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2020 2nd alert HiPo#44 PTW violation road crossing over the buried Main Oil Line
On 12th of June 2020 Approximately 10:30 hrs at Fahud - North East MLPS while PDO pipeline engineers were conducting a routine site visit, they noticed a newly installed 6’’ flow line crossing over Fahud–Nahda main oil line and right of way (ROW). PDO Fahud team got the information that one of the contractor has constructed the new 6’’ flow line without NOC (No objection Certificate) from UIPT45.
Always ensure that your surveying details are accurate Always conduct a site visit prior to apply for a new permit. Always ensure that all pipelines crossings need to be discussed with PDO pipe line engineer. Always ensure that a line walk to be done with construction team. Always ensure you are approaching the client for any doubts in the sign boards or directions. Always ensure that your drawings are accurate before getting the approvals.

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety