | Child safety inside vehicles: How to escape from a locked car( 31/10/2016) |
91777 | PDO First Alert 37( 31/10/2016) |
91778 | HSE Newsletter Issue 50 - Back Pain Management At Work( 02/11/2016) |
91779 | Q2 2016 LTI Incident Analysis( 07/11/2016) |
91780 | Q3 2016 LTI Incident Analysis( 08/11/2017) |
91781 | Q3 2016 Corporate HSE Plan Update( 07/11/2016) |
91782 | PDO First Alert 38( 14/11/2016) |
91783 | PDO First Alert 39( 17/11/2016) |
91784 | Repeat Incidents Engagement Pack( 20/11/2016) |
91785 | PDO First Alert 40( 30/11/2016) |
91786 | PDO First Alert 41( 05/12/2016) |
91788 | HSE Newsletter Issue 51 - HAZARD HUNT( 22/02/2017) |
91789 | PDO First Alert 43( 20/12/2016) |
91790 | Safety Bulletin: LFI Domestic Gas Regulator Safety( 21/12/2016) |
91791 | Work Stoppage: Motor Vehicle Incidents( 26/12/2016) |
91792 | HSE Newsletter Issue 52 Mr.Musleh’s LFI Q3-2016( 06/06/2018) |
91793 | PDO First Alert 01( 15/01/2017) |
91794 | PDO First Alert 02( 18/01/2017) |
91795 | PDO First Alert 03( 19/01/2017) |
91796 | PDO First Alert 04( 22/01/2017) |
91797 | PDO First Alert 05( 22/01/2017) |
91799 | 2017 Corporate HSE Business Plan( 26/01/2017) |
91801 | Q4 Corporate Message 2016( 22/02/2017) |
91802 | Q4 2016 LTI Incidents Analysis Study( 22/02/2017) |
91803 | PDO First Alert 06( 02/02/2017) |
91804 | HSE Newsletter Issue 53 - Hazard Hunt - Learn the Top9( 18/05/2017) |
91805 | Safety Alert: Uncertified Lifting Equipment( 13/02/2017) |
91806 | Safety Alert: Inadequate PPE( 13/02/2017) |
91816 | HSE Newsletter Issue 54 - Psychological First Aid( 05/03/2017) |
91817 | PDO First Alert 07( 22/03/2017) |
91818 | PDO First Alert 08( 27/03/2017) |
91819 | Safety Alert - Storage of Oxygen Cylinders( 04/05/2017) |
91820 | Safety Alert 01/2017-PPE Standards Hazard( 02/04/2017) |
91821 | Safety Alert 03/2017-BOSCH Important safety information( 02/04/2017) |
91822 | HSE Newsletter Issue 55: Hazard Hunt 3 - Let the Hunt Begin( 12/06/2017) |
91823 | PDO First Alert 09( 06/04/2017) |
91824 | 2016 Second Alert - LTI#29 LTI Nimr( 06/04/2017) |
91825 | 2016 Second Alert - LTI#31 LTI foot injury( 06/04/2017) |
91826 | 2016 Second Alert - LTI#32 LTI Broken wrists( 06/04/2017) |
91827 | 2016 Second Alert - LTI#33 LTI( 06/04/2017) |
91828 | 2016 Second Alert - LTI#34 LTI Finger Injury( 06/04/2017) |
91829 | 2016 Second Alert - LTI#35 LTI( 06/04/2017) |
91830 | 2016 Second Alert - LTI#36 LTI( 06/04/2017) |
91831 | 2016 Second Alert - LTI#37 LTI( 06/04/2017) |
91832 | 2016 Second Alert - LTI#38 LTI Finger Injury ( 06/04/2017) |
91833 | 2016 Second Alert - LTI#39 LTI MVI( 06/04/2017) |
91834 | 2016 Second Alert - LTI#40 LTI Nimr( 06/04/2017) |
91835 | 2016 Second Alert - LTI#41 LTI( 06/04/2017) |
91836 | 2016 Second Alert - LTI#42 AIPS & LTI( 06/04/2017) |
91837 | 2016 Second Alert - LTI#43 MVI LTI( 06/04/2017) |
91838 | PDO First Alert 10( 15/06/2017) |
91840 | HSE Newsletter Issue 56 Mr Musleh’s LFI Q4-2016( 06/06/2018) |
91841 | Q1 2017 LTI Incidents Analysis Study( 24/04/2017) |
91842 | Q1 2017 Corporate HSE Plan Update( 24/09/2018) |
91843 | PDO First Alert 11( 15/06/2017) |
91844 | PDO First Alert 12( 15/06/2017) |
91845 | Safety Alert - Over Head Lines (OHL) and Kicker Boards( 04/05/2017) |
91846 | PDO First Alert 14( 04/05/2017) |
91848 | HSE Newsletter - Issue 57 Coronary Heart Disease & Heart Attack( 18/05/2017) |
91849 | PDO First Alert 14a( 15/05/2017) |
91850 | PDO First Alert 15( 15/06/2017) |
91851 | PDO First Alert 16( 15/06/2017) |
91852 | PDO First Alert 17( 30/05/2017) |
91854 | HSE Newsletter Issue 58: Hazard Hunt 4 - Hazards and Risk( 12/06/2017) |
91855 | PDO First Alert 18( 12/06/2017) |
91856 | Safety Day 2017 Poster( 14/06/2017) |
91857 | Summer Tips 2017( 14/06/2017) |
91858 | PDO First Alert 19( 02/10/2017) |
91859 | PDO First Alert 21( 02/10/2017) |
91860 | PDO First Alert 20( 02/10/2017) |
91861 | PDO First Alert 22( 02/10/2017) |
91862 | PDO First Alert 23( 02/10/2017) |
91863 | HSE Newsletter Issue 59: Stretch Exercises At Your Work Place( 10/10/2017) |
91864 | PDO First Alert 24( 02/10/2017) |
91866 | PDO First Alert 25( 02/08/2017) |
91867 | HSE Newsletter - Issue 60: Journey Management Control Centre( 13/12/2017) |
91869 | PDO First Alert 26( 07/08/2017) |
91870 | PDO First Alert 27( 02/10/2017) |
91871 | PDO First Alert 28( 15/08/2017) |
91872 | Q2 2017 LTI Incidents Analysis Study( 20/08/2017) |
91873 | PDO First Alert 30( 02/10/2017) |
91874 | PDO First Alert 31( 24/08/2017) |
91875 | PDO First Alert 32( 02/10/2017) |
91876 | PDO First Alert 33( 02/10/2017) |
91877 | PDO First Alert 34( 02/10/2017) |
91878 | 2017 Second Alert - LTI#01( 07/09/2017) |
91879 | 2017 Second Alert - LTI#02( 07/09/2017) |
91880 | 2017 Second Alert - MIRC( 08/09/2017) |
91881 | 2017 Second Alert - LTI#04( 07/09/2017) |
91882 | 2017 Second Alert - LTI#05( 07/09/2017) |
91883 | 2017 Second Alert - LTI#06( 07/09/2017) |
91884 | 2017 Second Alert - LTI#07( 07/09/2017) |
91885 | 2017 Second Alert - LTI#08( 07/09/2017) |
91886 | 2017 Second Alert - HiPo#1( 07/09/2017) |
91887 | 2017 Second Alert - HiPo#2( 07/09/2017) |
91888 | 2017 Second Alert - HiPo#4( 07/09/2017) |
91889 | 2017 Second Alert - HiPo#5( 07/09/2017) |
91890 | 2017 Second Alert - HiPo#6( 10/09/2017) |
91896 | 2017 Second Alert - HiPo#7( 14/09/2017) |
91897 | HSE Newsletter Issue 61: Mr. Musleh’s LFI Q1-2017( 10/10/2017) |
91898 | PDO First Alert 36( 26/09/2017) |
91899 | PDO First Alert 37( 02/10/2017) |
91900 | PDO First Alert 38( 03/10/2017) |
91901 | PDO First Alert 39( 04/10/2017) |
91902 | PDO First Alert 40( 05/10/2017) |
91903 | HSE Newsletter - Issue 62: Thyroid Medical Problems( 11/10/2017) |
91904 | Safety Alert - Eurogrit Product Contaminated With Asbestos( 11/10/2017) |
91905 | Safety Alert - Lifting Equipment( 17/10/2017) |
91906 | Requirement for Lifting Equipment Controller( 17/10/2017) |
91907 | 2017 Second Alert - LTI#09( 26/10/2017) |
91908 | 2017 Second Alert - LTI#10( 26/10/2017) |
91909 | 2017 Second Alert - LTI#11( 26/10/2017) |
91910 | 2017 Second Alert - LTI#12( 26/10/2017) |
91911 | 2017 Second Alert - LTI#14( 26/10/2017) |
91912 | 2017 Second Alert - LTI#14a( 26/10/2017) |
91913 | 2017 Second Alert - LTI#15( 26/10/2017) |
91914 | 2017 Second Alert - LTI#16( 26/10/2017) |
91915 | 2017 Second Alert - LTI#17( 26/10/2017) |
91916 | 2017 Second Alert - LTI#18( 26/10/2017) |
91917 | 2017 Second Alert - LTI#19( 26/10/2017) |
91918 | 2017 Second Alert - LTI#20( 26/10/2017) |
91919 | 2017 Second Alert - LTI#21( 26/10/2017) |
91920 | 2017 Second Alert - LTI#22( 26/10/2017) |
91921 | 2017 Second Alert - HiPoI#08( 26/10/2017) |
91922 | 2017 Second Alert - HiPoI#09( 26/10/2017) |
91923 | 2017 Second Alert - HiPoI#10( 26/10/2017) |
91924 | 2017 Second Alert - LTII#23( 26/10/2017) |
91925 | Environment Alert - Camels Falling in Open Pits( 30/10/2017) |
91926 | HSE Newsletter Issue 63: Mr Musleh’s LFI Q2-2017( 06/06/2018) |
91928 | Q3 2017 Corporate HSE Plan Update( 24/09/2018) |
91929 | Q3 2017 LTI Incident Analysis Report( 24/09/2018) |
91930 | PDO First Alert 41( 09/11/2017) |
91932 | PDO First Alert 42( 26/11/2017) |
91933 | The Silent Killer( 29/11/2017) |
91935 | LTI#43( 10/12/2017) |
91936 | HSE Newsletter - Issue 64 IHTIMAM Behavioural Based Safety( 13/12/2017) |
91937 | PDO First Alert 44( 19/12/2017) |
91938 | Safety Alert: RAH Lesson Learned 2017( 28/12/2017) |
91939 | PDO First Alert 45( 03/01/2018) |
91940 | HSE Newsletter - Issue 65: Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) & New Filter Hoods( 23/02/2018) |
91941 | #Istidama Environmental Video: Go Green( 17/01/2018) |
91942 | PDO First Alert 46( 18/01/2018) |
91943 | PDO First Alert 01( 06/02/2018) |
91944 | PDO First Alert #02( 11/02/2018) |
91945 | PDO First Alert #04( 15/02/2018) |
91946 | PDO First Alert #03( 15/02/2018) |
91947 | PDO First Alert #05( 22/02/2018) |
91948 | Q4 2017 Corporate HSE Plan Update( 24/09/2018) |
91949 | Q4 2017 LTI Incidents Analysis Study( 26/02/2018) |
91950 | HSE Newsletter - Issue 66: Colorectal Cancer( 04/03/2018) |
91951 | 2017 Second Alert - SA027_LTI#24.pptx( 04/03/2018) |
91952 | 2017 Second Alert - SA028_LTI#25.pptx( 04/03/2018) |
91953 | 2017 Second Alert - SA029_HiPo#11.pptx( 04/03/2018) |
91954 | 2017 Second Alert - SA030_LTI#26.pptx( 04/03/2018) |
91955 | 2017 Second Alert - SA031_LTI#27.pptx( 04/03/2018) |
91956 | 2017 Second Alert - SA032_LTI#28.pptx( 04/03/2018) |
91957 | 2017 Second Alert - SA033_HiPo#13.pptx( 04/03/2018) |
91958 | 2017 Second Alert - SA034_LTI#29.pptx( 04/03/2018) |
91959 | 2017 Second Alert - SA035_LTI#30.pptx( 04/03/2018) |
91960 | 2017 Second Alert - SA036_LTI#32.pptx( 04/03/2018) |
91961 | 2017 Second Alert - SA037_HiPo#14.pptx( 04/03/2018) |
91962 | 2017 Second Alert - SA038_LTI#33.pptx( 04/03/2018) |
91963 | 2017 Second Alert - SA039_LTI#34.pptx( 04/03/2018) |
91964 | 2017 Second Alert - SA040_LTI#35.pptx( 04/03/2018) |
91965 | 2017 Second Alert - SA041_LTI#36.pptx( 04/03/2018) |
91966 | 2017 Second Alert - SA042_LTI#31.pptx( 04/03/2018) |
91967 | HSE Newsletter Issue 67: Mr Musleh’s LFI Q3-2017( 06/06/2018) |
91968 | PDO First Alert #06( 20/03/2018) |
91969 | PDO First Alrt #07( 22/03/2018) |
91970 | PDO First Alert #08( 26/03/2018) |
91971 | PDO First Alert#09( 05/04/2018) |
91972 | Safety Alert No#01-2018 - Lifting Equipment Fatal Incident( 25/04/2018) |
91973 | PDO First Alert #11( 30/04/2018) |
91974 | 2018 Second Alert - SA037_LTI#37( 13/05/2018) |
91975 | 2018 Second Alert - SA053_LTI#44( 13/05/2018) |
91976 | 2018 Second Alert - SA051_HiPo#20( 13/05/2018) |
91977 | 2018 Second Alert - SA051_HiPo#21( 13/05/2018) |
91978 | 2018 Second Alert - SA050_HiPo#19( 13/05/2018) |
91979 | 2018 Second Alert - SA049_HiPo#18( 13/05/2018) |
91980 | 2018 Second Alert - SA047_HiPo#16( 13/05/2018) |
91981 | 2018 Second Alert - SA048_HiPo#17( 26/08/2018) |
91982 | 2018 Second Alert - SA046_LTI#46( 13/05/2018) |
91983 | 2018 Second Alert - SA045_LTI#45( 13/05/2018) |
91984 | 2018 Second Alert - SA043_LTI#43( 13/05/2018) |
91985 | 2018 Second Alert - SA042_LTI#42( 13/05/2018) |
91986 | 2018 Second Alert - SA041_LTI#41( 13/05/2018) |
91987 | 2018 Second Alert - SA040_LTI#40( 13/05/2018) |
91988 | 2018 Second Alert - SA039_LTI#39( 13/05/2018) |
91989 | 2018 Second Alert - SA038_LTI#38( 13/05/2018) |
91990 | 2018 Second Alert - SA054_OHL( 13/05/2018) |
91991 | 2018 Second Alert - Lifting Alert( 13/05/2018) |
91992 | PDO First Alert#12( 17/05/2018) |
91993 | PDO First Alert#13( 22/05/2018) |
91994 | HSE Newsletter Issue 68: WHM( 24/05/2018) |
91995 | Q1 2018 Corporate HSE Plan Update( 24/09/2018) |
91996 | Q1 2018 LTI Incidents Analysis Study( 24/09/2018) |
91997 | HSE Newsletter Issue 69: Mr Musleh’s LFI Q4-2017( 06/06/2018) |
91999 | Safe Driving During Eid Holidays 2018( 11/06/2018) |
92000 | First Alert#14( 19/06/2018) |
92001 | PDO First Alert#15( 28/06/2018) |
92002 | PDO First Alert#16( 05/07/2018) |
92003 | PDO First Alert #17( 09/07/2018) |
92004 | PDO First Alert #18( 12/07/2018) |
92005 | PDO First Alert #19( 16/07/2018) |
92006 | PDO First Alert #20( 24/07/2018) |
92007 | PDO First Alert #21( 24/07/2018) |
92008 | HSE Newsletter Issue 70: Fatigue Sleepiness( 05/08/2018) |
92009 | Work Stoppage - Equipment and Intervention( 08/08/2018) |
92010 | Stay Safe During Eid - Aug 2018( 16/08/2018) |
92011 | 2018 Second Alert - SA001_LTI01( 26/08/2018) |
92012 | 2018 Second Alert - SA001_LTI02( 26/08/2018) |
92013 | 2018 Second Alert - SA001_LTI03( 26/08/2018) |
92014 | 2018 Second Alert - SA001_LTI04( 26/08/2018) |
92015 | 2018 Second Alert - SA001_LTI05( 26/08/2018) |
92016 | 2018 Second Alert - SA001_LTI07( 26/08/2018) |
92017 | 2018 Second Alert - SA001_LTI08( 26/08/2018) |
92018 | 2018 Second Alert - SA001_HiPo01( 26/08/2018) |
92019 | 2018 Second Alert - SA001_HVL01( 26/08/2018) |
92020 | 2018 Second Alert - SA002_HiPo02( 26/08/2018) |
92021 | 2018 Second Alert - SA002_HVL02( 26/08/2018) |
92022 | 2018 Second Alert - SA003_HiPo03( 26/08/2018) |
92023 | 2018 Second Alert - SA003_HVL03( 26/08/2018) |
92024 | 2018 Second Alert - SA004_HiPo04( 26/08/2018) |
92025 | 2018 Second Alert - SA005_HiPo05( 26/08/2018) |
92026 | 2018 Second Alert - SA006_HiPo06( 26/08/2018) |
92027 | 2018 Second Alert - SA007_HiPo07( 26/08/2018) |
92028 | 2018 Second Alert - SA008_HiPo08( 26/08/2018) |
92029 | 2018 Second Alert - SA008a_HiPo08a( 26/08/2018) |
92030 | 2018 Second Alert - SA009_HiPo09( 26/08/2018) |
92031 | 2018 Second Alert - SA0010_HiPo10( 26/08/2018) |
92032 | Q2 2018 Corporate HSE Plan Update( 24/09/2018) |
92033 | Q2 2018 LTI Incidents Analysis Study( 24/09/2018) |
92034 | HSE Newsletter Issue 71: Mr Musleh’s LFI Q1-2018( 09/09/2018) |
92035 | PDO First Alert #23( 16/09/2018) |
92036 | PDO First Alert #24( 18/10/2018) |
92037 | PDO First Alert #25( 18/10/2018) |
92038 | HSE Newsletter Issue 72: Contractors Capability (Banding)( 21/10/2018) |
92040 | PDO First Alert #26( 29/10/2018) |
92041 | HSE Newsletter Issue 73: Carbon monoxide (CO) ( 14/11/2018) |
92042 | 2018 Second Alert - SA013_HiPo13( 26/11/2018) |
92043 | 2018 Second Alert - SA014_HiPo14( 26/11/2018) |
92044 | 2018 Second Alert - SA015_HiPo15( 26/11/2018) |
92045 | 2018 Second Alert - SA016_HiPo16( 26/11/2018) |
92046 | 2018 Second Alert - SA017_HiPo17( 26/11/2018) |
92047 | 2018 Second Alert - SA018_HiPo18( 26/11/2018) |
92048 | 2018 Second Alert - SA019_HiPo19( 26/11/2018) |
92049 | 2018 Second Alert - SA020_HiPo20( 26/11/2018) |
92050 | 2018 Second Alert - SA021_HiPo21( 26/11/2018) |
92051 | 2018 Second Alert - SA022_HiPo22( 26/11/2018) |
92052 | 2018 Second Alert - SA023_HiPo23( 26/11/2018) |
92053 | 2018 Second Alert - SA024_HiPo24( 26/11/2018) |
92054 | 2018 Second Alert - SA026_HiPo26( 26/11/2018) |
92055 | 2018 Second Alert - SA009_LTI09( 26/11/2018) |
92056 | 2018 Second Alert - SA010_LTI10( 26/11/2018) |
92057 | 2018 Second Alert - SA011_LTI11( 26/11/2018) |
92058 | 2018 Second Alert - SA012_LTI12( 26/11/2018) |
92059 | 2018 Second Alert - SA013_LTI13( 26/11/2018) |
92060 | 2018 Second Alert - SA014_LTI14( 26/11/2018) |
92061 | 2018 Second Alert - SA015_LTI15( 26/11/2018) |
92063 | PDO First Alert # 27( 27/11/2018) |
92064 | PDO First Alert #28( 02/12/2018) |
92065 | PDO First Alert #29( 02/12/2018) |
92066 | HSE Newsletter Issue 73: Mr. Mulsleh Learning from Incidents Q2 2018 ( 09/12/2018) |
92067 | PDO First Alert #30( 20/12/2018) |
92068 | PDO First Alert #31( 24/12/2018) |
92069 | PDO First Alert #32( 26/12/2018) |
92070 | Aedes Aegypti Mosquitoes and Dengue fever( 30/12/2018) |
92072 | Simplified environmental requirements ( 13/01/2019) |
92073 | Simplified Environmental Booklet ( 17/01/2019) |
92074 | PDO First Alert #01( 04/02/2019) |
92075 | Behavior modification for Obesity Management( 12/02/2019) |
92076 | simplifications of the HSE Management systems awereness training ( 18/02/2019) |
92077 | PDO First Alert #02( 18/02/2019) |
92078 | PDO First Alert #03( 21/02/2019) |
92079 | PDO First Alert #04( 13/03/2019) |
92080 | 2018 Second Alert - SA016_LTI16( 26/03/2019) |
92081 | 2018 Second Alert - SA017_LTI17( 26/03/2019) |
92082 | 2018 Second Alert - SA018_LTI18( 26/03/2019) |
92083 | 2018 Second Alert - SA019_LTI19( 26/03/2019) |
92084 | 2018 Second Alert - SA020_LTI20( 26/03/2019) |
92085 | 2018 Second Alert - SA021_LTI21( 26/03/2019) |
92086 | 2018 Second Alert - SA022_LTI22( 26/03/2019) |
92087 | 2018 Second Alert - SA023_LTI23( 26/03/2019) |
92088 | 2018 Second Alert - SA026a_HiPo26a( 26/03/2019) |
92089 | 2018 Second Alert - SA027_HiPo27( 26/03/2019) |
92090 | 2018 Second Alert - SA028_HiPo28( 26/03/2019) |
92091 | 2018 Second Alert - SA029_HiPo29( 26/03/2019) |
92092 | 2018 Second Alert - SA030_HiPo30( 26/03/2019) |
92093 | 2018 Second Alert - SA031_HiPo31( 26/03/2019) |
92094 | 2018 Second Alert - SA032_HiPo32( 26/03/2019) |
92095 | 2018 Second Alert - SA033_HiPo33( 26/03/2019) |
92096 | 2018 Second Alert - SA035_HiPo35( 26/03/2019) |
92097 | 2018 Second Alert - SA036_HiPo36( 26/03/2019) |
92098 | 2018 Second Alert - SA037_HiPo37( 26/03/2019) |
92099 | 2018 Second Alert - SA038_HiPo38( 26/03/2019) |
92100 | 2018 Second Alert - SA034_HVL05( 10/04/2019) |
92101 | 2019 PDO First Alert Commuting#01( 27/03/2019) |
92102 | 2019 PDO First Alert LTI05( 02/04/2019) |
92103 | Mr.Musleh Q3 2018( 09/04/2019) |
92104 | 2018 Second Alert - SA039_HiPo39( 10/04/2019) |
92105 | 2018 Second Alert - SA040_HiPo40( 10/04/2019) |
92106 | 2018 Second Alert - SA041_HiPo41( 10/04/2019) |
92107 | 2018 Second Alert - SA042_HiPo42( 10/04/2019) |
92108 | 2018 Second Alert - SA043_HiPo43( 10/04/2019) |
92109 | 2018 Second Alert - SA044_HiPo44( 10/04/2019) |
92110 | 2018 Second Alert - SA045_HiPo45( 10/04/2019) |
92111 | 2018 Second Alert - SA046_HiPo46( 10/04/2019) |
92112 | 2018 Second Alert - SA047_HiPo47( 10/04/2019) |
92114 | 2018 Second Alert - SA024_LTI24( 17/04/2019) |
92115 | 2018 Second Alert - SA025_LTI25( 17/04/2019) |
92116 | 2018 Second Alert - SA026_LTI26( 17/04/2019) |
92117 | 2018 Second Alert - SA027_LTI27( 17/04/2019) |
92118 | 2018 Second Alert - SA028_LTI28( 17/04/2019) |
92119 | 2018 Second Alert - SA029_LTI29( 17/04/2019) |
92120 | 2018 Second Alert - SA030_LTI30( 17/04/2019) |
92164 | 2108 Second Alert - SA048_ HiPo48( 28/04/2019) |
92166 | 2019 PDO Second Alert Commuting#01( 07/05/2019) |
92167 | New H2S Website( 14/05/2019) |
92168 | 2018 Second Alert SA031_LTI31( 18/05/2019) |
92169 | 2018 Second Alert SA32_LTI32( 18/05/2019) |
92170 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#12 Bent Pipe( 26/05/2019) |
92171 | 2019 first Alert LTI#05a( 28/05/2019) |
92172 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#30 Mast Fall( 02/06/2019) |
92173 | Bed Bugs ( 13/06/2019) |
92174 | 2019 first Alert LTI#06( 02/07/2019) |
92175 | 2019 PDO Second Alert Commuting#02( 03/07/2019) |
92176 | 2019 First Alert LTI#07( 10/07/2019) |
92177 | 2019 First Alert LTI#08( 11/07/2019) |
92178 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#31 Lifting( 11/07/2019) |
92179 | First Alert LTI#09( 14/07/2019) |
92183 | PDO - Prevention of Rollover( 30/07/2019) |
92184 | Safe Driving During Eid Holidays 2019( 07/08/2019) |
92185 | HSE NewsLetter Mr. Musleh No 19( 07/08/2019) |
92186 | 2019 First Alert LTI#11( 18/08/2019) |
92187 | 2019 First Alert LTI#12( 03/09/2019) |
92188 | 2019 First Alert LTI#13( 04/09/2019) |
92189 | 2019 First Alert HiPo#54 Lifting( 18/09/2019) |
92190 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#01 Lifting( 25/09/2019) |
92191 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#03 DROPS( 25/09/2019) |
92192 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#04 MVI( 25/09/2019) |
92193 | 2019 Second Alert LTI#01 Struck by( 25/09/2019) |
92194 | 2019 Second Alert LTI#02 Man over board( 25/09/2019) |
92195 | 2019 Second Alert LTI#04 hit object( 25/09/2019) |
92196 | 2019 Second Alert LTI#05 MVI( 25/09/2019) |
92197 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#06 Barge( 25/09/2019) |
92198 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#07 PTW ( 25/09/2019) |
92199 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#08 Tipper rolled over( 25/09/2019) |
92200 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#12 bent pipe( 25/09/2019) |
92201 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#24 MVI Hoist Move( 25/09/2019) |
92202 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#42 MVI tipper rolled over( 25/09/2019) |
92203 | 2019 Second Alert NWR01 Commuting Fatality( 25/09/2019) |
92204 | H2S for public( 02/10/2019) |
92206 | First Alert LTI#14( 06/10/2019) |
92207 | HSe NewsLetter : Acidic drain cleaners (Nitric- HNO3 and Sulphuric-H2SO4 acids( 10/10/2019) |
92208 | First Alert LTI#15( 14/10/2019) |
92209 | 2019 Second Alert LTI#10 Fatality MVI Rolled over( 24/10/2019) |
92210 | 2019 First Alert LTI#16 Hands & Fingers( 24/10/2019) |
92211 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#02 Fire( 26/10/2019) |
92212 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#05 MVI hit camels( 05/11/2019) |
92213 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#09 MVI( 26/10/2019) |
92214 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#10 Worksite MVI( 26/10/2019) |
92215 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#11 MVI RO( 26/10/2019) |
92216 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#13 Fire( 26/10/2019) |
92217 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#14 MVI RO( 26/10/2019) |
92218 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#16 DROPs( 26/10/2019) |
92219 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#15 DROPs( 26/10/2019) |
92220 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#17 DROPs( 26/10/2019) |
92221 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#18 DROPs( 26/10/2019) |
92222 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#19 MVI RO( 26/10/2019) |
92223 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#50 OH( 26/10/2019) |
92224 | 2019 Second Alert LTI#03 Hands & Fingers( 26/10/2019) |
92225 | 2019 Second Alert LTI#02 slip;trip&Fall( 26/10/2019) |
92226 | 2019 Second Alert LTI#13 Fire, debris into eye( 26/10/2019) |
92227 | 2016 Second Alert LTI#40 DROPs( 03/11/2019) |
92228 | 2016 Second Alert LTI#41 Lifting( 03/11/2019) |
92229 | 2016 Second Alert LTI#39 MVI( 03/11/2019) |
92230 | 2016 Second Alert LTI#43 MVI( 03/11/2019) |
92231 | 2017 Second Alert HiPo#20 MVI RO crude tanker( 03/11/2019) |
92232 | 2017 Second Alert HiPo#19 MVI RO ( 03/11/2019) |
92233 | 2016 Second Alert LTI#37 Fell in the cellar( 03/11/2019) |
92234 | 2017 Second Alert LTI#41 Fell from ladder( 03/11/2019) |
92235 | 2017 Second Alert LTI#44 twisted leg( 03/11/2019) |
92236 | 2016 Second Alert LTI#35 Finger injury( 03/11/2019) |
92237 | 2016 Second Alert LTI#38 Finger injury( 03/11/2019) |
92238 | 2017 Second Alert LTI#43 Finger injury( 03/11/2019) |
92239 | 2017 Second Alert LTI#45 Finger injury( 03/11/2019) |
92240 | Mr. Musleh News Q1 2019 ( 11/11/2019) |
92241 | 2019 First Alert LTI#17( 11/11/2019) |
92243 | 2019 First Alert LTI#18 fall from height( 11/11/2019) |
92246 | HSE Newsletter : H2S Training ( 17/12/2019) |
92247 | 2019 Safety Alert LTI#19 Mast collapse( 12/12/2019) |
92248 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#21 Fall from height( 16/12/2019) |
92249 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#22 Dropped Drill pipe( 16/12/2019) |
92250 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#23 Forklift Boom dropped( 16/12/2019) |
92251 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#24 MVI during Rig move( 16/12/2019) |
92252 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#25 telehandler rolled over( 16/12/2019) |
92253 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#26 MVI RO commuting( 16/12/2019) |
92254 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#27 Dropped drill pipe( 16/12/2019) |
92255 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#28 Dropped truss( 16/12/2019) |
92256 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#30 MVI RO water tanker( 16/12/2019) |
92257 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#32 Dropped mouse hole( 16/12/2019) |
92258 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#33 parted chain sling Dropped ( 16/12/2019) |
92259 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#34 trapped btw iron roughneck and DP( 16/12/2019) |
92260 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#35 RO Sewage Tanker( 16/12/2019) |
92261 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#36 Rig contact goal post( 16/12/2019) |
92262 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#37 RO prime mover with trailer( 16/12/2019) |
92263 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#38 JCB tilted over( 17/12/2019) |
92264 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#39 RO emergency vehicle( 17/12/2019) |
92265 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#40 MVI between Land cruser and 3rd Party truck( 17/12/2019) |
92267 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#41 Water tanker RO ( 18/12/2019) |
92268 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#42 Tipper RO ( 18/12/2019) |
92269 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#43 Dropped Drill Pipe( 18/12/2019) |
92270 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#44 Shovel RO( 18/12/2019) |
92271 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#45 Touch Overhead line( 18/12/2019) |
92272 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#47 Driving in sand dunes & unauthorised route( 18/12/2019) |
92273 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#49 RO diesel tanker( 18/12/2019) |
92274 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#54 Crane tipped over( 18/12/2019) |
92275 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#55 Dropped floor handrail( 18/12/2019) |
92276 | 2019 Second Alert HVL#03 Fire on HGV( 18/12/2019) |
92277 | 2019 First Alert LTI#21 Finger injury, Hilty breaker ( 02/01/2020) |
92278 | 2020 First Alert LTI#01 BaOmar Finger injury, SR Tong( 05/01/2020) |
92280 | 2019 PS Alert HiPo Gas leak through SOV( 16/01/2020) |
92282 | 2020 First Alert LTI#02 Oman Shapoorji struck by, Telehandler( 21/01/2020) |
92283 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#20 Dropped TDS Mast Dolly ( 21/01/2020) |
92284 | 2019 Second Alert LTI#5A eye Injury ( 23/01/2020) |
92285 | 2019 Second Alert LTI#6 Foot injury; dropped tubing ( 23/01/2020) |
92286 | 2020 First Alert LTI#03 FES Finger crushed btw Elevator & Drill Pipe( 02/02/2020) |
92287 | Second Alert LTI#19 & 20( 09/02/2020) |
92288 | first Alert LTI#04 Fractured Ankle( 09/02/2020) |
92289 | HSE Newsletter : Mr. Musleh Q2 2019( 11/02/2020) |
92290 | 2020 Safety Alert HiPO# 7 cutting a Live flowline ( 26/02/2020) |
92291 | Second Alert LTI#02 Fatality ( 08/04/2020) |
92292 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#28 Dropped truss ( 08/04/2020) |
92293 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#31 Dropped guard pole during lifting( 08/04/2020) |
92294 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#46 Dropped drill pipe from power catwalk( 08/04/2020) |
92295 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#48 Helper standing above truck while offloading( 08/04/2020) |
92296 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#50 Oilfield truck contacted OHL( 08/04/2020) |
92297 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#51 Rig mast entangled OHL during rig move( 08/04/2020) |
92298 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#52 Vibrator contacted OHL ( 08/04/2020) |
92299 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#53 Collision during rig move( 08/04/2020) |
92300 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#58 Dropped working platform( 08/04/2020) |
92301 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#59 MVI RO( 08/04/2020) |
92302 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#60 Dropped TDS dolly liner( 08/04/2020) |
92303 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#61 Dropped Vdoor, pad eye failed( 08/04/2020) |
92304 | 2019 Second Alert LTI#07 finger trapped btwn pipe support & wooden battern ( 08/04/2020) |
92305 | 2019 Second Alert LTI#08 Hand injury while moving jack hammer( 08/04/2020) |
92306 | 2019 Second Alert LTI#09 Fell from wireline truck( 08/04/2020) |
92307 | 2019 Second Alert LTI#10 Fatality MVI Rolled over( 08/04/2020) |
92308 | 2019 Second Alert LTI#11 Banksman fell from trailer( 08/04/2020) |
92309 | 2019 Second Alert LTI#12 Roustabout Fell wile descending stairs( 08/04/2020) |
92310 | 2019 Second Alert LTI#14 Pipe line Engineer slipped & fell on wet floor( 08/04/2020) |
92311 | 2019 Second Alert LTI#15 Dropped fence post, leg injury( 08/04/2020) |
92312 | 2019 Second Alert LTI#16 Floorman suffer finger injury while working on IBOP( 08/04/2020) |
92313 | 2019 Second Alert LTI#17 Crane Operator's leg got struck by pipe( 08/04/2020) |
92314 | 2019 Second Alert LTI#18 Floorman fell from height( 08/04/2020) |
92315 | LTI#05 First Alert OSCO( 08/04/2020) |
92317 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#57 MVI RO( 12/04/2020) |
92318 | 2019 Second Alert LTI#13 Eye injury from burned tyre debris( 12/04/2020) |
92319 | 2019 Second Alert NWR#02 Fatality Commuting ( 19/04/2020) |
92320 | 2019 Second Alert NWR#03 Fatality Commuting ( 19/04/2020) |
92321 | 2020 First Alert LTI#06 Twisted ankle( 26/04/2020) |
92322 | 2020 First Alert LTI#07 Mechanic suffered Finger injury ( 28/04/2020) |
92324 | 2020 First Alert LTI#08 AD fell from height( 12/05/2020) |
92325 | 2020 First Alert LTI#09 Mason fell while climbing 3t truck( 12/05/2020) |
92326 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#63 MVI RO( 18/05/2020) |
92327 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#65 Dropped load( 18/05/2020) |
92328 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#66 Dropped chain link( 18/05/2020) |
92329 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#68 Dropped Skid during camp move( 18/05/2020) |
92330 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#69 MVI RO( 18/05/2020) |
92331 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#70 MVI RO( 18/05/2020) |
92332 | Second Alert HiPo#71 3rd PArty Fatality( 18/05/2020) |
92333 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#72 MVI Camel strike( 18/05/2020) |
92334 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#73 MVI RO( 18/05/2020) |
92335 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#74 Dropped lifting sub( 18/05/2020) |
92336 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#75 Worksite hazard( 18/05/2020) |
92337 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#76 MVI RO( 18/05/2020) |
92338 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#77 MVI RO( 18/05/2020) |
92339 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#78 MVI RO( 18/05/2020) |
92340 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#79 Drops( 18/05/2020) |
92341 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#80 MVI RO( 18/05/2020) |
92342 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#81 MVI RO( 18/05/2020) |
92343 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#82 MVI( 18/05/2020) |
92344 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#83 Released energy( 18/05/2020) |
92345 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#83a MVI RO( 18/05/2020) |
92347 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#85 MVI RO( 18/05/2020) |
92348 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#87 MVI RO( 18/05/2020) |
92349 | 2019 Second Alert LTI#15 Leg injury( 18/05/2020) |
92350 | 2019 Second Alert LTI#16 HAnds & Fingers( 18/05/2020) |
92351 | 2019 Second Alert LTI#17 Ankle injury( 18/05/2020) |
92352 | 2019 Second Alert LTI#18 Fall from Height( 18/05/2020) |
92353 | 2019 Second Alert LTI#19 & 20 Ftality ( 18/05/2020) |
92354 | 2019 Second Alert LTI#21 Hands & fingers( 18/05/2020) |
92355 | 2020 First Alert LTI#10 Assistance Technician suffered finger injury( 20/05/2020) |
92356 | 2020 First Alert LTI#11 Civil Technician suffered leg injury( 16/06/2020) |
92357 | Second Alert HVL#8 Drops( 30/06/2020) |
92358 | 2019 Second Alert HiPo#84 Drops( 02/07/2020) |
92361 | 2020 First Alert LTI#12 Technician suffered ankle injury( 07/07/2020) |
92374 | Mr Musleh Q3 Q4 2019( 11/07/2020) |
92375 | LTI#13 Shaleem Face Injury( 13/07/2020) |
92376 | 2020 First Alert LTI#14 FM suffered thigh injury( 19/07/2020) |
92377 | 2020 First Alert LTI#15 RA fell injuring his wrist( 20/07/2020) |
92378 | HSE Newsletter No 90 : Towards Effective Contractors HSE Management ( 12/08/2020) |
92379 | LTI#16 Carpenter injury while using grinder( 26/08/2020) |
92380 | LTI#17 Derrickman injury his finger while latching elevator( 30/08/2020) |
92381 | LTI#18 Carpenter suffered leg injury while descending from scaffolding ladder( 31/08/2020) |
92382 | LTI#19 MVI RO resulted to fire & multiple burn injuries to the Driver( 01/09/2020) |
92383 | HSE Newsletter No 91 : Resilience during COVID-19( 16/09/2020) |
92384 | LTI#20 Back injury while travelling( 17/09/2020) |
92385 | LTI#22 Floorman suffered finger injury while installing SR BOP( 20/09/2020) |
92387 | 2020 First Alert LTI#23 Derrickman suffered Leg injury while descending hoist floor stairs( 23/09/2020) |
92389 | 2020 1st Alert LTI#24 finger injury( 04/10/2020) |
92390 | 2020 1st Alert LTI#25 Slickline Assistance foot injury( 06/10/2020) |
92391 | 2020 1st Alert LTI#26 finger injury( 08/10/2020) |
92392 | 2020 1st Alert LTI#27 head injury( 19/10/2020) |
92393 | LFI Awerness Alert Leanring from Incident ( 21/10/2020) |
92394 | LFI Extenral Leanring ( 26/10/2020) |
92395 | 2020 1st Alert LTI#28 Multiple Burns( 27/10/2020) |
92396 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#01 (Drops) safety valve joint sheared( 28/10/2020) |
92397 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#02 (Released energy) Tow line snapped( 28/10/2020) |
92398 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#03 (Drops) compressor from flat bed trailer( 28/10/2020) |
92399 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#04 (MVI) hit camel( 28/10/2020) |
92400 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#05 (Drops) Hoist fall down from low-bed( 28/10/2020) |
92401 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#06 (Released Energy) string moved up with power tong( 28/10/2020) |
92402 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#07 (Released Energy) Cutting wrong flowline( 01/11/2020) |
92403 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#08 (RO MVI) Tanker rolled over( 01/11/2020) |
92404 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#09 (Released Energy) safety clamp falled and hit FM( 01/11/2020) |
92405 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#10 (MVI) Water tanker hit wireline unit( 01/11/2020) |
92406 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#11 (Released Energy) Travelling block hit monkey board( 01/11/2020) |
92407 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#12 (Drops) Catwalk skid dropped from trailer( 01/11/2020) |
92408 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#13 (OHL) Excavation next to LV flowline( 01/11/2020) |
92409 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#14 (Released Energy) Welding at live well head( 01/11/2020) |
92410 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#15 (Released Energy) Roustabout got hit by winsh( 01/11/2020) |
92411 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#16 (Drops) Drill line parted and dropped from 30m( 01/11/2020) |
92412 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#18 (Drops) landing joint( 01/11/2020) |
92413 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#20 (Drops) Drill collar( 01/11/2020) |
92414 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#22 (NM Drops) Travelling block brake fails( 01/11/2020) |
92415 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#23 (NM Released Energy) JCP rolled back( 01/11/2020) |
92416 | 2020 1st Alert LTI#29 Crushed Toe( 02/11/2020) |
92417 | 2020 2nd alert LTI#01 (Finger) got caught in SR rotating tong( 02/11/2020) |
92418 | 2020 2nd alert LTI#02 (Released Energy, Fatality) wall collapsed on mason( 14/12/2020) |
92419 | 2020 2nd alert LTI#03 (Finger) got caught between pipe and elevator( 02/11/2020) |
92420 | 2020 2nd alert LTI#04 (Fall from height) from scaffolding( 02/11/2020) |
92421 | 2020 2nd alert LTI#05 (MVI) Forman struck his head on the roof of a bus( 02/11/2020) |
92422 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#25 (MVI) side collision( 03/11/2020) |
92423 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#26 (RO MVI) Tipper( 03/11/2020) |
92424 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#26a (Fire) at Bahja( 03/11/2020) |
92425 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#27 (Drops) wireline cut( 03/11/2020) |
92426 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#27a (Drops) uncontrolled descent of traveling block( 03/11/2020) |
92427 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#28 (Drops) load( 03/11/2020) |
92428 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#29 (Drops) Slick line tool dropped from lubricator( 03/11/2020) |
92429 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#30 (Drops) liner hanger running tool( 03/11/2020) |
92430 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#31 (Fire) at a vehicle( 03/11/2020) |
92431 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#32 (MVI) Rear end collision( 03/11/2020) |
92432 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#33 (Drops) uncontrolled descent of travelling block( 03/11/2020) |
92433 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#34 (Released Energy) FM installing tong counter weight when struck( 03/11/2020) |
92434 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#35 (Drops) conncetion failure during pull test( 03/11/2020) |
92435 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#36 (Drops) TDS body has caught and opened this spelter causing the tong to drop( 03/11/2020) |
92436 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#38 (Drops) Rig BOP fell down on ground during BOP assembling task( 03/11/2020) |
92437 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#39 (Drops) Joint released from elevator( 03/11/2020) |
92438 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#40 (Drops) Turnbuckle dropped hitting Floorman on his left foot( 04/11/2020) |
92439 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#43 (Drops) circulating head( 04/11/2020) |
92440 | 2020 2nd alert HVL#08 (Drops) chain from overhead crane( 04/11/2020) |
92441 | 2020 2nd alert LTI#06 (S,T&F) Rigger twisted his ankle while stepping down( 04/11/2020) |
92442 | 2020 2nd alert LTI#07 (Drops) Break disc dropped on Mechanic left hand crushing his finger( 04/11/2020) |
92443 | 2020 2nd alert LTI#08 (S,T&F) AD slipped and fell on the beam fracturing his rib( 04/11/2020) |
92444 | 2020 2nd alert LTI#09 (S,T&F) While climbing a 3t truck the Mason lost control fractured wrist( 04/11/2020) |
92445 | 2020 2nd alert LTI#10 (Finger) Rigger right hand index finger trapped between the hose reel( 04/11/2020) |
92446 | 2020 2nd alert LTI#11 (Drops) Scaffold rest shelter fell on technician right leg( 04/11/2020) |
92447 | 2020 2nd alert LTI#12 (S,T&F) Technician's leg was trapped between pipes( 04/11/2020) |
92448 | 2020 2nd alert LTI#14 (Released Energy) FM got Injury on his right thigh while removing Tong dies( 04/11/2020) |
92449 | 2020 2nd alert LTI#15 (Released Energy) The flow line swung and hit the RA in his hand and fell down( 04/11/2020) |
92450 | 2020 2nd alert LTI#16 (Released Energy) Carpenter using grinder suffered groin area injury( 04/11/2020) |
92451 | 2020 2nd alert LTI#18 (S,T&F) Carpenter Lost balance and suffered leg injury( 04/11/2020) |
92452 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#44 PTW violation road crossing over the buried Main Oil Line( 08/11/2020) |
92453 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#45 (RO MVI) driver lost control resulting in a rollover on live flowline( 08/11/2020) |
92454 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#46 (Released Energy) disengaged brake lead the DP to slip from V-Door to Catwalk( 08/11/2020) |
