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2019 Second Alert HVL#03 Fire on HGV
On the 10th September 2019 at 12:39hrs a Heavy Goods Vehicle on route to Yibal, suffered a fire to the trailer passenger side rear axle. On noticing the smoke the driver immediately stopped the vehicle, exited the cab and on seeing flames returned to the cab to switch off the ignition. The driver then attempted to extinguish the fire using 2 of his own fire extinguishers and 4 other fire extinguishers from other vehicles which were travelling behind him.
Do you ensure your vehicle undergoes regular maintenance and servicing as per manufacturers recommendations? Do you ensure your vehicle is serviced and maintained at a reputable workshop? Do you ensure you have the correct in date serviceable fire extinguishers? Do you ensure you report all defects? Do you ensure you follow the Safe Journey Management Procedure? Ensure you call the correct Emergency Number in case of any incident

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Safety