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2017 Second Alert - LTI#15
Operation was general rig up in new location. 6” cutting shoot pipe (12m long) was resting on forklift to be connected with cuttings box (60 cm height from ground) where roustabout started hand tightening hammer union connection. While doing so, roustabout encountered difficulties to connect the line and started to push the pipe by his thigh causing the pipe to swing in horizontal direction towards the cutting box (sharp edge) that was 35 cm away from the connection point. The movement of the pipe crushed the roustabout’s right hand index finger between hammer union and cuttings box. Incident resulted in right index finger tip pulp amputation with bone exposed
Always ensure you keep your hands away from line of fire. Seek support from supervisor if you are in doubt. Ensure adequate communication between workforces

Category:LTI PacksDocument Type:Safety