92455 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#47 (Drops) over pull of SJE resulted in Swivel and slings got deformed( 08/11/2020) |
92456 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#48 (Released Energy) Trapped pressure released from perforation gun hit FM on his face( 08/11/2020) |
92457 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#49 Technician wrongly cut a live cable( 08/11/2020) |
92458 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#50 (RO MVI) pick-up hit by a third party private vehicle( 08/11/2020) |
92459 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#51 (Drops) DP & FOSV disengaged out of power swivel connection and dropped through the V-door( 08/11/2020) |
92460 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#53 (Drops) Washpipe wrench fell from stability board to the rig floor( 08/11/2020) |
92461 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#57 (Released Energy) Travelling Block hit the HWDP top causing the monkey board to hit Derrickman( 09/11/2020) |
92462 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#61 (S,T&F) Rostabout fell from height while hammering to remove the shade in shale shaker( 09/11/2020) |
92463 | 2020 2nd alert HVL#01 (OHL) NRPS Instrument cable cut by JCB( 09/11/2020) |
92464 | 2020 2nd alert HVL#02 (Drops) STV hit by TDS( 09/11/2020) |
92465 | 2020 2nd alert HVL#03 (Released Energy) Tow rope parted( 09/11/2020) |
92466 | 2020 2nd alert HVL#04 (Fire & Explosion) Fire in RAH Huwaifa villa( 09/11/2020) |
92467 | 2020 2nd alert HVL#06 (Released Energy) Uncontrolled rotation of power swivel( 09/11/2020) |
92468 | 2020 2nd alert HVL#05 (MVI) Tanker trailler dettached( 09/11/2020) |
92469 | 2020 2nd alert HVL#07 (MVI) Rig struck the ground( 09/11/2020) |
92470 | 2020 2nd alert HVL#09 (MVI) Lost man after tanker got stuck( 09/11/2020) |
92471 | 2020 2nd alert HVL 10 (MVI) Near miss vehicle stucked in sand( 09/11/2020) |
92472 | 2020 2nd alert HVL#11 (Released Energy)TDS bails over extended hitting the 2nd section horizontal middle cross beam on the mast( 09/11/2020) |
92473 | 2020 2nd alert HVL#12 (MVI) vehicle wheel fire( 09/11/2020) |
92474 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#56 (RO MVI) Tipper Rolledover( 19/11/2020) |
92475 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#60 (Drops) Travelling rig block fell on floor( 19/11/2020) |
92480 | Mr. Musleh News Q1 & Q2 2020 Version No. 22( 06/12/2020) |
92483 | First Alert LTI#31( 20/12/2020) |
92484 | First Alert LTI#32( 22/12/2020) |
92485 | First Alert LTI#33 ( 23/12/2020) |
92486 | First Alert LTI #34 ( 28/12/2020) |
92487 | 2020 2nd alert LTI#22 (Finger) Floorman had crushed finger injury while installing BOP flange into xmas tree( 28/12/2020) |
92488 | 2020 2nd alert LTI#23 (ST&F) Derrickman suffered fracture foot while descending from hoist floor stair( 28/12/2020) |
92489 | 2020 2nd alert LTI#26 (Hands&Fingers) Right hand middle & ring fingers caught between the pipe and the support. ( 28/12/2020) |
92490 | 2020 2nd alert LTI 20 (MVI) Driver suffered back pain due to vehicle jumped over sand dune( 29/12/2020) |
92491 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#63 (Drops) DP slipped & dropped from the elevator( 30/12/2020) |
92492 | 2021 First Alert LTI#01( 06/01/2021) |
92493 | LFI -Awareness Alert -LTI#30-Fatality#4( 06/01/2021) |
92494 | 2021 First Alert LTI#02( 13/01/2021) |
92495 | 2021 First Alert LTI#03( 21/01/2021) |
92497 | 2021 First Alert LTI#04( 01/02/2021) |
92499 | 2021 First Alert LTI#05( 04/02/2021) |
92500 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#66 (Released Energy) trapped pressure come out oil with brine splash to floor man and SlB member( 11/02/2021) |
92501 | 2020 2nd alert HiP# 67 (Drops) Uncontrolled descent of Travelling block ( 11/02/2021) |
92502 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#71 (Drops) While securing upper gyro sheave to monkey board, it dropped to rig floor( 11/02/2021) |
92503 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#72 (Fire & Explosion) Fire inside a temple ( 11/02/2021) |
92504 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#73 (Drops) Dropped chemical bag( 11/02/2021) |
92505 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#74 (Drops) Lower Tie back for torque tube broken and dropped to rig floor( 11/02/2021) |
92509 | 2020 2nd alert LTI 25 (Drops) While lifting the lubricator the test pipe kept on the catwalk dropped on the Tech foot ( 11/02/2021) |
92510 | 2020 2nd alert LTI#27 (Released energy) Fractured jaw and Head trauma ( 11/02/2021) |
92512 | 2020 2nd alert HiPo#75 (MVI) Driver entered the road without paying attention and got hit by a truck( 11/02/2021) |
92513 | 2021 First Alert LTI#06( 16/02/2021) |
92514 | 2020 2nd Alert HiPo#52 (Fire & explosion) Fire suppression activation( 10/03/2021) |
92515 | 2020 2nd Alert HiPo#54 (OHL) Civil crew while doing Backfilling activities for electrical and instrument cable trench with a Backhoe loader( 16/03/2021) |
92516 | 2020 2nd Alert HiPo#55 (OHL) knocked over a kicker board pole( 10/03/2021) |
92517 | 2020 2nd Alert HiPo#59 (MVI) OTO truck collide with 3rd Party water tanker( 10/03/2021) |
92518 | 2020 2nd Alert HiPo#60 (DROPs)Travelling rig block fall on floor( 10/03/2021) |
92519 | 2020 2nd Alert HiPo#61 (S,T&F) Rostabout fell from height while hammering to remove the shade in shale shaker( 10/03/2021) |
92520 | 2020 2nd Alert HiPo#62 (OHL) damages to an electrical pole and the conductor, production wells power supply interruption( 10/03/2021) |
92521 | 2020 2nd Alert HiPo#63 (Drops) DP slipped & dropped from the elevator( 23/03/2021) |
92522 | 2020 2nd Alert HiPo#64 (DROPs) Fish slips dies fall down from rotary table into grating cellar then into cellar( 10/03/2021) |
92523 | 2020 2nd Alert LTI#23 (S,T&F) Derrickman suffered fracture foot while descending from hoist floor stair( 10/03/2021) |
92524 | 2020 2nd Alert LTI#24 (Hands & Fingers) Fishing enginer trap his left 4th finger ( 16/03/2021) |
92525 | 2020 2nd Alert Hipo#68 (Fire & explosion) Welding in reserve tank without following the process( 10/03/2021) |
92526 | 2020 2nd Alert Hipo#77 (Drops) Dropped Coil tubing( 10/03/2021) |
92527 | 2020 2nd Alert HVL#18 (Drops) Sucker Rod elevator got slip and drop in the SR tong( 10/03/2021) |
92528 | 2020 2nd Alert HVL#19 (Drops) During lay down dp , the dp JT fall down through V-door ( 10/03/2021) |
92529 | 2021 First Alert LTI#08( 21/03/2021) |
92530 | 2021 First Alert LTI#07( 21/03/2021) |
92532 | HSE Newsletter March 2021( 31/03/2021) |
92533 | 2021 First Alert LTI#09 FLT Operator Fractured foot( 12/04/2021) |
92534 | 2021 First Alert LTI#10 Scaffolder Fractured Finger( 19/05/2021) |
92535 | 2021 First Alert LTI#11 Mud Tester Burn( 31/05/2021) |
92536 | 2021 First Alert LTI#12 Mechanic PDO Fracture( 02/06/2021) |
92537 | 2nd Alert 2021 LTI#1 (S,T&F) Helper lost balance & jump from the truck, landed on his right hand resulted to wrist injury( 10/06/2021) |
92538 | 2021 First Alert LTI#13 Room Boy Fractured Ankle( 13/06/2021) |
92542 | 2021 Initial Awareness Alert LTI#16&17 Multiple fracture ( 12/07/2021) |
92543 | 2021 First Alert LTI#17 Rigger vehicle collision Fractured leg( 25/07/2021) |
92544 | 2021 First Alert LTI#18 Fitter Fractured pelvis( 12/08/2021) |
92545 | 2021 First Alert LTI#19 Floorman Fall from height Fractured hip( 26/08/2021) |
92546 | 2021 First Alert LTI#21 Electrician panel fell on leg Fractured Leg( 28/09/2021) |
92547 | 2021 First Alert LTI#23 Night Tool Pusher fracture leg( 18/10/2021) |
92548 | 2021 First Alert LTI#24 Pipe fitter hammering fractured thumb( 01/11/2021) |
92549 | 2021 First Alert LTI#25 JCB bucket fell on Operator Fractured Foot( 08/11/2021) |
92550 | 2021 First Alert LTI#26 Grinder Fractured hand( 09/11/2021) |
92551 | 2021 First Alert LTI#29 Driver hit camel head injury( 14/11/2021) |
92552 | 2021 First Alert LTI#30 Diver Fractured finger( 14/11/2021) |
92553 | 2021 First Alert LTI#31 Plaster Machine Operator fractured leg( 23/11/2021) |
92554 | 2021 First Alert LTI#32 Sewage tanker Driver knee laceration( 01/12/2021) |
92555 | 2021 First Alert LTI#33 Jack Hammer Operator Fractured Leg( 02/12/2021) |
92556 | 2021 First Alert LTI#34 Roustabout fractured Foot( 07/12/2021) |
92557 | 2021 First Alert LTI#35 Helper Fractured Finger( 08/12/2021) |
92558 | 2021 First Alert LTI#36 A.Mechanic Hand injury( 20/12/2021) |
92559 | 2021 First Alert LTI#37 Helpar arm wrist fracture( 20/12/2021) |
92560 | 2021 First Alert LTI#38 Fabricator Right-Hand Middle Finger( 21/12/2021) |
92561 | 2022 First Alert LTI#01 Fitter Fractured ankle( 09/01/2022) |
92562 | Q3_ 2021 All Incidents 2nd Alerts (Q3 LFI booklet)( 26/01/2022) |
92563 | 2022 First Alert LTI#02 Welder hammering handrail and fell resulting in Fractured Jaw( 26/01/2022) |
92564 | 2022 First Alert LTI#03 Floorman Fractured Thumb.( 26/01/2022) |
92565 | 2022 First Alert LTI#04 Floorman Lifting ramp Fractured hip( 23/02/2022) |
92573 | 2022 1st Alert LTI#05 Fractured ankle( 14/03/2022) |
92580 | 2022 First Alert LTI#06 Roustabout slipped from stairs fractured leg( 21/03/2022) |
92583 | 2022 First Alert LTI07 Derrickman fractured finger( 29/03/2022) |
92585 | 2022 First Alert LTI08 Scaffold Charge Hand Amputated Finger( 29/03/2022) |
92588 | 2022 First alert LTI09 Plumber fixing sewage tank pump suffer fractured fingers( 05/04/2022) |
92590 | 2022 First alert LTI10 Pipe Grinder Fractured Leg( 11/04/2022) |
92592 | 2022 First Alert LTI 11 Carpenter Punctured wound( 27/04/2022) |
92593 | 2022 First Alert LTI 12 & 13 MWD Engineers hand burn and fractured finger( 27/04/2022) |
92596 | 2022 First alert LTI 14 Catering staff lost balance and fell fracturing his wristce and fell ( 09/05/2022) |
92597 | 2022 First Alert LTI 15 Rigger hit by pipe and causing fracture( 09/05/2022) |
92598 | 2022 First Alert LTI 16 Technician performing hydraulic torqueing activity suffer fractured finger( 09/05/2022) |
92599 | 2022 First Alert LTI 18 & 19 MVI incident Fractured arm and dislocated leg( 17/05/2022) |
92600 | 2022 Awareness Alert LTI 17 MVI Fatality( 06/06/2022) |
92603 | 2022 First alert LTI 20 Grinder got hit by pipeline( 19/06/2022) |
92604 | 2022 First Alert LTI 21 Driver suffered back injury( 19/06/2022) |
92607 | 2022 First Alert LTI 22 Electrician suffered burn injury( 23/06/2022) |
92609 | 2022 First Alert LTI 23 Technician fell injured his elbow( 26/06/2022) |
92610 | 2022 First Alert LTI#24 Driver suffered Finer Injuries( 28/06/2022) |
92611 | 2022 First Alert LTI#25- Permit holder Finger injuries ( 04/07/2022) |
92613 | 2022 First Alert LTI#28- Assistant Operator foot injury( 14/07/2022) |
92614 | 2022 First Alert LTI29 Wellhead Engineer Fractured Jaw( 18/07/2022) |
92616 | 2022 Fat 02 & 03 Initial Awareness Alert( 26/07/2022) |
92617 | 2021 2nd Alert NAD01 camp boss found unresponsive in room ( 03/08/2022) |
92618 | 2021 2nd Alert NAD02 Office boy felt unwell and collapsed in his bathroom( 03/08/2022) |
92619 | 2021 2nd Alert NAD3 Technician collapsed in the car upon arrival to work( 03/08/2022) |
92620 | 2021 2nd Alert NAD04 Operator found unconscious on the floor( 04/08/2022) |
92621 | 2021 2nd Alert NAD05 Helper tested Covid positive and passed away( 04/08/2022) |
92622 | 2021 2nd Alert NAD06 Laundry Man suffer Covid and passed away( 04/08/2022) |
92623 | 2021 2nd Alert NAD07 Site Manager quarantined as tested covid positive and found unresponsive in his room ( 04/08/2022) |
92624 | 2021 2nd Alert NAD08 Mud Engineer tested Covid positive admitted in hospital and later passed away ( 04/08/2022) |
92625 | 2021 2nd Alert NAD09 Forklift Operator tested Covid positive hospitalized and later passed away( 04/08/2022) |
92626 | 2021 2nd Alert NAD10 Lab Technician suffered Covid hospitalized and passed away ( 04/08/2022) |
92627 | 2021 2nd Alert NAD11 Site Manager tested Covid positive hospitalized and later passed away ( 04/08/2022) |
92628 | 2021 2nd Alert NAD12 Roller Operator found unresponsive in his room and passed away( 04/08/2022) |
92629 | 2021 2nd Alert NAD13 Civil Foreman suffer Covid hospitalized and passed away( 04/08/2022) |
92630 | 2021 2nd Alert NAD14 Blaster found unresponsive inside his room and passed away( 04/08/2022) |
92631 | 2021 2nd Alert NAD15 Carpenter vomited and collapsed out of his room and passed away( 04/08/2022) |
92632 | 2021 2nd Alert NAD 16 Permit Applicant tested Covid positive hospitalized and later passed away( 04/08/2022) |
92633 | 2021 2nd Alert NAD17 Civil inspector suffered chest pain transferred to hospital and died on the way( 04/08/2022) |
92634 | 2021 2nd Alert NAD18 Wells Supervisor found unresponsive in room and passed away( 04/08/2022) |
92635 | 2021 2nd Alert NAD19 Heavy vehicle driver complained of chest pain and transferred to hospital passed away on the way( 04/08/2022) |
92636 | 2021 2nd Alert NAD20 Electric Foreman collapsed in washroom and passed away( 04/08/2022) |
92637 | 2021 2nd Alert NAD21 Heavy vehicle Driver Suffered chest pain collapsed in clinic and passed away( 04/08/2022) |
92638 | 2021 2nd Alert LTI01 Helper lost balance and fell from truck bed( 09/08/2022) |
92639 | 2021 2nd Alert LTI02 Tipper standby wheel fell on drivers leg and caused injury( 09/08/2022) |
92640 | 2021 2nd Alert LTI03 Floormanfinger got pinched between elevator handle and power tong cylinder( 09/08/2022) |
92641 | 2021 2nd Alert LTI04 employee slipped on floor and fractured left wrist( 09/08/2022) |
92642 | 2021 2nd Alert LTI05 Helper finger got pinched between 2 pipes while attempting to align the pipe and resulted in finger injury( 09/08/2022) |
92643 | 2021 2nd Alert LTI06 Wrench pipe slipped off hitting the derrickman hand and the drillers back ( 09/08/2022) |
92644 | 2021 2nd Alert LTI07 Helper struck between 2 loads and suffer multiple fracture( 09/08/2022) |
92645 | 2021 2nd Alert LTI08 Granite tile fell on supervisor foot during ablution and caused injury( 09/08/2022) |
92646 | 2021 2nd Alert LTI09 3rd party Forklift slipped off the side of trailer ramp and landed on ground, operator jumped and suffered injury( 09/08/2022) |
92647 | 2021 2nd Alert LTI10 Scaffolder finger crushed between beam clamps( 09/08/2022) |
92648 | 2021 2nd Alert LTI11 Mud engineer mixed biocide with pre existing caustic soda, the reaction caused splash of the chemical and suffered multiple burn injuries( 09/08/2022) |
92649 | 2021 2nd Alert LTI12 Pipe Spinner fell from 20cm height on a Mechanic foot causing fracture( 09/08/2022) |
92650 | 2021 2nd Alert LTI13 employee missed the final stair while descending slipped and twisted foot ( 09/08/2022) |
92651 | 2021 2nd Alert LTI14 Floorman placed hand between elevator and Heavy duty drill pipe and suffer finger injury( 09/08/2022) |
92652 | 2021 2nd Alert LTI 15 & 16 Bucket truck lost stability and tilted, leading linemen standing inside to fell and suffer injury( 09/08/2022) |
92653 | 2021 2nd Alert LTI17 Crane came in contact with tipper at T junction and resulted in injury to the Rigger( 09/08/2022) |
92654 | 2021 2nd Alert LTI18 while the pipe fitter was attempting to move the pipes to a wooden skid, it slipped and fell hitting his pelvis( 09/08/2022) |
92655 | 2021 2nd Alert LTI19 Floorman standing at air winch area fell from 8 meter height after removing floorplates and suffered pelvic fracture( 09/08/2022) |
92656 | 2021 2nd Alert LTI20 FAT01 Trailer suffered tyre blow out causing the vehicle to swerve and roll over resulting in fatal injury to the driver( 10/08/2022) |
92657 | 2021 2nd Alert LTI21 Electrician hammering the wooden base to dislodge the VFD panel, the panel lost balance and toppled over the electrician causing injury( 10/08/2022) |
92658 | 2021 2nd Alert LTI22 FAT02 vehicle overtaking a dust cloud and had head on collision with another tanker resulting in fatal injury to vehicle driver ( 10/08/2022) |
92659 | 2021 2nd Alert LTI23 Drill pipe fell from the tilted out rigger of the catwalk pipe rack, rolled over and hit the NTPs' left leg( 10/08/2022) |
92660 | 2021 2nd Alert LTI24 Pipe fitter suffered fractured finger while hammering a spanner( 10/08/2022) |
92661 | 2021 2nd Alert LTI25 Banksman pulled the lever of the backhoe bucket, the bucket releaes and dropped over operators leg causing fracture( 10/08/2022) |
92662 | 2021 2nd Alert LTI26 Grinder attempted to drill a hole in a hydrotesting blind using portable drilling machine and suffered fracture( 10/08/2022) |
92663 | 2021 2nd Alert LTI27 & 28 FAT 03 & 04 pickup collided with the rear of a stationary Hiab at a graded road and resulted in fatal injury to the passengers ( 10/08/2022) |
92664 | 2021 2nd Alert LTI29 FAT05 canter driver came in contact with camel on road, his vehicle went off road and jumped over windrow resulting in fatal injury to the driver( 10/08/2022) |
92665 | 2021 2nd Alert LTI30 Diver kept hand in line of fire and suffered fracture of right hand finger( 10/08/2022) |
92666 | 2021 2nd Alert LTI32 Sewage tanker collided with a 3rd party vehicle entered its lane and resulted to fracture arm of the 3rd party vehicle driver( 10/08/2022) |
92667 | 2021 2nd Alert LTI33 Jackhammer operator hit by a stone which got dislodged from the sidewall of the trench during manual excavation resulting in fractured leg( 10/08/2022) |
92668 | 2021 2nd Alert LTI34 Roustabout was assisting in pulling the shaft from cable spooler, the shaft got detached from the reel and fell on his right foot causing fracture. ( 10/08/2022) |
92669 | 2021 2nd Alert LTI35 Helper hand got trapped between hook and chassis while winching the wire rope into winch drum( 10/08/2022) |
92670 | 2021 2nd Alert LTI36 Asst Mechanic was attempting to align the mud agitator gear box, it jerked causing injury to the mechanic( 10/08/2022) |
92671 | 2021 2nd Alert LTI37 Helper moving into barricaded area to relocate the drain hose, his leg got tripped and lost balance resulting in injury( 10/08/2022) |
92672 | 2021 2nd Alert LTI38 While the Pipe fabricator was attempting to carry out a fitment work using a grinding machine, it moved due to the jerk and fell down resulting in cut injury( 10/08/2022) |
92673 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo#01 mast fall onto the headrest( 21/08/2022) |
92674 | 2022 1st Alert LTI 30 Rigger fell from trailer, got hit by steel barrier and resulted in fractured leg( 24/08/2022) |
92675 | 2022 1st Alert LTI 31 Mason attempting to operate soil roller compactor, lost control and his hand hi the frame causing fracture ( 01/09/2022) |
92676 | 2022 1st Alert LTI#33 Banksman right hand thumb trapped between the fork and sleeper base( 08/09/2022) |
92678 | 2022 1st Alert LTI34 Welder right hand thumb got crushed between the drive belt and the guard cover of pipe cutting machine ( 19/09/2022) |
92679 | 2022 Fat04 LTI32 Awareness Alert Jackhammer operator trapped under lump of soil( 20/09/2022) |
92680 | 2022 1st Alert LTI35 Hiab rear door dislodged and fell on driver left forearm( 21/09/2022) |
92681 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo02 during POOH activity the tool string fell on rig floor( 27/09/2022) |
92682 | 2021 2nd Alert Hipo03 3 Ton canter hit a trailer overtaking from left side( 27/09/2022) |
92683 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo04 Sucker rod clamp fell and landed on a roustabout shoulder( 27/09/2022) |
92684 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo05 Driver failed to contact journey manager and lost ( 27/09/2022) |
92685 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo06 Camp caught fire( 27/09/2022) |
92686 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo08 CT-reel swivel get parted and fall on the ground with the pump iron connected to it( 27/09/2022) |
92687 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo11 JCB rolled into workers( 27/09/2022) |
92688 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo12 Bail slip during lifting, hit V door gate caused to drop to the round( 27/09/2022) |
92689 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo14 Floorman got hit by power tong( 27/09/2022) |
92690 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo#14A 12 tones Generator fell during crane lifting ( 27/09/2022) |
92691 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo15 LTHE Trailer hit another trailer while maneuvering. ( 27/09/2022) |
92692 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo18 Xmas tree fell from the trailer( 27/09/2022) |
92693 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo19 Electrician partially fell into shale shaker settling tank ( 27/09/2022) |
92694 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo20 Crew Canter has rolled over onto its side( 27/09/2022) |
92695 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo22 Dropped fall arrestor( 27/09/2022) |
92696 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo23 PCP Drive head slipped fell to the ground from a trailler while transport to the wellsite( 27/09/2022) |
92697 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo24 Trouble shooter while driving lost control of vehicle and rolled over( 27/09/2022) |
92698 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo25 Crane toppled over( 27/09/2022) |
92699 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo26 Continuous rod from safety clamp released from the clamp hitting the Driller on the face( 27/09/2022) |
92700 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo26A Tubing got released from the basket (pipe cat basket) and dropped( 27/09/2022) |
92701 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo27 Tubing slipped from the elevator and dropped through V-door and rested on ground nearby catwalk( 27/09/2022) |
92702 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo27A empty water Jack Knifed on a graded road( 27/09/2022) |
92703 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo29 Loader tip over( 27/09/2022) |
92704 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo30 Floorman got hit by power tong( 27/09/2022) |
92705 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo#31 Vacuum tanker rolled down after chocks removal( 27/09/2022) |
92706 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo32 MVI vehicle hit camel( 27/09/2022) |
92707 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo32A Hoist passed under OHL powerline with out kicker Board and rout survey available( 27/09/2022) |
92708 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo33 Release of the BHA from the BH elevator ( 27/09/2022) |
92709 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo34 Winch line partted under tension and leading to dropped objects( 27/09/2022) |
92710 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo36 Mid identification and cutting the wrong pipeline( 27/09/2022) |
92711 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo37 MVI vehicle hit camel( 27/09/2022) |
92712 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo39 Tipper working close the overhead line and led to Birba station trip( 27/09/2022) |
92713 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo40 Elevator opened and drill pipe dropped near catwalk( 27/09/2022) |
92714 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo41 Crane boom came in contact with overhead power line( 27/09/2022) |
92715 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo42 Elevator opened, leading to drop 50kg assembly nearly hitting the Floorman( 27/09/2022) |
92716 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo43A Surface tool got disconnected from Quantum Packer and dropped( 27/09/2022) |
92717 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo44 Kelly hose, tubing dropped( 27/09/2022) |
92718 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo45 Electrical flash( 27/09/2022) |
92719 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo46 Mast collapse due to raising cylinder failure( 27/09/2022) |
92720 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo48 Uncontrolled Descend of Traveling block( 27/09/2022) |
92721 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo49 Heavy vehicle (prime mover and trailer) hit a camel ( 27/09/2022) |
92722 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo50 DP stand lifted using BX elevator and stand slipped out of elevator & fell( 27/09/2022) |
92723 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo51 3 Ton canter rollover while controlling the vehicle to avoid camel hit ( 27/09/2022) |
92724 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo52 Permit holder noticed a damage of the OHL( 27/09/2022) |
92725 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo53 King pin sheared, chain secured the crane snapped and crane rolled off the trailer during the rig move( 27/09/2022) |
92726 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo54 Driver overtake in the wrong side and led to hit another vehicle and rusulted to a rollover( 27/09/2022) |
92727 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo55 Koomey unit dropped during lifting( 27/09/2022) |
92728 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo56 elevator lock opened & the joint slipped from the elevator and fell on to the v-door catwalk( 28/09/2022) |
92729 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo56A water mixing pump exploded caused part of pump's housing parted and ejected away( 28/09/2022) |
92730 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo57 driver suffered tyre blowout, lost control of his vehicle and tipped over( 28/09/2022) |
92731 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo58 Driver lost control on vehicle( 28/09/2022) |
92732 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo62 Empty tanker vehicle suffered major breakdown due to mechanical failure on its rear axel suspension.( 28/09/2022) |
92733 | 2021 2nd Alert HiPo65A Vacuum tanker failed to follow the road diversion drove straight into the damaged portion ( 28/09/2022) |
92734 | 2022 1st Alert LTI36 outrigger of catwalk dropped and touched roustabout foot and caused fracture( 06/10/2022) |
92735 | 2022 1st Alert LTI37 trailer winch sling got released and hit the operators foot ( 13/10/2022) |
92738 | 2022 1st Alert LTI#38 Rigger was engaged in a lifting activity of a single cubical panel, it tilted between the lifting belts and fell ( 17/10/2022) |
92739 | 2022 1st Alert LTI39 Mechanical Technician got hit by a bolt( 19/10/2022) |
92740 | 2022 2nd Alert LTI01 Pipe fitter lost balance and fell into trench( 30/10/2022) |
92741 | 2022 2nd Alert LTI02 Welder fell on unbalanced handrail and hit his jaw( 30/10/2022) |
92742 | 2022 2nd Alert LTI03 floorman hand got caught between BOP winch beam and flow line( 30/10/2022) |
92743 | 2022 2nd Alert LTI04 Rear spring of the low bed trailer ramps got released and hit the floorman( 30/10/2022) |
92744 | 2022 2nd Alert LTI05 walkway platform flipped down on ground( 30/10/2022) |
92745 | 2022 2nd Alert LTI06 Roustabout lost balance while descending stairs and fell ( 30/10/2022) |
92746 | 2022 2nd Alert LTI07 ACME coupling slipped trapping the derrick man fingers between the couple and shooting nipple( 30/10/2022) |
92747 | 2022 1st Alert LTI40 Assistant Mechanic suffer fracture of femur bone while bus crossed a hump at graded road( 07/11/2022) |
92748 | 2022 1st Alert LTI41 Driver lost control over vehicle and rolled over( 16/11/2022) |
92749 | 2022 1st Alert LTI43 Floorman fell and suffered fractured wrist a hump at graded road( 05/12/2022) |
92755 | 2023 LTI#01 Field Operator suffered burn injury..( 16/02/2023) |
92756 | PDO safety stand down February 2023( 20/02/2023) |
92757 | 2022 Q4 Mr. Musleh Newsletter( 20/02/2023) |
92758 | 2023 First alert LTI#02 wrist fractured. ( 20/03/2023) |
92759 | 2023 Awareness Alert HiPo#10 MVI ( 22/03/2023) |
92760 | 2023 Q1 Mr. Musleh news( 17/05/2023) |
92761 | 2023 First Alert LTI#03 Fractured Foot ( 21/05/2023) |
92762 | 2023 First Alert LTI#04 Amputated Finger( 22/05/2023) |
92763 | 2023 First Alert LTI#05 Fractured leg( 23/05/2023) |
92764 | 2023 First Alert LTI#06 Fractured Wrist( 28/05/2023) |
92765 | 2023 First Alert LTI#07 Fractured Finger( 29/05/2023) |
92766 | 2023 First Alert LTI#08 Fractured Leg( 31/05/2023) |
92767 | 2023 First Alert LTI#09 Fractured Finger( 31/05/2023) |
92768 | Safety Stand Down May 2023( 01/06/2023) |
92769 | 2023 First Alert LTI#10 Fractured Leg( 06/06/2023) |
92770 | 2023 First Alert LTI#11 Crushed Finger( 13/06/2023) |
92772 | 2023 First Alert LTI#12 Fractured Finger( 22/06/2023) |
92773 | 2023 First alert LTI#13 assistant Driller Hand & finger ( 05/07/2023) |
92775 | 2023 First alert LTI#14 GRE Technician Slip, Trip & Fall ( 11/07/2023) |
92776 | 2023 First Alert LTI#15 Chemical Burn( 14/08/2023) |
92777 | 2023 First Alert LTI#16 Mechanic suffered finger injury( 24/08/2023) |
92779 | Mr. Musleh Learning from Incidents (2023 Q2)( 30/08/2023) |
92784 | 2023 First Alert LTI#17 Hand and Finger ( 27/09/2023) |
92786 | 2023 First alert LTI#18 Roustabout finger injury ( 09/10/2023) |
92787 | 2023 First Alert LTI#19 Hand fracture released energy Qarn alalm ( 01/11/2023) |
92789 | 2023 First Alert LTI#20- Floorman back & hip injuries( 06/11/2023) |
92790 | 2022 2nd Alert LTI09 While lifting the pump manually, it slipped and crushed plumber's finger..( 08/11/2023) |
92791 | 2022 2nd Alert LTI10 pipe rolled off from the supporting frame and hit the Grinder right shinbone causing a fracture.( 08/11/2023) |
92792 | 2022 2nd Alert LTI11carpenter lost balance and fell into the foundation pit, his body hit a shuttering rebar resulted in injury( 08/11/2023) |
92793 | 2022 2nd Alert LTI12 &13 Explosion of lithium battery pack inside the MWD probe( 08/11/2023) |
92794 | 2022 2nd Alert LTI#14 Catering staff was descending from the freezer truck, he lost balance, slipped and fell on ground landing on hand and causing fracture.( 08/11/2023) |
92795 | 2022 2nd Alert LTI15 rigger was unbolting the stiffened bolt to release the pipe flange, the pipe hit his leg causing fracture.( 08/11/2023) |
92796 | 2022 2nd Alert LTI#16 Technician hand got trapped between hydraulic torquing tool and the flange bolt causing fracture finger.( 14/11/2023) |
92797 | 2022 2nd Alert LTI#22 Electrician suffered burn injury from electrical flashover( 14/11/2023) |
92798 | 2022 2nd Alert FAT#1 crew bus collided with water tanker resulted in one fatal injury and 2 LTIs- fracture arm and leg dislocation. ( 14/11/2023) |
92799 | 2022 2nd Alert MVI 3rd Party Fatality( 14/11/2023) |
92800 | 2022 2nd Alert FAT#2&3 Ejection of tubing hanger with its running tool resulted in 2 fatalities. ( 14/11/2023) |
92801 | 2023 First Alert LTI#21 Mechanical Supervisor hand & finger ( 26/11/2023) |
92802 | 2023 First Alert LTI#22 Supervisor Hand Injury during Pump Maintenance( 24/12/2023) |
92807 | 2024 First Alert LTI#01 Mason Arm Injury ( 09/01/2024) |
92812 | 2024 First Alert LTI#02&3 Pickup and Crane MVI Collision( 23/01/2024) |
92813 | 2024 Firs Alert LTI#4 Fractured forearm while cleaning OBM cutting unit.( 30/01/2024) |
92814 | 2024 Firs Alert LTI#5 Electrician suffered multiple fractured fingers druing function test of power catwalk.( 01/02/2024) |
92815 | 2022 2nd Alert HiPo#03 Wheel loader hit 33kv OHL stay wire.( 14/02/2024) |
92816 | 2022 2nd Alert HiPo#03 Wheel loader hit 33kv OHL stay wire.( 14/02/2024) |
92817 | 2022 2nd Alert HiPo#29 Man lost canter stuck in the sand.( 14/02/2024) |
92818 | 2022 2nd Alert Hipo#12 Tipper hitted by Land cruiser from back at Junction.( 14/02/2024) |
92819 | 2022 2nd Alert Hipo#15 Driver lost control over vehicle and tilted over outside the road.( 14/02/2024) |
92820 | 2022 2nd Alert Hipo#22 During loading the drilling spool on lowbed trailer, the vehicle struck by the drilling spool and dropped on ground.( 14/02/2024) |
92821 | 2022 2nd Alert Hipo#23 Excavation of hard soil near by the HV cable, accidently hit on the live cable and got damage.( 14/02/2024) |
92822 | 2022 2nd Alert Hipo#32 Mast fell down from 88 degree and stopped at 40 degree causing crack of hoist mast.( 14/02/2024) |
92823 | 2022 2nd Alert Hipo#39 Pickup collided with the rear of a cement mixer truck.( 14/02/2024) |
92824 | 2022 2nd Alert Hipo#42 Fall Arrestor Structure Frame Pin Drop.( 14/02/2024) |
92825 | 2022 2nd Alert Hipo#43 Water tanker got disconnected from prime mover and rollover.( 14/02/2024) |
92826 | 2022 2nd Alert Hipo#05 Uncontrolled descend of travelling block.( 15/02/2024) |
92827 | 2022 2nd Alert Hipo#08 Drill pipe slid out from pipe cat basket opening and dropped( 15/02/2024) |
92828 | 2022 2nd Alert Hipo#13 Derrickman slipped and fell into cellar pit( 15/02/2024) |
92829 | 2022 2nd Alert Hipo#14 Dropped MDW tool( 15/02/2024) |
92830 | 2022 2nd Alert Hipo#19 Chiksan loop got entangled on TDS monorail causing to snap and dropped .( 15/02/2024) |
92831 | 2022 2nd Alert Hipo#25 Tanker carrying OBM rolled over.( 15/02/2024) |
92832 | 2022 2nd Alert Hipo#52 Pig material stuck inside the flowline and while checking the stuck up pig suddenly released.( 15/02/2024) |
92833 | 2022 2nd Alert Hipo#37 Crane lost balance and toppled over ( 15/02/2024) |
92834 | 2022 2nd Alert Hipo#34 SOS CT Ejected out of injector head( 15/02/2024) |
92835 | 2022 2nd Alert Hipo#33 CT reel parted downhole and came out from IH( 15/02/2024) |
92836 | 2022 2nd Alert Hipo#31 Insert Bushing released with stored energy( 15/02/2024) |
92837 | 2022 2nd Alert Hipo#26 Traveling block dropped while rig move( 15/02/2024) |
92838 | 2022 2nd Alert Hipo#25A Acid Tanker rolled over with 10m3 of acid ( 15/02/2024) |
92839 | 2022 2nd Alert Hipo#21 Driver lost control over vehicle and hit the streetlight( 15/02/2024) |
92840 | 2022 2nd Alert Hipo#20 PAC pipe slipped out of elevator and dropped( 15/02/2024) |
92841 | 2023 2nd Alert Hipo#12 Acoustic panel dropped from 12.5m to the ground in MAF.( 19/02/2024) |
92842 | 2023 2nd Alert Hipo#01 Driver lost control over vehicle and rolled over.( 19/02/2024) |
92843 | 2023 2nd Alert Hipo#04 The shade frame of Accumulator unit got unbolted and dropped to the side of the road.( 19/02/2024) |
92844 | 2023 2nd Alert Hipo#16 vacuum tanker collided with tipper. ( 19/02/2024) |
92845 | 2023 2nd Alert Hipo#10 Truck collided with 3rd Party bus.( 19/02/2024) |
92846 | 2023 2nd Alert Hipo#18 5th wheel failure and tanker detached.( 19/02/2024) |
92847 | 2023 2nd Alert Hipo#14 Crane fell over during the process of transferring a submersible pump from cutting pit to water pit. ( 20/02/2024) |
92848 | 2023 2nd Alert Hipo#19 While raising the Mast, the Mast began to topple over and fell to the ground.( 20/02/2024) |
92849 | 2023 2nd Alert Hipo#20 Truck roll-over while moving load skid from Barik to Saih Rawl.( 20/02/2024) |
92850 | 2023 2nd Alert Hipo#34 Crane tipped over.( 21/02/2024) |
92851 | 2023 2nd Alert Hipo#47 ESP sheave drop due to failure in utility hydraulic Winch.( 21/02/2024) |
92852 | 2023 2nd Alert Hipo#13 BOP twisted while it was suspended on the crane.( 21/02/2024) |
92853 | 2023 2nd Alert Hipo#03 Fire extinguisher Horn was unsecured while pressure release.( 21/02/2024) |
92854 | 2023 2nd Alert Hipo#41 Bus caught fire.( 21/02/2024) |
92855 | 2023 2nd Alert Hipo#32 Vehicle collecting waste/hooked loader rolled over( 22/02/2024) |
92856 | 2023 2nd Alert Hipo#06 The BOP disconnect of 2”3/8 NU coupling from TBG and fall down.( 22/02/2024) |
92857 | 2023 2nd Alert Hipo#11 Convoy load hit the flowline during rig-32 move .( 26/02/2024) |
92858 | 2023 2nd Alert Hipo#08 While a TO forklift was reversing and came into contact with three chemical drums.( 26/02/2024) |
92859 | 2023 2nd Alert Hipo#28 Beam Pump unit collapsed.( 26/02/2024) |
92860 | 2023 2nd Alert Vehicle fire incident.( 26/02/2024) |
92861 | Q3 Deep dive outcome on Hands & Fingers( 26/02/2024) |
92862 | 2023 2nd Alert Hipo#15 Dropped the landing joint.( 27/02/2024) |
92863 | Safety Stand Down April 2024( 01/04/2024) |
92864 | 2024 First Alert Awareness alert LTI#06 Fatality#01 Prime Mover Help fatal Injury ( 18/04/2024) |
92865 | 2024 2nd alert LTI#02&03 head on collision( 29/04/2024) |
92866 | 2024 First Alert LTI#07 Finger cut while cleaning fish( 12/05/2024) |
92867 | 2024 2nd alert LTI#01 Civil helper fall Injured Arm ( 13/05/2024) |
92868 | 2024 First Alert LTI#08 Left leg fractured MVI( 15/05/2024) |
92869 | 2024 Second Alert Awareness alert LTI#06 Fatality#01 Prime Mover Help fatal Injury ( 20/05/2024) |
92873 | Line of Fire Part1( 16/07/2024) |
92874 | Line of Fire Part 2( 18/07/2024) |
92875 | Line of Fire Part 3( 18/07/2024) |
92876 | IHTIMAM Safety Behaviours( 18/07/2024) |
92877 | LTI#09 - HAL Service - Fractured Hand- 05.07.2024 -Qurn Alam( 24/07/2024) |
92878 | LTI#10 - HAL Service - Fractured Hand- 18.07.2024 -Lekhwair( 25/07/2024) |
92879 | 2024 LTI#11 Fingers crush injury 10th August Lekwair( 14/08/2024) |
92880 | 2024 LTI#12 Helper jaw injury11th August Qarm Alam.( 19/08/2024) |
92881 | 2024 LTI#13 Driver suffered back injury 13th August FAHUD.( 25/08/2024) |
92882 | 2024 Action Alert- Fatality (Non PDO) inner tyre tybe burst 13th August Fahud.( 26/08/2024) |
92883 | 2024 LTI#14 Technician fell injury his wrist 2nd September Marmul( 11/09/2024) |
92884 | 2024 LTI#15 Roustabout fell from frac tank and suffered injury( 08/10/2024) |
92885 | 2024 LTI#16 MVI vehicle caught fire, Driver exits the vehicle with injuries and diagnosed with fracture left rib.( 09/10/2024) |
92886 | 2024 LTI#17 Driver suffered ankle fractured while escaping falling ramp during the unloading process( 10/10/2024) |
92887 | 2024 LTI#18 Driver suffered fractured foot when tipper tire hit him during inspection process( 10/10/2024) |
92888 | 2024 LTI#19 Carpenter suffered fingers injuries while using cordless drill machine( 13/10/2024) |
92889 | 2024 Awareness Alert LTI#20 Fatality #02 Driver MVI ( 06/11/2024) |
92890 | 2024 First Alert LTI#23 HV Cable Pulling - Leg Injury( 07/11/2024) |
92891 | 2024 First Alert LTI#21 Floorman Hand & Finger( 07/11/2024) |
92892 | 2024 First Alert LTI#22 Rigger Shoulder Injury Manual Handling( 10/11/2024) |
92893 | 2024 Second Alert 3rd Part Fatality MVI ( 12/11/2024) |
92895 | 2024 Second Alert HiPo#05 MWD Engineer Fire & Explosion ( 19/11/2024) |
92896 | 2024 Second Alert HiPo#04 HV Driver MVI ( 19/11/2024) |
92897 | 2024 Second Alert LTI#08 Driver MVI ( 19/11/2024) |
92898 | 2024 First Alert LTI#24 Manual Handling - Wrist Injury( 26/11/2024) |
92899 | 2024 First Alert LTI#25 Driver Low Back Injury ( 11/12/2024) |
92900 | 2024 First Alert LTI#26 Floorman fractured foot( 30/12/2024) |
92901 | 2024 First Alert LTI#27 Welder fingers partial amputation while working on fork of forklift( 01/01/2025) |
92902 | 2025 First Alert LTI#01 Driver suffered back injury ( 27/01/2025) |
92904 | 2025 First Alert LTI#02 Diver Foot Injury during Marine Maintenance( 06/02/2025) |
92905 | Air emission (Introduction) video( 09/03/2025) |
92906 | 2025 First Alert LTI#03 Crane Operator fell from crane boom and suffered injuries( 09/03/2025) |
92907 | 2024 Second Alert LTI#05 Finger Injury ( 17/03/2025) |
92908 | 2024 LTI#11Finger Injury LOF( 17/03/2025) |
92909 | 2024 LTI#17 Leg Injury LOF ( 17/03/2025) |
92910 | 2024 LTI#19 Released energy Finger injury LOF ( 17/03/2025) |
92911 | 2024LTI#21 Pinch Point Finger Injury ( 17/03/2025) |
92912 | 2024 Second Alert LTI#18 Trap Between ( 17/03/2025) |
92913 | 2024 second Alert LTI#23 Released energy ( 17/03/2025) |
92914 | External learning Shell Mabrouk Incident ( 20/03/2025) |