To focus on “THE BASICS ”
The 2015 Safety Day theme is follow-up on “THE BASICS” theme of last year where we focused on "Comply" the first pillar of PDO's 3 golden rules. This year we will focus on Intervene, the second pillar of the Golden Rules - the foundation of HSE rules in our Organization and operations. Safety is core value in PDO and is overarching priority in everything we do in our operations. Our safety performance relies on all of us understanding the basics, e.g. rules, procedures, standards etc and carrying out our day to day activities in a safe manner.
The theme also reflects that we are taking time out for safety by looking at the Basics in our respective operations. We encourage you and your team to think about how we all can take time to understand the Basics and comply with them and Intervene when we see non-compliance or unsafe act or condition. Let us all show that we care for each other's safety and well being at all times.
Raoul’s Quotes
“This year we are going to put the emphasis on Intervention.. because we care, I intervene; you intervene because we care" "I know it's not easy, it takes courage. Sometimes you receive push-back, and some colleagues may even say "It is none of your business" but it is, it's your right, your responsibility to intervene because we should all care."
“This year we are going to put the emphasis on Intervention.. because we care, I intervene; you intervene because we care"
"I know it's not easy, it takes courage. Sometimes you receive push-back, and some colleagues may even say "It is none of your business" but it is, it's your right, your responsibility to intervene because we should all care."
Key Roles
To focus on “The Basics” - Intervene and share examples.
At the end of the session every individual should:
Confirm attending Safety Day engagement session online here
Team Commitments
Add your team's Safety Day Commitments here
- Download the Leader’s Guide in English , Arabic
Videos :
* MD's Message here
* I Choose to look the other way here
* A Real story of intervention happened in Yibal on Feb 2015 Click here
These videos are designed to act as an introduction/primer to your team discussion on Safety Day 2015. (To download the Videos, right click and select "Save Target as.." ) Click here
[Note: The videos may take a long time to download; Please contact MSE51 for DVD copy]
Gallery Click here
Click here to see the Safety Day Celebrations in PDO and contracting communities.
Please send your photographs and a short story on Safety Day engagement session in your team to Nasra Maamery MSE51 for sharing on the website.
Directorate Safety Day Plans
Click here to View
For further information please contact: Balushi, Munira (EAX14) , +968 24673447 Or Nasra Maamery (MSE51) , +968 24678494
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