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2021 2nd Alert NAD04 Operator found unconscious on the floor
On 9th March 2021 a senior operator working for SMS 15 reported to worksite for his routine activities at SR 516.While rigging down pipework. approximately at 11:30 hrs., two co-workers noticed the deceased was lying down at the Sand Catcher trailer unconscious, head facing down . The operators called for help from nearby (10 meters) CTU crew. A first aider from CTU crew approached the deceased and applied basic first aid and CPR with no success. The Deceased was evacuated to the IFS 8 clinic and medic proceed with medical emergency protocol including cardio monitoring CPR and AED) .The deceased is transferred by (IFS 11 ambulance) to SR PAC Tawoos clinic(13KM) where the deceased was thoroughly assessed.After around 40 minutes of continued CPR, at 12:50pm the deceased confirmed dead due to sudden cardiopulmonary arrest
Always conduct fitness to work as per schedule. Always consult your doctor for health keeping practices . Conduct periodic medical emergency drills . Ensure that field staff are well trained for initiating emergency number, and First aid including cardiac arrest. Ensure calling 5555 in case of emergencies Conduct periodic health checks and maintain your body fit

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety