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2024 Second Alert LTI#08 Driver MVI
On 05.05.2024 at approximately 11:10hrs, while a Mechanical crew consisting of a driver and four passengers were travelling from Al Huwaisah worksite towards Yibal Camp in a canter vehicle, the canter collided with the rear right-side of a bucket truck which was approaching the T- junction to enter the main Yibal road. This resulted in an injury to the canter driver while the four passengers and the bucket truck driver were uninjured. An X-ray revealed that the canter driver’s left leg sustained a fracture.
Remember you are empowered to STOP work if unsafe Recognize the signs of fatigue while driving and take appropriate rests. Always comply with Defensive Driving Techniques Journey Managers, watch out for signs of fatigue with Drivers before dispatch.
Driver experienced microsleep while driving Driver continued to drive while experiencing micro sleep/fatigue symptoms Driver approached the T-Junction at a high speed (89km/h).

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety