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2021 2nd Alert HiPo27A empty water Jack Knifed on a graded road
A water tanker returning to base with an empty tanker was involved in a high potential incident. While travelling, the prime mover suffered a sudden application of the braking system resulting in the emergency brake system locking on, bringing the vehicle to a stop in the jack knife position. It was found that an air hose in the parking brake system was disconnected resulting in the locking up of prime mover wheels. The disconnected air hose was previously repaired using larger diameter hose and superglue following damage.
Driver Always ensure you check the vehicle thoroughly before starting the trip and during the trip. Always ensure you are alert and follow defensive driving techniques while driving. Always ensure you report all defects. Workshop Staff Always ensure you are competent and fully trained to do the job you are assigned Always ensure you complete a job according to the OEM recommendations / specifications Always ensure you use genuine spare parts Always ensure you do not take short cuts or follow substandard repair practices Always ensure you stop/refuse to do any activity you see unsafe even if it is a common practice. Always ensure you report anything unsafe to your management.

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety