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2023 First Alert LTI#16 Mechanic suffered finger injury
At 15:50 pm on the 22nd of July 2023, the workshop crew were fixing a 300kg chisel inside the chisel housing of the breaker. During positioning the chisel using a forklift, the mechanic attempted to align the chisel with the housing, but due to the inclined position, the chisel slipped and trapped two fingers of his left hand between the chisel and the ground resulting in amputation of the fingertips on the middle and ring fingers.
-Do you ensure TBT engagement is effectively done prior the task? -How do you ensure all crew members are aware of all the pinch points related hazards? -Do you always ensure that all activities are planned well before starting the task? -Do you ensure to use appropriate tools and equipment for the task? -Do you ensure you comply with PDO lifting specifications? -Always use handsfree option, where there is risk of pinch points
-The chisel was being lifted by the forklift using a sling belt, which does not comply with PDO lifting specification. -Mechanic was using his hands to align the chisel into the chisel housing while wearing cotton hand gloves. -The workshop foreman was operating the forklift in place of the forklift operator who was unavailable. -The event was not reported.

Category:Incident First AlertDocument Type:Safety