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2024 LTI#13 Driver suffered back injury 13th August FAHUD.
On 13 August 2024 at 08:30, While enroute from Qarn Alam to Fahud driving a truck with trailer, the driver came off the blacktop onto on to the side of the road, where his vehicle entered rough ground, he was able to control the vehicle and bring it to a stop however, immediately felt pain in his back. He was initially taken to Fahud PDO clinic before being transferred to Nizwa hospital, where x-ray revealed simple fracture on his back.
Do you carry out pre truck inspection? Do you ensure drivers wear their seatbelts correctly? Do you report all faults on vehicles at the end of your journey? Do you reduce speed as road condition gets bad? Do you report previous injuries and medical condition?
Driver mentioned 3rd party vehicles at speed on the road Vehicle is in ROP for inspection Vehicle speed was high as it changed surface

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Document Type:Safety