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2021 2nd Alert LTI03 Floormanfinger got pinched between elevator handle and power tong cylinder
RIH with 3 ½” completion tubing was in progress. The Floorman approached the string to unlatch the elevator. He grabbed the left handle of the elevator with his left hand and opened it with his right hand. Once the elevator doors were opened the Floorman pinched his left middle finger in between the elevator handle and the power tong cylinder which had been rigged up on the rig floor for RIH.
Always know the control and mitigation measures for the risks identified Always intervene and stop unsafe work practices Always execute checks on controls in place while running longer lasting tasks Always wear adequate hand protection Always stop and ask questions if controls are not clear Never proceed with a task if risks and control measures have not been defined Always use hands off tools to avoid pinch injuries

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety