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2018 Second Alert - SA036_HiPo36
A heavy vehicle attempted to overtake a water tanker and in doing so crossed into the hatched area of the road, at the same time the water tanker attempted to cross the road also entering the hatched area to take an incorrect turn into a fuel station. At this point the heavy vehicle trailer struck the driver side area of the water tanker prime mover. This resulted in damage to the water tanker prime mover and luckily only minor injuries to the water tanker drivers hand.
Always follow your defensive driving training Always ensure it is safe and legal before overtaking other vehicles Always use your indicators (turn signal) before making maneuvers such as overtaking, turning at junctions and roundabouts, stopping at the side of the road and entering / exiting roads Always ensure you follow your safe journey management plan Ensure you report all incidents to your line manager Always ensure you drive according to the road conditions

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Safety