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2024 Second Alert HiPo#04 HV Driver MVI
Heavy vehicle HV (Fuso 10 Ton) was performing planned trip from Nizwa to field location. At 2.49 PM while driving with 54 km/hr on single lane blacktop road, HV veered into opposite and involved in right side sideswipe collision with 3rd party vehicle (3 occupant) that was moving on the opposite lane. All people involved in the accident exited the vehicles safely.
Be a safe driver with support from innovative technology, Driver Fatigue Management System DFMS. Comply with DFMS alerting you of potential risk situations, respect the intervention, stop safely and take rest. Ensure FIP plan is implemented and Apply FIP by immediate intervention. Increase awareness among the drivers, on DO’s & DON”Ts regarding DFMS. Always disclose any health conditions that may affect your & other’s safety.
Restricted ability to maintain driving direction, due impaired awareness to react caused by microsleep stage. Driver disregarded DFMS in-cab notification and continue driving while fatigued. Driver may suffer from sleep disorder that can’t be accurately identified during Epworth screening check. Fatigue Intervention Plan FIP by immediate intervention not established, as IVMS integration not completed.

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety